It has long been known that almost all people share in the kennel and ailurophile - and in line with these, clearly defined psycho, they give birth to his favorites.


And ailurophile can not stand the smell of dogs for dog, fur, barking and gluttony, and dog kennels, respectively, did not like cats, mostly nonsense.


So, the cat, according to scientists, some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.


Typically, the conclusion about the presence or absence of a cat's mind made on the basis of how this particular animal amenable to training.

smart cat


In fact, very few wildly criterion: it is the same as that judge the intelligence of the child's degree of obedience.


Cats really amazingly clever and smart animals: they can establish a causal connection, abstract thinking, problem solving complex multiport, assume to cheat, deceive and incite people as needed.


Cats are very rarely give their heart and soul of the owner, because they are very independent and self-reliant.


But if the cat who came to the heart - the beast will have his beloved lord incredible honor.


The Tale of Puss in Boots in this sense has not even a fairy tale.

smart cat

The case when the cat who squatted in slippers all who hurt his beloved master, in particular, especially his mother-in-battered, who sawed his son-in was worth while for the poor guy's behalf, a small striped back.


More telling, like a cat, which is picked up and sheltered by hungry students who watched for the evil commandant obschezhitskogo and famously jumped on his head with the loft when he was in the room, scolding sacred Kotin owners.


Typically, the heart cats give unconditional leader in the family, the strong, but good man, - the wicked and cruel cats do not carry on the spirit.


And again, those who claim to love and respect for the cat, must necessarily respect the caudate, the cats can not tolerate the condescending and disrespectful attitude.


training cats lend themselves really bad - they openly annoyed at the same repetition absolutely senseless action, and the subsequent performance of people in the fun, but if they are trained beloved owner - reluctantly, but very fast cats run any command.


My grandfather, whom all the cats admitted unconditionally, each zadripanny Barsik the second day of jumping through a ring from his hand and opened their own doors.


Meow Cat - a language invented specifically for them to communicate with people, are these animals communicate in another language entirely.


Have you ever noticed how quickly people begin to understand the cats? This does not merit the people, it's an amazing wit and musicality long-tailed intellectuals.


Cats are really sneaky - to those who deserve it according to high moral cat.


They do not forgive the humiliation of their cat's personality and the trampling of their cat's dignity, and those who encroach on the freedom of opinion Kotin, uniquely nesdobrovat.


Cats remarkably inventive in their choice of methods and practices of revenge.


If the cat or cat get accustomed to the house - this is where all the same is true cat owner - they are real family members.


They can ask for help in bringing up children, treatment of disease, recovery from depression and the definition of "positive" places in the new home - cats have always cooperated with loved ones.


And they stripped the house of evil spirits and ghosts - in this firmly believe my children and adore our wonderful tricolor Lisa.

