Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cat rare colors - tortoiseshell, chocolate, leopard
Due to the constant crossing and various experiments felinologist managed to bring a lot of cat colors, many of which look amazing and unusual.
However, genetics of cats colors even the most extraordinary colors will still make the standard for specific breeds: the standards must meet not only the color of the cats, but their color and lobes of the nose, paw pads and eye color, and only a strict adherence may be considered as evidence of the true cat accessories to a particular breed.In general, black cats finally established only a six-month life of a kitten, and before that time is very difficult to determine what color will his hair. Moreover, some colors (such as tortoiseshell cat or a creamy blue) are dependent on sex, and they can be found only in cats or just cats. Other colors are directly connected only with a specific breed. For example, a smoky purple color cats almost did not peculiar to the British, although the breed has withdrawn such smoky variety, as "black smoke" and "blue smoke».
Fancy colors cats can be spread everywhere, and virtually unique. Common types of colors cats can be divided into fairly traditional colors that are found in several breeds and thus are "undiluted" - that is, they practically unacceptable spots. These species include, for example, chocolate, lilac or silver colors.
So the cat can have a chocolate color hair of all shades of brown shades without admixtures of other colors and patterns. Also in such an animal can not be expressed by a gray undercoat or white hairs, and paw pads and nose leather should also be a "chocolate". Similar requirements must have a silver color and cats, as well as purple. These colors should be smooth and soft, with a nice sheen and luster. In this case the cat should not have gray or white undercoat and white hairs, as well as other foreign figure tones.
also indicated colors, including tortoiseshell (three colors - black, white, red) can be smoked, which is created by the presence of thin silver-white or "gray" hair bundles, which are almost invisible to the naked eye, and silvery-white undercoat. This cat looks like coat color contrast: while the animal is calm, it seems to be uniform, but he had only to start moving, it becomes noticeable pale silver undercoat.
one of the most common colors of this category is the blue color. It is a gray color, which are added some other colors, and is the result of long work breeders. More often than blue color common in cats and British breed Russian blue cats, although kittens blue color and more popular. Their wool has a higher quality, and its color is uneven and contains a wide range of colors - from pale blue to rich blue and shades. As a rule, the British blue color has a copper or orange eyes, and is considered a "pure" if the wool has no stains - they are completely unacceptable for breeders.
more romantic and delicate purple color is considered to be cats. It is also called accessory British breed, but originally appeared in lilac oriental cats and now extremely rare in the colors of the Persian breed. However, the most common yet kittens lilac color - they have a pinkish-blue fur, which resembles the color of the petals of forget-me. Painted the same color as the nose leather, paw pads and rim the mouth and eyes. It turns purple color due to the interaction of British lighter gene for brown coat color genes. The main requirement for such colors - the lack of contrast wool undercoat, and whatever else the picture.
Finally, another rare and noble color cats - gold. It includes all kinds of marble, spotted and tiger varieties of colors, though there are clear golden color, which is very typical of cats, chinchillas. The golden color suggests the color of hair in the bright or light apricot hue, with shades on different parts of the body may be different cats, but can not pass into the dim and gray tones. Sometimes there are cats, which generally have a golden color, but have a gray undercoat: This variety is not considered a marriage, and in this case is characterized by a bright emerald green color of your eyes. In addition to Chinchilla, the main species that have a golden color are some varieties of Persian cats, golden cats are European, Siberian cat (may be poorly defined picture) and even some British cats, which, however, are not "natural" and derived by Persian breed.
The second group of unusual colors are the so-called spotted or, in other words, the colors of tabby. This ancient and natural brindle, merle and even cats, which are also integrated into this group. The main criterion for this variety of colors - the presence of the coat of any animal drawings. For example, cats have a brindle stripes on the body, cats, leopard color - dark spots, and the marble cats - beautiful divorce. At the same cat spotted coat has several prerequisites, including: eye rims, nose and mouth, "necklace" on the neck, rings, decorating the tail, while the marble cats - also the "beetle marks" on his forehead.
It is, incidentally, that rare colors were inherited from the tabby wildcats, which were the ancestors of modern short-haired breeds. At the same origin of the word is also associated with one of the rarest colors in the world in the 17th century in England brought cats, color of which was remarkably similar to silk fabric with a delicate pattern. This figure was named "tabbis," and when they began to breed cats with rare colors, they also became known as a derivative of the word.
In general, breeding rare cats is very difficult. The problem is not so much to get the desired picture later, but also to match the color of his eyes, nose and paws of the animal. Moreover, for example, silver cats must have not only an appropriate figure, but the special quality of wool, body structure and breed type. However, in practice, most owners of such animals rarely pay attention to these correspondences, unless you are going to continue to cultivate the breed. As a rule, even the rare colors of cats did not interfere to making their carriers in these pets, who love not for the hair color and a sweet and lovely character, peculiar only to cats.
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