Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
APPROVAL OF "THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF DOGS AND CATS IN MOSCOW" AND "TEMPORARY PROVISIONS FOR capture and keeping stray dogs and cats in Moscow" (editorial on 01.10.2002) GOVERNMENT Moscow on 8 February 1994 . N 101 (YUIAI) Pursuant to paragraphs. 3 and 3.1 orders of the Government of Moscow from 24.08.93 N 810 "On additional measures to control stray animals and rodents in Moscow" Moscow City Government decrees: 1. Approve and enact 1.1. "Provisional rules for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow" (Annex 1). 1.2. "Provisional Regulations on the capture and keeping stray dogs and cats in Moscow" (Annex 2). 2. To approve the "Regulations on public inspection of animal protection in Moscow" (Annex 3). 3. Prefects of administrative communities to bring these documents to interested organizations and individuals and ensure their strict compliance. 4. Considered appropriate to establish a trust fund environmental Moscow branch of the Society for Animal Welfare for financial support of the city zoozaschitnyh programs, including content items overexposure captured and orphan animals in the administrative districts of Moscow. 5. Ask the Moscow Society for Animal Welfare to develop and submit for approval by the board of the Moscow Ecological Fund "The situation of the trust department of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals". 6. Entrust the Moscow City Committee for Nature Protection (Moskompriroda) together with the Moscow Society for the Protection of animals to develop and submit for approval by the procedure of collection and the size of penalties for violation of the "Provisional Regulations for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow" and the Russian Federation legislation on the protection of animals . 7. In connection with the restructuring of urban governance and the statement "Provisional Regulations for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow" considered to be inoperative pp. 5.2 and 13 government decree from Moscow 24.08.93 N 810 "On additional measures to combat stray animals and rodents in Moscow." 8. Main Department of the Interior to assist the public inspection of animal protection in Moscow, the Association of Veterinary and housing organizations - utilities to comply with citizens, enterprises and institutions "Provisional Regulations for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow" and bringing to administrative responsibility for violations. 9. Control over the implementation of this decision to assign to the Minister of the Government of Moscow AS Matrosov. Prime Minister of Moscow YM Luzhkov, February 8, 1994 N 101 Annex N 1 to the Resolution of the Government of Moscow from February 8, 1994 N 101 TEMPORARY REGULATION OF DOGS AND CATS IN MOSCOW 1. General 1.1. These rules apply to all owners of dogs and cats in Moscow, including enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of their affiliation. 1.2. Allowed to have animals in the apartments occupied by one family, and in the rooms of communal apartments in the absence of the neighbors of medical contraindications (allergy). 1.3. Mandatory animal welfare is the observance of sanitary - hygienic, veterinary - sanitary rules and norms of communal life. 1.4. Not allowed to have animals in the common areas: kitchens, hallways, stairwells, attics, basements, as well as on terraces and balconies. 1.5. Dogs belonging to citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations that are subject to mandatory registration, the annual re-registration and rabies vaccination from 3 months of age regardless of the breed in the state veterinary clinics in the community of citizens, to find companies, institutions and organizations - owners of the animals. Newly acquired animals should be recorded in a 2-week period. 1.6. When you register dog owner is issued a registration certificate and are introduced to these rules. 1.7. Upon the sale and transportation of dogs from the city issued a standard veterinary certificate, which states the date of rabies vaccination. 1.8. Allowed to take animals of all kinds of ground transport, under the conditions precluding concern passengers. Dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash. In the metro allowed to carry small animals in closed bags. 1.9. Not prohibited from settling in a hotel owner with a dog or cat in agreement with the administration and in compliance with sanitary - hygienic rules. 1.10. In the absence of prohibiting label does not prohibit the appearance of the owner with a dog on a short leash in the muzzle of institutions, non-food stores, post offices. 1.11. Prohibited from breeding dogs and cats to use the skins and meat of the animal. 1.12. When applied to a dog, cat, human or animal pocus pet owners are required to report it to the nearest state veterinary authorities, to deliver the animals for inspection and quarantine, where necessary, to veterinary authorities for 10 days. 1.13. Dogs and cats that are in public places without escorts, but the owners left tethered to the stores, drugstores, consumer services, clinics, etc., to be catching on request of interested organizations. 2. Responsibilities of pet owners 2.1. The owner of the animal is required to maintain it according to its biological characteristics, the animals treated humanely, not leave it unattended, without food and water, not to beat and in the case of the disease in time to resort to animal veterinary care. 2.2. Pet owners are required to maintain sanitary conditions at home and the surrounding area. Dogs are prohibited pollution entrances, stairwells, elevators, as well as playgrounds, paths, sidewalks. If the dog droppings left in these places, they must be removed by the owner. 2.3. Pet owners are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of other people and animals. 2.4. Owners of dogs and cats are required to provide them on request of the state veterinary inspector for the inspection, diagnostic tests, vaccines and safety of treatment - preventive treatments. 2.5. In the dog-walking and in the accommodation owners need to ensure the silence - to prevent the dogs before 8am and after 10pm. 2.6. Forbidden to walk their dogs and show them in public places and transport persons in an intoxicated condition, and children under the age of 14. 2.7. Output dog for a walk on a leash to be attached to the collar badge, which are nicknamed the dog owner's address, phone number. Down the dog off the leash only in sparsely populated areas. Vicious dogs, it should be put on the muzzle. 2.8. Dog owners who have to use the land may contain free-roaming dogs in only a well-fenced area or on a leash. The presence of a dog should be made a warning sign at the entrance to the site. 2.9. In passing through the streets and highways near the dog owner is obliged to take her on a leash to avoid traffic - traffic accidents and deaths of dogs into the street. 2.10. If it is impossible to further the content of the animal must be transferred to another owner, or put in a veterinary institution. 2.11. Acquisition, loss or destruction of the dog owner says in housing - operating agencies in the community. 2.12. When the animal's death his body handed over to the veterinary office. Do not dispose of the corpse of a fallen animal. Dog registration certificate shall be in a veterinary office where she registered the ball. 3. Disclaimer animal 3.1. Every animal is the property owner, and like any property protected by law. 3.2. The animal can be removed at the owner by a court or otherwise in the cases stipulated by law. 3.3. The owner is entitled to a limited amount of time to leave your dog tied on a short leash next to a shop or other establishment (large dog - a muzzle). 4. Animal owner responsibility for compliance with these rules 4.1. For failure to present the provisional rules of dogs and cats owners are responsible to the law. 4.2. The damage caused to public health or damage to property as dogs and cats will be compensated in accordance with the law. 4.3. For cruelty to animals or thrown out on the street the animal owner shall be administratively liable if his actions can not be regarded as hooliganism and not subject to criminal punishment in accordance with applicable law. 5. Monitoring of compliance with these rules 5.1. Housing - Maintenance Organizations: - ensure the maintenance of sanitary conditions in the households - provide content basements, attics and other outbuildings in accordance with the rules and regulations of the technical operation of the housing stock - tell organizations involved in catching, the presence on its territory, and stray dogs Cats - staff assist veterinary services in carrying out anti-epizootic measures, allocate free space for prophylactic vaccination against rabies in the winter - spring - hung in a conspicuous place for review of citizens' Provisional rules for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow " addresses and telephone numbers of veterinary institutions in charge of registration, re-registration and treatment of animals, an organization that is engaged in catching stray dogs and cats, and public inspection of animal protection in Moscow. 5.2. The bodies of veterinary supervision: - monitor the implementation of the requirements of veterinary pet owners and raised awareness among the population for the prevention of animal diseases - is carried out and re-registration of dogs and issuing of registration certificates. 5.3. Public inspection of animal protection in Moscow: - explains and promotes the implementation of these interim rules - where necessary, assisting owners in the maintenance of animals - in conjunction with the police being called to account for violation of animal owners, "Provisional Regulations for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow. " Appendix N 2 to the Resolution of the Government of Moscow from February 8, 1994 N 101 TEMPORARY POSITION ON capture and keeping stray dogs and cats in Moscow 1. Repealed. 2. These items captured the dog and cat, does not contain more than 10 days, including weekends. During this period, the animals returned to owners. Unclaimed animals are unsettled and the owners or acts passed by zoozaschitnym organizations or sold to interested institutions. Pet owners reimburse the cost of catching, transportation, housing, feeding and for the assistance, where necessary, vetpomosch. And feeding orphaned animals in paragraphs overexposure is funded from the Environmental Fund of Moscow. 3. Terms of catching stray animals are regulated by agreement between the territorial department of the municipality (the customer) and an enterprise engaged in catching animals (the contractor). Technical support of the working conditions of fisher (transport, means of capture, accepting applications for the capture of stray animals) is assigned to the department of Municipal and prefectural regional offices of the municipalities. 4. Purchased contract provides for a mandatory following conditions: 4.1. On the paper catcher allowed a person not registered in the mental and drug treatment clinics that have passed special training course organized by the Department of engineering, entitlement to the relevant certificate. 4.2. This certificate is presented catcher and driver for the capture of animals representative of administration, which are harvested, or at the request of public inspectors and private citizens. 4.3. Catcher and the driver must comply with standards of humanity by capturing and transporting animals and deliver them to the point of overexposure to the mandatory daily catch. 5. It is strictly forbidden: - usurp the trapped animals, sell and transfer them to private individuals or other organizations - to seize the animals from their apartments and private houses in the territory without a corresponding decision of the people's court - to shoot dogs tethered to the stores, drugstores, utilities, etc. . - use baits or other means of trapping without a recommendation Veterinary Association in Moscow. 6. Overseen by the hunter by utilities prefectural administrations of paragraphs overexposure trapped animals and public inspection on the Protection of Animals, Moscow. Moscow Society of Animal Welfare is responsible for the public inspectors. Appendix N 3 to the Resolution of Moscow Government from February 8, 1994 N 101 STATEMENT OF PUBLIC INSPECTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS Moscow 1. Public inspection of animal protection in Moscow founded the Moscow Society for the Protection of animals and acts as the social structure of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of land, flora and fauna of the Moscow City Committee for the Protection of Nature (Moskomprirody) in accordance with Russian legislation, the Regulations of the Public Protection Inspectorate Animals of Moscow, based on the provisions on public conservation inspectors at the Moscow City Committee for Nature Protection. 2. The main purpose of public inspection on protection of animals is the implementation of public control over observance of institutions, enterprises, organizations, officials and citizens zoozaschitnogo laws, rules and regulations governing the content and use of animals. 3. Public inspection of animal protection work closely with the prefectures and municipalities. 4. Law enforcement bodies of Moscow supports public inspection to protect the animals, provide the necessary information for its activities, provide advice - guidance to public officials. 5. Public inspectors may be any resident of Moscow, at least 18 years old, who expressed a desire to maintain social work as an inspector for the Protection of Animals and the inspector who passed the minimum to protect wildlife. 6. Public inspectors do their job assignments in order of the public without the release of the basic work. 7. Public inspectors to protect the animals receive a certificate conforming to the model giving the right to perform their duties. 8. Public inspection consists of inspection teams, grouped according to areas of work or administrative - territorial. Each group is headed by elected at its meeting by simple majority. 9. Work groups coordinated by a public inspection of the Vice-Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society for Animal Welfare. Work plans of groups represented by their leaders, discussed and approved by the presidium of the Moscow Society for Animal Welfare. Reports of the Public inspection shall be heard in the city conferences or general meetings of the Moscow Society for Animal Welfare. 10. Public Protection Supervisor animals must: - take action to prevent violations of environmental laws zoozaschitnogo, "Provisional Regulations for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow", "Provisional Regulations on the capture and keeping stray dogs and cats in Moscow" - identify the circumstances and conditions leading to violation of regulations on protection of animals, and promptly register the protocols and other necessary documents to bring the perpetrators to justice in accordance with the law - to represent the team leader reports on their work. 11. Public inspector may: - require officials and citizens to provide information and documents required to address issues within the purview of public inspection on protection of animals - to give companies, organizations and individual citizens advice on proper maintenance and use of animals - when a violations of regulations demand that the perpetrators of violations of cease - to draw up reports, statements and other documents that reflect the circumstances of violations of environmental zoozaschitnogo laws, regulations or establishing their compliance as a result of investigation of the circumstances - in the preparation of the protocol, an act to attract a mandatory witnesses or representatives management of the enterprise, an organization which carried out a survey - in case of failure of citizens who have violated the regulations on protection of animals to produce identity documents, to require the delivery of law enforcement violators to a police station for identification. 12. Public inspectors to protect animals that are not performing their duties or violate the regulations on animal protection, environmental legislation, are excluded from public inspection by the decision of the Presidium of the Moscow Society for Animal Welfare. 13. Fines imposed by the authorities of the Moscow City Committee for the Protection of Nature (Moskomprirody) protocols, acts drawn up by public inspectors to protect the animals arrive in Moscow Environmental Fund and subsequently used for the implementation of city programs zoozaschitnogo nature, including the maintenance of captured animals and orphan in paragraphs overexposure of these animals in the administrative districts of Moscow. Up to 5% of the amount of penalties may be spent on financial incentives and active public inspectors, maintenance of public inspection of animal protection in Moscow.
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