Many argue that the first domesticated cats and domesticated the ancient Egyptians, but the general opinion on this point. It is believed that the history of the appearance of cats with the person begins approximately 10-12 thousand years ago and due to the fact that these animals are closer to people exactly since when the latter began to lead a sedentary life. This, incidentally, makes cats unique among all just animals, many of whom are still trying to stay away from people.


Much controversy is also the story of the origin of the cats, which is also highly controversial. The most common opinion, which, incidentally, is particularly caught on in Russia is that the common ancestor of modern cats is the Near North African steppe cat that was domesticated in Egypt is not, and in Nubia, and it happened about 4 thousand years ago. Only after the cat came into Egypt, and then appeared in Asia, where he successfully crossed with wild species Bengal.


In Europe, the origin of the cats is also associated with repeated mixing of species and breeds: domestic cats came from Nubia, actively crossed with wild European forest cat, which later gave an incredible variety of breeds and colors. However, according to a separate theory of the origin of cats in any of the countries in these animals, nobody did anything imported, simply cat appeared simultaneously in different parts of the world, all of which were developed by its own laws.


If the history of these animals is complicated enough, the history of the domestication of cats still mysterious. Most likely, the first domestication of cats took place in the Middle East and has been associated with the advent of agriculture and the need to protect crops from rodents. But scientists are still arguing who is really who tamed - cat person or cat person. It is possible that the cat "domesticate" itself to hunt for rodents, and relentlessly following up people who quickly took the animals in their lives.


Anyway, the history of domestication of cats has its rough start to 2000 BC. The main merit of this is credited to the Egyptians, who helped to domesticate the cat including religion. However, the most active domestication began still later and was associated with the rise of many civilizations that began 1,000 years BC. That's when the cat finally emerged a change in behavior, which finally made their pets, and the final point in taming put Europe. Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Britain have consistently taken within its borders domestic cats actively sow them in the homes of its citizens and holding them in hopes of combating crop.


However, despite this, the final point in the domestication of cats has not yet been set. Of course, this animal is considered one of the closest person, but his independent nature proves that even for thousands of years of domestication of cats remained free and the subjugated, and their life with people you can still be considered a great gift for the latter. [ / bbp]