Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Allergolog.RU - Allergies to animals and bronchial asthma from cats
site physician allergist-immunologist, Ph.D. Maxim Mikhailovich Markatuna.
About myself and how to get to my advice. Should seriously consider the possibility to have a pet at home if you or someone in your close relatives had suffered or suffer from allergic disease. This will increase the risk of developing allergies to animals or the aggravation of having a place of allergic disease. Is a manifestation of an allergy to a cat (dog), shortness of breath, if no other symptoms (runny nose, red eyes, etc.). is possible. As a rule, are allergic to animals is manifested in the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose, stuffy nose) and conjunctivitis (itchy eyes, congestion subjunctive). Often these symptoms align asthma (cough, shortness of breath, asthma). But it is possible that asthma symptoms will be leading or isolated. To accurately answer the question - should consult an allergist and get allergoobsledovanie. Can animal allergens cause exacerbation of atopic dermatitis? I suffered from dermatitis in childhood, but in the last 10 years there was almost no relapse. About 3 months ago in an apartment there was a cat and now a strong aggravation. Sure they can. People suffering from atopic dermatitis usually have a wide range of sensitivity to different allergens. "Cat" allergens could well be the cause of this deterioration. To answer this question should consult an allergist and get allergoobsledovanie. The last three or four years, constantly lays nose. This is my permanent, year-round. Watching them, but no specific stimuli did not notice. The house has a cat, but being away from her nose still laid.
Next. Allergens are easily transferred within the apartment air, clothing, etc.
Avoid contact with animals outside the home. Do not go to circuses, zoos, stables, a living corner in the school or kindergarten. Do not go to the guests, which is an animal - to invite, or meet on "neutral" territory. I really want to get a dog, but I epidermal allergy. I have a severe allergy to cats fur. Allergy is expressed in bronchial asthma attacks. His wife and child "die" as they like cats. I dream about a dog, probably not the thing I would like more, but my mom is allergic to dogs and cats, she can not live with the animals. Is not my dream come true? What if one family member are allergic and the other really wants an animal?
When the symptoms of allergy to the animal "suddenly" appear (week, month or year) - you go to the doctor with a question - "how to cure this allergy?". The doctor says - "remove the animal." And it is for you to have "family member" ... I want to know if there are any breeds of dogs do not cause allergies? I then read that dogs that do not fade, there are no allergies. Like, hair in some breeds of cats - just not, and these cats do not cause allergies.
It follows from this conclusion - no cats and dogs that are unable to cause sensitization and allergic reactions. If you have allergies to cats or dogs are there any animals that would not be an allergy?
Perhaps the animals who have no VOLATILE allergens - wool and epidermis. Fish or turtles in the aquarium. But you should know that dry food for the fish too strong allergen. So use a live feed. I've got a kitten. My grandmother got a cold, she coughs. We have another home and a dog. It may be that the dog no allergies and a cat have? May be allergic to the dog just might be - only a cat, and can be - a dog and a cat at the same time. The spectrum of sensitization (allergen sensitization) for each individual. They say - no allergies "for cats and dogs" - a reaction to well-defined allergens. At one cat may be allergic, but on the other - no. One of my friends allergic to just striped cats - the rest moves beautifully.
In general, each animal intraspecific allergens may have a range of allergens, which are peculiar to this particular breed. Males emit a slightly different range of allergens than females (by gender). This may explain why some people respond well to certain animals.
The greater the number of allergens involved in the disease - the harder the course of the disease and worse prognosis. How do I know if my child is allergic to dogs? What should I do? She is three years. There were manifestations of allergic (skin). Recently ill, diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis. They say, allergic properties. And we were going through two months to take the puppy. How to make sure that we can do? Or how to make sure that this can not be done? Is there any way?
Obstructive bronchitis allergic properties - it's asthma. Do not take the dog! How can I make? Nothing. Any way to make sure does not exist. If a child is allergic (atopik) had or has symptoms of allergic disease - the risk of allergies to the dog is raised. Nothing more to say impossible. Help! Recently I was diagnosed with bronchial asthma, a mixed form, chronic obstructive bronchitis, emphysema, diffuse pneumosclerosis. Allergy tests showed an allergy to hair cats and dogs. I have a dog, she is already 9 years old. But the worsening of my condition, there has been over the last year. The dog put to sleep would not want to! Is it possible to find a way out? It's practically a member of our family. For the past 8 months I have all prizniki epidermal allergy - sneeze, lay nose, cough. All my life - it's a cat. Claritin and other antigistaminniki - to no avail ... By the way I am a professional veterinarian. I want to know, really there's no way to cure or Decrease allergies? Remove pet! Simple as that ... But for me, for instance, they - all of life ... I can not part with them. Fourth. Asit - allergen-specific immunotherapy - can be an effective method of treatment of epidermal allergy. The general rule for Asit - only in case of contact with the allergen can not be avoided. That is why, in the case of allergies to animals, between "removing the allergen from the environment" and Asit should choose "remove from the environment." Asit epidermal allergens carried out in exceptional cases. Use this method for the treatment of epidermal allergy can only allergist.
If you remove the cat out of the apartment, about how long we can expect that the apartment cleaned of allergens? That in addition to wet cleaning can be done to clean the apartment?The effect of removing the animal can not come soon. Even after removing the animal from its home allergen concentrations will be high for at least 3 - 6 months as carpets, upholstered furniture and anything that can collect dust - contains these allergens and serves as their source. Once you have removed the animal should be repeated several cleanups and thorough. It may be recommended to use vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (vacuum them all).
Our family bought a dog. Mother asthma. Now after a month stay at home mom dog began to feel worse (difficult breathing). What can I do to give the dog nobody wants, but we fear that asthma will go into a chronic form. Maybe there are air purifiers that can help cope with it (read about them)?That was a mistake from the beginning. All natural. Get it! Bronchial asthma - a chronic disease. Asthma can not pass into the chronic form, it is chronic from the outset. What's happening with your mom called exacerbation of chronic diseases - asthma, which is associated with the appearance of the dog in the house. Air cleaners, even the highest quality, can reduce the concentration of allergens in the air, but contact with them will not be eradicated completely. Council - remove the dog, if you want a noticeable positive effect. In the house there is an allergic animal, as a neighbor of the site (next door) 3 Collie - walk, ride in an elevator ... But what about those who are allergic to human hair? All (ambient) should shave bald? Need to pay more attention to clean their own homes. In the neighborhood dogs, as well as with humanity, nothing can be done. It is therefore advisable to consider the possibility of Asit - the allergen-specific immunotherapy. Is there a cure allergic to cats (and dogs, etc.)? You must first answer another question. Is it possible to treat allergies at all? At the present time the only way you can answer - can not be cured, but you can achieve a lasting remission of allergic disease. How long - depends, inter alia, to you. In my friend's asthma, her 8 dogs (in the courtyard of a private house), cat and guinea pig (at home), but lately it was getting better (probably treated well)? It is possible, but it is not an algorithm, not a strategy, not tactics, not a recommendation, not the rule. And the case of one man is not a board for everyone. Do not forget that asthma is infectious-allergic. Environmental allergens, including allergens animals, do not play a special role in this form of the disease.
My daughter is 6 years old. A child with a birth sickly colds. We did tests and told us that we are allergic to dust, dust mites, cats, dogs and dandelions. This also explained the common diseases. The doctor said that we are at risk of asthma. I wanted to know whether it is possible to change the age of diagnosis for the better, or in the future it will still be asthma.Asthma - a disease that can develop in both directions. Quite often, the older the child becomes, the attacks occur more easily and less. But other options are not so well off, you often see. In many ways, the further development of the disease will depend on the right of the treatment and conditions in which the child will live with such a range of sensitization. House dust mites, animal dander, pollen - the most common allergens that trigger attacks of wheezing in children. My eight-month daughter - severe allergy. Conducted an analysis of the blood - found that pollen allergens other than mites and cat fur is. Since we live 13-year-old cat. The doctor said that the presence of an animal - it's 100% asthma in the future. By the way - I was sick and asthma, although in a stable form, ie do not accept attacks there. What should I do? Risk health daughters I have no right. But the lull and the cat, who became a full member of the family over the years, I can not either ... Recommend something. Can I lived with a cat, to the maximum to exclude its influence on the child. We have a filter to clean the air. Well, maybe not 100% myself, but this outcome is very likely. Eliminate the influence of a cat on a child within the same apartment - IMPOSSIBLE. Air (filter for cleaning the air) - it's not bad, but from the cat allergen he child to the extent necessary not deliver. What to do - give the cat. Do not be put to sleep ... sorry. What if the diagnosis of allergens is wrong? You can spend a second diagnosis. Sufficiently informative is to set the skin test with the native allergen, ie directly to the hair and pet dander. A friend of mine recently told me a sad story. When his son was 1.5 years, they went to stay with friends who have had a cat in the house. And although he had seemed perfectly healthy boy, after this trip, he said, the child got asthma for life. This was the entry. And my next problem. My son will soon be a year old. My husband never had allergies, but my younger sister have allergies and I know how hard it is. Soon we will have to go to another city to stay with her husband and parents there are more than two months, but they live in an apartment two cats. The apartment is small, it aired in the winter, of course, more complicated than in summer. A cat's coat is quite a strong smell (sorry) litter box ... I had tried not to pay attention to it because I love my mother in law and to treat cats well. But even more I love my son. It so happened that during his short life he had never seen any cats. And during pregnancy, I had no contacts. Maybe if I was pregnant, we have already lived in a house cat, a child in me was already immune. At least to my cat. But when the cat was not at all ... I am convinced that within a few years old the child is laid on the health of all life, but to undermine it is very simple. So I suggested to her husband at this time to rent an apartment nearby and live separately. Because I'm not sure how such a close proximity and a long bushy beauties to affect my baby. But he said that he sees no reason for such costs, it's just my imagination. I did not try to insist, as and not really sure right. History of my friends scared me even more. But maybe he was wrong and cause disease in another child. Therefore, I ask for help. I would very much like to hear a professional opinion. After all, I'm absolutely clueless in this matter. And therefore I can not go with a calm heart, and to insist on his own, I do not have enough arguments. Please help me or to calm down, stop or question. No need to adjust themselves for the worst ... especially when no good cause for that. Do you panic. Trigger "hook" for asthma may be a lot, but only if the existence of predisposition to it. It is likely that that baby, about which you spoke, she was already "on approach" and would be manifested a little earlier or later - it is insignificant. Your desire to raise a child healthy is understandable, but now you are turning their lives in expectation of "sores." And if anybody in the family, no allergies?
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