Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
dry nose in cats Bengal breed
In the mid-1990s the breed Bengal cat started its triumphal procession through the countries and cities of the world, its beauty and zavoevyvayaP unusual appearance oblikomP more fans. After some time, breeders and veterinary professionals have noticed that more and more owners of Bengal cats to file complaints to an unusual disease, which manifests itself in some Bengali koshekP aged between four months and godom.Pervye appearances come in the form of small scabs in nostrils, cats,
further nose becomes increasingly dry, and was soon completely covered with thick crusts, fissures, and even ulcers. Do not even notice it at the initial glance at the cat can not.
PEto disease was named "dry nose syndrome." In America, which is home to breed, "Bengal cat" Pmnogie zavodchikiP say, P that a few more dry nose is a normal feature of the breed.
Some deny the existence of such a problem, and believe that the "dry nose meshaetP breeding." In Russia, there is also a nursery, and manufacturers who use syndrome "Dry nose." It is noticed that this tendency is transmitted to posterity.
This problem is highlighted on the page of Veterinary Medicine, University of PKaliforniyskogo, PPposvyaschennoy PKozhnym disease characteristic of certain breeds of cats.
«dry nose syndrome" Here were called P «Ulcerative Planum Nasale of the Bengal Cat» (canker nasal ploskostiP in Bengal Pkoshek).
canker nasal plane Bengal cat is a rare and distinctive skin disease characterized by obrazovaniemPPtreschin, crusts, and the nasal cavity izyazvleniyPna P, PN vstrechaetsyaPPisklyuchitelno Pbengalskoy Pporody cats. The defect leads to a rapid destruction Ptkaney P, epidermisaP nasal plane with decreasing thickness of the stratum corneum. There are good reasons to suspect a hereditary predisposition Prasstroystva, so all Pkak Ppostradavshimi Pkoshkami Pbyli Bengali koshki.P disease was observed in Sweden, Italy, UK and USA (2 cases in Northern California). P
Clinical signs: PpoyavlenieP crusts, erosions and ulcers. PZuda boliP and the affected area were observed. Mogut Pvozniknikat Pkrovotecheniya. Progression: the disease is manifested Ppostepennoe Bengal kittens PN Pili young Bengali Pkoshek.Poyavlenie of symptoms: age of onset was 4 months to 1 year of age. The differential diagnosis of the disease clearly distinctive. PLechenie: Applying of prednisolone treatment P, the affected area Psalitsilovoy acid palliative in some cats. Topical tacrolimus (Protopic ^) was very effective in a small number Pzabolevshih cats. PorazheniyaP in Pnekotoryh cat may disappear on their own, without any treatment and intervention.Peter J. Ihrke, VMD, DACVD
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis
Davis, CA, USA
Reaction lesions naP immunomodulators suggests an immune pathogenesis.
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