dry nose in cats Bengal breed

dry nose in the cat

Dry nose pedigree Bengal cats feature or a serious problem that unscrupulous breeders ignore?  

In the mid-1990s the breed Bengal cat started its triumphal procession through the countries and cities of the world, its beauty and zavoevyvayaP unusual appearance oblikomP more fans. After some time, breeders and veterinary professionals have noticed that more and more owners of Bengal cats to file complaints to an unusual disease, which manifests itself in some Bengali koshekP aged between four months and godom.Pervye appearances come in the form of small scabs in nostrils, cats,


further nose becomes increasingly dry, and was soon completely covered with thick crusts, fissures, and even ulcers. Do not even notice it at the initial glance at the cat can not.


PEto disease was named "dry nose syndrome." In America, which is home to breed, "Bengal cat" Pmnogie zavodchikiP say, P that a few more dry nose is a normal feature of the breed.


Some deny the existence of such a problem, and believe that the "dry nose meshaetP breeding." In Russia, there is also a nursery, and manufacturers who use syndrome "Dry nose." It is noticed that this tendency is transmitted to posterity.


This problem is highlighted on the page of Veterinary Medicine, University of PKaliforniyskogo, PPposvyaschennoy PKozhnym disease characteristic of certain breeds of cats.


«dry nose syndrome" Here were called P «Ulcerative Planum Nasale of the Bengal Cat» (canker nasal ploskostiP in Bengal Pkoshek).


canker nasal plane Bengal cat is a rare and distinctive skin disease characterized by obrazovaniemPPtreschin, crusts, and the nasal cavity izyazvleniyPna P, PN vstrechaetsyaPPisklyuchitelno Pbengalskoy Pporody cats. The defect leads to a rapid destruction Ptkaney P, epidermisaP nasal plane with decreasing thickness of the stratum corneum. There are good reasons to suspect a hereditary predisposition Prasstroystva, so all Pkak Ppostradavshimi Pkoshkami Pbyli Bengali koshki.P disease was observed in Sweden, Italy, UK and USA (2 cases in Northern California). P

 Clinical signs: PpoyavlenieP crusts, erosions and ulcers. PZuda boliP and the affected area were observed. Mogut Pvozniknikat Pkrovotecheniya.  Progression: the disease is manifested Ppostepennoe Bengal kittens PN Pili young Bengali Pkoshek.Poyavlenie of symptoms: age of onset was 4 months to 1 year of age. The differential diagnosis of the disease clearly distinctive.  PLechenie: Applying of prednisolone treatment P, the affected area Psalitsilovoy acid palliative in some cats. Topical tacrolimus (Protopic ^) was very effective in a small number Pzabolevshih cats. PorazheniyaP in Pnekotoryh cat may disappear on their own, without any treatment and intervention.  

Peter J. Ihrke, VMD, DACVD


School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis


Davis, CA, USA

Reaction lesions naP immunomodulators suggests an immune pathogenesis.


Aphorisms, funny quotes, and censorship of expression (Pearl thoughts - 1)

Dictum sapienti sat est. Enough said for clever.  Some of the great sayings in this section was written by the Krasnoyarsk writer Vladimir Semenov. In his work you can look at his personal website  "No compromise".  Aphorisms are of two types - immaculate beautifully presented or platitudes controversy.  There are moments when everything fails. Do not be alarmed - this will pass.

sayings about cats

 The word "victory" I hear the triumphant sound of fools.  To prepare the stew of rabbit, we must at least have a cat.  Every nation has a history, for what he lacks imagination.  Parents prepare us for life in a world that does not exist.  A handful of facts to spoil the very good time to gossip.  The most difficult war that I drove was a war with my wife, Olivia. A Macedonian  Happiness - it's when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.  Money - is that occasionally pass through our hands on the way to the state treasury.  Savings - the art of spending money without getting any pleasure from it.  Biological age men from the fact that it shrinks from him at the word "children".  Just have to choose carefully enemies.  It is convenient to be stupid - excite such simple things.  What is the principle? Remain convinced of mushroom poisoning after the eighth pale toadstool.  Give me a fulcrum, and I'm toast.  Scrabble - a man who will always find a synonym, if you do not know how to spell the word.  It is not easy to put children on their feet. Especially early in the morning.

sayings about cats

 Belief in justice is reduced with each paycheck.  The government's solution to the problem is always worse than the problem itself.  All that is written in the newspapers - the absolute truth. Except for those rare events that you've ever seen in person.  Pornography - it's the harsh reality of ladies' novels ...  With the characters difficult to peel the potatoes.  If the neighbor wronged you - forgive him. Can not you - kill him.  Vulgarity - the wit of fools.  Three reliably keep a secret if two of them in the grave.  Paradoxically, it often does not include the freedom of choice freedom of choice to refuse.  If the result does not depend on circuit solutions - it's math, but if you depend on - it's bookkeeping.  Nothing so improves the taste of home meals, as the study of the menu in a restaurant.  Nostalgia - a desire to return something that we never had before.  I do not avoid. I'll dispense.  The most important thing in our life happens in our absence.  Do you want to avoid criticism - do nothing, say nothing and be a nobody.  Axe is so dangerous, that it should be sold by prescription.  Harem - it serpentarium of loving wives.  A man needs two years to learn to speak and 50 years to remain silent.  Medicine - is the highest art to draw conclusions about the symptoms of the disease on the basis of causes of death.  You can beat the best player, having a bad card and a revolver.  When there is nothing to lose, you risk everything.  He is a bad boss who does not want to become a slave-owner.  No more careful driver than the one who forgot to house the documents.  The answer to the question, what is more important - money or health, depends on what you lost.  Nothing in life is not as inspiring as the fact that you shot and missed.  Do not interfere in their affairs, when asked their deputies.  You have not drunk for real, if you can lie down without holding the floor.  Marriage is set in order to jointly cope with the difficulties which would never have happened without marriage.  You have to be really a great man to stand against even common sense.  Cemeteries are full of indispensable men.  The woman on the ship - to the delight before a disaster.  To drink to the disgrace, just a glass - or whether the thirteenth, fourteenth either.  People are divided into those who make their fame and those who make their obscurity. The latter earn significantly more.  Tradition - a set of solutions to problems that no one can remember.  Romance - these are people who love happens more often than sex.  If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.  Everyday dramas are no rehearsals.  Drink no official part loses its educational value.  Who is sharp enough mind to laugh it off in time, he is often forced to either lie or indulge in a boring argument.  N. Shamfor

British breed standards

Purebred kitten. What does it mean for you? Most of all - it's an outlet in our frantically racing life, island beauty, tenderness, joy at the end of hectic day, or a bosom buddy for your child who is alone in the house when you are busy. But it also happens that, watching every day for this beast, you start to think about and interested in - what an interesting, varied and somewhat mysterious creature - and then carry away the cat you into their world and become your hobby. And you will not pity, but it is interesting to spend their leisure time, their money, because it brightens up your life and makes it more interesting. Then you take your pet to the documents and go with him to show that "and show yourself, and others to see," to evaluate it from the experts, participate in the beautiful «show», communicate with the same enthusiastic people.

 For the first time cat show was held in the British capital - London. The initiator of the exhibition, which was based on an established tradition, was the Harrison Wire, founder of the feline who gained fame for developing standards for various breeds, up to this point did not exist. The venue of the exhibition was the London Crystal Palace Palace, and the time - June 13, 1871. Wyre identified cats of various breeds in different categories, it will take into account the most important parameters such as length of hair, the color and physique. Principles of judging based on a system of «Standards of Points», which included a variety of information about cats: they breed, and the total points awarded for a certain type, hair color and other characteristics.

 Of all the venues in London Crystal Palace was the most popular: his fame, he was often carried out by industrial exhibitions. Even a couple of days before the exhibition was given the announcement of its discovery. But despite this, the exhibition organizers took possession of doubts about how many visitors come to cats, as cats will react to such a situation, how the judging will take place. Maybe come dozens and even hundreds of people, and maybe all the organizers of the effort were in vain. The exhibition was attended by 170 cats participated in various categories and competitions, served about fifty prizes. In the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" resorted to a more incentive reception. They have published advice: "you finish reading a line, drop everything and run to the exhibition!". So the exhibition was a lot of both participants and spectators simply, it was even hard to squeeze some of the participants.

 In his book "Our Cats" Wire so put it: "their own" Cat Show "is very useful: after all, they can see most of the family cats of different breeds and colors. Then, his favorite, many owners will see not just a domestic cat, and a unique representative of a particular breed, which is in its beautiful and attractive. »

 1910 was the date of the club Governing Council Cat Fancy (GCCF), which included 16 clubs Great Britain, is the founder of breeding cats in the world. Gradually, cat shows have become popular in other regions: Europe and the U.S..

 Our own country has had a long wait for this event. It took place in Moscow, when it was the adjustment period. The exhibition, as expected, brought a stunning success - like occupancy rooms in the equestrian arena in Bitza this is still not there! To get to the exhibition of cats, people stood in queues for hours, sometimes even for 4-5 hours. The participants of the cats were not so many as in European countries. But the beginning of the domestic feline was laid.

 All pedigreed cats come in three classes: the show, breed and pet. Cat-class "Pat" - an animal that is due to certain circumstances is not suitable for breeding. This may be a departure from all traditional standards, tribal marriage, etc. These cats can be perfectly healthy, have a wonderful view, but not breed them the opportunity.

 The animal class "breed" as opposed to "Pat" can be used for future offspring, but often at exhibitions prizes as they do not.

 Animals class "show" - the most corresponds to the typical representation of a cat, the breed standard. This animal took first place in Best in Show.

 Most European systems are based on the same system titulirovaniya, and in addition, a set of titles in the classroom. In the Open class with the best cat data is given the title of "CAC", while other members take the appropriate characteristics of their location. The animal, which is honored to be recognized as best in class and assigned the title of "CAC" 3 times, receive a certificate, which gives her the right to go to a more upper class (eg, Champion class, etc.) to be able to win and others are more honorific titles, prerequisite acts participated in exhibitions in other regions (countries) where the animal is compared.

 The main competition, which are eager to participate, most of the exhibitors, is the Best in Show, which is a selection of the best representatives of the cat family in different species. Winners are determined by BIS to vote all the experts.

 In American shows most honorable competition is "final." In its holding together all the experts, without exception, each of them spends it separately. During the competition is the detection of the top 10 animals, and the top 10 kittens. During the competition after determining the arrangements of all the "ten" each judge reads out all the representatives who have fallen under its choice, with a little story about each one. Under the rules, the announcement of this contest begins with the participant, who took last place.

 But then how judges determine the winners and losers? The exhibition in the first place - is a comparison of different breeds. Each participant is a certain breed of comparison with the standard defined for this breed, as well as to other bidders. Oppose the exhibitor with the standard, like it compared to the ideal that everyone wants to be, namely, have similar features. But the standard includes the scores for different parameters: how essential this feature is for certain breeds, and the rock-forming characteristics are usually assigned the highest scores. The final score of all the points, determines the place of its results, she won.

 The breed standard - a description of the cat to the smallest detail, including features such as bones, head shape, type, eyes - and supplied form, texture, six, etc.

 Currently, there are many associations of pedigreed cats, acting, both within one country and all countries of the world combined.

 Governing Council Cat Fancy (GCCF) - Britain's largest organization specializing in the study cats. Despite the fact that Russia has its offices there from the UK into our country has come a significant number of British breed of cats.

 The most well known and respected organization in Europe is The Federation International Feline (FIFe). She is one of the first became known in our country.

 In addition to the above mentioned organizations in Russia are representative associations such as the World Cat Federation (WCF) and the International Feline Association (IPA), comprising a network of clubs and national federations.

 The largest organization of the United States, which has an impact on most other national organizations, and which includes in addition to the U.S. Canadian, European and Japanese clubs, acts The Cat Fancier's Assotiation (CFA), in existence since 1899 with its head office located in New York. [ / bbp]  A smaller, but equally powerful is the American Organization of The International Cat Assotiation (TICA).

 In addition to the above-mentioned organizations, there are others who play an important role in solving the most important issues: the Cat Fanciers Federation (Cat Fanciers Federation - CFF), the Royal Cat Fanciers Federation (UCF), the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA).

 The principles of these organizations can be found via the Internet, where are their resources. They provided full information on their activities: rules, standards, exhibition schedule and a list of expert breeders.

 On our pages we present standards for British Shorthair breed. We hope that this information is useful to you in your future career will be your pet or just interesting.

Beautiful cats - our cats are the most beautiful! - Domestic cats

It is believed that Thai cats are most beautiful in the world, they are very clever and smart. These cats know how much they know. Thais are always involved in any affairs of his family. Cats love to watch people cook, can help clean up the house or wash the dishes, checking the temperature of the water leg.

beautiful cats

They can also keen to play with a favorite toy. Thai seals work great legs, almost like little monkeys. Very funny cats look that can put food in his paw.


Ivory Thai breed is easy to learn open door handles, even if the problem is not too simple. They do not suffer from fear of closed spaces, which is why they can easily be left alone. But the most beautiful cats in no way be certain to lock in a separate room. The animal starts to yell at the house, demanding to be opened.


Thais very loyal and are looking forward to returning home owner. When the master comes home the most beautiful cats greet him with joyful shouts and purrs.

beautiful cats

If a person falls ill, the cat is not for a moment and leave it to treat his kindness.


Thais want to be involved in everything in the house. They are very easy to learn, be happy to run, just like a dog, a ball thrown to bring back it in his teeth. Thais are very well get along with children can play hide and seek with them and catch up. Do not worry, that the most beautiful cat hurt the kids, because they produce only the claws in an attack.


Thais may work fine clock, which runs on weekends. If the cat will hurt a child, he simply goes to another place. Not to be confused pedigreed cats with Thai people who have ancestors among street cats. Such animals and caused the tales of the bad character of the Siamese cats. The psyche of such unbalanced cats.


With other little animals Thai cats get along without a problem if the other cats, dogs or rabbits live with them from the children's age. But the Thais in the relationship usually does not yield a leadership position. Thai cats love to talk, and conversation can take place in a different tone.


When the content of these cats need to be aware of their curiosity. That's why all windows must be closed. Thai cats are easy enough to learn to walk on a leash or harness. The Thais are long lived, they often live from 20 to 28 years, and the average age of breed counts from 10 to 14 years.

The oldest cat

Clothing for cats, stylish clothing for the naked cats, clothes

clothes for cats

For example,

Why do cats wear?

First, with the leash and a collar of high fashion can go for a walk: design masterpiece, and will save from the cold. Second, some species, the Sphinx, for example, is vital extra protection wool. Third, there is among the cats (or among their mistresses?) Such ladies who can not do without the nice clothes, jewelry and luxury homes. At one time there were even released the spirits "O, my cat", but they are not in demand and production halted. Apparently, the poor animals that are sensitive to foreign odors, always trying to lick off the flavors of haute couture.

Why a cat marking on your knees when you hold her in my arms



Here are some interesting facts about our favorite felines. For example, why they like valerian, or love to mark on your abdomen.

why cats are marking time

Perhaps this will allow us to better understand our pets.


used information from the site www.po4emu.ru/