Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Why a cat marking on your knees when you hold her in my arms
Here are some interesting facts about our favorite felines. For example, why they like valerian, or love to mark on your abdomen.
Perhaps this will allow us to better understand our pets.used information from the site
Each cat owners are well familiar with the situation when the animal is carefully fine tuned motion jumps on my knees host sits down and, in turn pushing first one front paw, then another, starts to make rhythmic movements, as if massaging or stamping on the knees of the owner.
cat looks incredibly surprised and upset this treatment, the owner also feels uncomfortable when, removing adhering to his feet like a cat hairs on the clothing reveals some drops left by the animal.
These movements stimulate the movement of milk to the nipple, and the drops - the result of saliva in anticipation of the expected goodies. These, if I may say so, 'dairy practices' are manufactured in a very slow pace, one movement of about two seconds, and always accompanied by a loud purr.
The fact that an adult animal and massages kneaded in the same way lap of his master, can be treated as an element of immaturity in behavior. Obviously, at that moment, when a cat owner to sit relaxed in a chair to rest, the animal receives the information, it is interpreted as' I am - your mother and I am ready to admit you to his chest. " In this situation, the adult animal as it wakes up the behavioral program a little kitten, and sitting on your lap purring contentedly, and the owner, the cat performs movement to stimulate lactation.
And when he was like a mother cat, a peaceful state, takes the position that opens up access to my stomach, apparently inviting her to eat kitten milk and kitten, in turn, is willing to accept this invitation and acts in strict accordance with the situation suddenly, unexpectedly and completely unpredictable, irritable, and abruptly owner removes himself from his psevdokotenka, he really feels shocked and discouraged.
Many problems that arise when dealing with animals, and may not be at all, if we remember that the adult domestic cat saves for his master behavioral techniques specific to a kitten for his mother.
Cats have never been vegetarian, and plants do not contain any substances to which they might need. Cote just misses. Your debt - make sure that his life has become more intense. Let it be a hobby.
In addition, it would be nice to take care of other kinds of outdoor activities - buy your pet a special cat tree height to the ceiling with cozy cottages, upholstered in fabric. Cats happy to frolic and play hide and seek. If the idea of ��a garden you do not like, there are alternatives.
(Believe it or not - but a cat owner recently proudly announced that she bought his favorite pet, so he was not bored. You'll never guess who he bought it. Hamster. We expressed concern that the hamster is hardly a long stretch, but she assured us that the cat is very cautious, but the hamster is the same rancor. What can I say !).
Then the cat will enjoy their plants, and you and your husband - your roses.
For centuries black cats were considered companions of witches, a belief that the cat's eyes light up themselves, survived to the present day. However, a simple experiment proves the contrary.
A similar effect was observed when using the flash lamp. That's why the color photographs of people sometimes sinister eyes shine red light.
Contrary to popular belief, many cats prefer meat fish, but some do not eat anything, coma fish.
The reasons for this may be different. Some, apparently, never tried to develop its flavor more calves in tomato sauce, to which they once used to, but in many cases they are simply afraid of new things for them. It is a defense mechanism that is, so to speak, the first line of defense against all potentially dangerous experiments, and some cats developed more than others.
When the cats for the first time offer a new food, some just long sniff it before you eat. Other for the first time eat a little, on trial, but later, it is possible, this novelty can become their favorite food. The most sensitive nerves and may simply refuse outright any new food
However, the fear of the new - is not the only reason that a hungry cat refuses to eat, she might not like what she's offered!
Females are generally more capricious in food than other pets. They also are able, apparently, to bring your taste: if Murka several times to offer particularly good food, then it may refuse to ordinary food.
to valerian indifferent not only domestic cats, and wild. Leo once, just sniffing the tincture of valerian, became so excited that broke welded to the bars of his cage iron water bottle. A lion from this potion start jumping like crazy.
They get in the pharmacy stores, which are dried and stored roots of this plant, and chew and eat them there. If valerian is growing near their home, they dig up roots and eat them too.
Cats relate differently to valerian. As a rule, are very interested in her cats, cats in general, it is indifferent.
snorting valerian, cat's tail povilivayut that they usually do when they are worried.
However, they are attracted not only the smell of the roots of this plant. Tincture is also quite suitable, however, some important dose. Some cats that valerian is poured into the saucer and drink it with pleasure. Other - have shown clear signs of fear and loathing. But the drops on the floor licking pleasure, and then rub their cheeks on this site, neck, lying on it.
For cats valerian - drug. One cat that was five years old and is constantly given valerian, and became the appropriate look: thin, wool, she was disheveled.
When does the period of excitation, cats usually sleep soundly, sometimes three or four hours. Experiments have shown that using valerian cat can cause a sleep drug, and at very high doses - death.
Like humans, cats from a drug having fun. In addition, valerian they cause sexual arousal.
And the last. Because valerian relaxes spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, it is possible that some cats are experiencing abdominal pain "begging valerian, to use as a medicine.
Thus, the cat marks the objects in its territory. This allows it to subsequently identify them and feel comfortable in familiar surroundings.
They identify the secrets that the cat leaves on the doors, stair railings and furniture legs, where a third of their head, such as cancer are on the tail: they emit just the same secret that the cat does, raising the tail pipe and leading them on the chosen subject. Cancer can also be found around the anus and, probably, on paws.
Simultaneously, the man of whom rub cat, identified as part of its territory.
By doing this, she stares at you, studied your mood. She seemed to be offering you enter in a quiet friendly contact with her. This behavior allows it only to close her people.
But once again repeat that every cat always makes sure that the hand of man did not penetrate to the innermost parts of her body-
penalty associated with it a man or with an object, cause her suffering. After receiving a slap or a gross abuse, only cats are convinced that they should be afraid of your hands and your own, that for no reason, from their point of view, to cause them pain.
cat does not understand the word "impossible." All inhibitions she perceives as a violation of its right to determine their order on its territories and rights, to punish her - only as an enemy. Shouts and blows, you can only achieve what the cat will be afraid of you or, conversely, to show aggression towards you.
Then she will have nowhere to put a paw, or it is something to overthrow, having made an unexpected noise. Besides, you can arrange to places that you think should be available for cats, upside-down wooden traps, covered with a sheet of paper on top. When the cat jumps on the get up and one of them, a mousetrap snap, produces a characteristic sound, and bounce on the spot, without doing any harm to a cat and a frightened her.
can bind an inflated balloon at the spot where the cat is sharpening claws - he was suddenly bursting with the sharp sound will scare her. Unpleasant taste and olfactory sensations can be used for weaning cat chew wires, furniture, and the leaves of houseplants. Enough spray these items vinegar. There are also special repellent industrial facilities, "Antigadin", "Stop," "Antigryzin".
to communicate more with your pet, then he will behave better and are more willing to comply with the rules of etiquette.
Anyone who has a cat or play with it, not once felt her affection for himself. It is particularly interesting at the same time pleasant and tickles the cat begins to lick your hand your tongue. Felt with his roughness that extrinsic to man.
The reasons are simple rough language. It's also a protection cover on the possibility of injury from the language. Do not forget the cat - it's a predator, it catches the mouse and, thus eats them whole, so that there is a danger to prick the bone or something else.
But there is another reason for the rough language. Such a language is much more convenient "to wash" that every cat is constantly doing it because chistyulya.
And third, it is quite possible, although it is a comic hypothesis, the language has bumps to lick his mistress or master of these bumps and they have raised the question: "Why is the cat's rough tongue ?».
As the sun fade all colors. No wonder the old proverb says: "At night all cats are gray." In the starless midnight of melt and spread out the outlines of hands, you do not see a box of matches, a present to his eyes, Where then consider cats, sneaking in roadside bushes? But we see them as the palm.
Cats, like all predators, nocturnal, see well at night. In the darkness of their eyes widen markedly, reaching a diameter of 14 millimeters. In humans, the pupil diameter is less than eight millimeters. So, the cat takes a lot less light than a person to distinguish objects and other animals.
In addition, cats eye is arranged differently. In its depth, behind the retina, there is a special reflective layer - Tapetum lucidum. It casts light entering the cat's eyes. That is why the cat's eyes glow in the dark yellow or green. This allows for the visual cells located in the retina of her eye, get twice as much light.
In a summer day, when all bathed in bright light, the pupils constrict cats abruptly, turning to thin slits. After all, lots of light can damage the sensitive cells of the retina. So the cat's eyes are well protected from direct sunlight. That's why her relatives - a cheetah, caracal, manul - live and hunt in the wilderness.
The cat - the same two types of cells. That's only if the person has one flask are four sticks, then purring - twenty-five! That is why the cat is much worse than we see color. For example, red is not available to them at all. World Cat looks washed out and pale. Scientific wisdom says: "Happy all around the gray cat." Only a few colors - for example, blue - brighten its outlook.
In fact, why play cat colors? Its age-old production - a mouse or sparrow - are equally edible, no matter what colors she painted a feather or fur, and Nature. Yes and no choice of colors: gray and dominated by browns.
But for a man, like a mouse, color vision is often salutary. You can have red tomatoes, green edible. Golden grain ripe, green no.
Sign Language - Communication with the cat - cats like to understand the language, body language Portal about kittens! Siberian cat smoked in the directory forum. Purchase
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