Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Feeding Cats:: Cats: Care and maintenance:: Portal ZOOproblem .
Cat - Predator, the physiology of digestion in cats is quite different from the physiology of human digestion.
Therefore, we must remember the rule: do not feed the cat "from the table," you can not dramatically change one kind of food to another. The optimal age at which a kitten can be drawn from the mother cat - 8-10 weeks. In the early days of complete withdrawal of breast milk from a kitten can be digestive disorders within 2-3 days. Sometimes cats can not tolerate ordinary shop milk, in this case, it is better to cancel the deal and cheese, fermented milk products. Feed the kitty to about 5 times a day in small portions and gradually (by year) translate into one-(two -) one-time feeding.Cats - true carnivores, requiring a diet containing at least 30% of the total protein intake - it is more than necessary to dogs. For the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones cats require high levels of digestible fat in it. The cat should receive daily 60 different substances. Food, which is implemented according to the needs of natural nutrient content of the body, is considered to be balanced.
In contrast to other mammals, but cats need taurine - an amino acid that is not synthesized their body. Lack of taurine can lead to atrophy of the retina and irreversible blindness, impaired immune system, disruption of the nervous system, the development of urolithiasis. Deficiency of essential amino acids arginine and cat taurine can cause her vomiting, disturbed function of reproductive organs. The need for taurine in cats is 500 mg per 1 kg of feed.
suit all sorts of lean meat with little fat. Beef and mutton can be given to raw and cooked, but in small quantities. Raw meat is rich in vitamins, in addition, useful cat to chew. The best source of protein is beef with streaks. Every day you can give 70-100 g minced beef. Lamb should be young and lean. Rabbit meat is given in cooked, boneless.
Pork should be a rare product in the cat's diet and always cooked.Chicken should be subjected to thermal treatment, carefully separated from the bones, because bones are very dangerous - they may injure by fragments cat esophagus or stomach. Raw chicken necks - a delicacy, a natural way to remove plaque, the development of the jaw.
Raw fish contains an enzyme timinazu, which destroys vitamin B1, this leads to stunted growth, digestive disorders and dandruff, so the fish can be given only boiled. Breeders prefer to feed cats boiled tuna, cod, plaice, saithe, whiting. Undesirable use of oil-rich fish such as herring, sprat and mackerel, as well as Pollock and canned cod liver. Keep in mind that a diet consisting solely of meat and fish is bad for cats.
in its raw form poorly absorbed, so the raw egg yolk is given along with milk, vegetable puree, corn flakes, porridge, meat, sprouts and ground grains of wheat. Egg protein should be given only boiled. Since the protein contained in raw materials which destroy vitamin E, vitamin H (biotin), which leads to dermatitis, hair loss and disturbance of molting.
Milk - a valuable source of protein, calcium and other trace elements. Many cats, especially in adults, as well as the Siamese and Burmese breeds, there is lactose contained in milk. Consumption of milk can cause cramps and diarrhea.
, however, better to give cats milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, a little sour cream. Cheese can be used as a delicacy, given that some types of cheese contain a lot of salt and is not suitable for feeding cats. Salted and fresh cheese - the perfect complement to the table the cat.
The main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E - any vegetable oil that cats should be added to food.
Cats need a little fat and usually get them in the form of butter, margarine and sour cream, slices of fatty meat, which fall to them from our table. In animal and dairy fats contain vitamins A, D, E, phosphates, choline. With a lack of fat is observed: the delay in growth, dermatitis, depigmentation of the hair. Lethargy, ruffled coat dull, overweight - signs of an overdose of fat.
Carbohydrates are found in the following products: cereals, oat and corn flakes, flour products. In carnivores, which include a cat, they are practically not absorbed, but contribute to the effective assimilation of basic food.
can give oats, buckwheat, semolina. Kashi should boil the water. The experience of breeders of long haired breeds who adhere to traditional feeding, suggests that the fur of cats is good only when the diet included cereals.
are acceptable for feeding cats but in moderation. Pasta with cheese and add vegetable oil readily eaten by cats. Some cats like rye bread, which is useful as a source of B vitamins
Chocolate contains theobromine which is toxic to cats, in addition, there are a lot of fat, so you should not give it to cats. In general, cats do not have receptors sensitive to sweet, but some cats are "sweet tooth". You can let your cat eat cookies or a piece of sugar, while not forgetting that their consumption leads to obesity and tooth decay.
Some cats are happy to eat boiled vegetables in a soup or puree: cabbage, carrots, peas, beets. As well as cucumbers, tomatoes or canned sweet corn. Every day the cat must receive no less than two teaspoons of vegetable purees or milled sprouted wheat that can be mixed with meat or cheese.
Cats eat fruits rather out of curiosity and love of diversity, usually a few slices of apple, strawberry, melon or grape. Do not give your cat a lot of bananas, and foods containing coconut.
"Mini-plantation" shoots of oats, wheat should be on the table the cat ever. Their main purpose - evacuation of accumulated there hair. Lettuce, spinach, stinging nettle (pre-shredded and scalded), parsley and dill - useful supplement in the diet, and the parsley and dill are simply necessary for kidney disease.
Too much salt causes high blood pressure leads to heart disease and the development of kidney disease. Do not add salt to food you are cooking for cats.
It is useful to give to cats who refuse milk and dairy products. Flour can be mixed with meat or pour into other dishes. Kittens, pregnant and nursing cats, as well as animals with broken bones, bone meal should be given every day for one teaspoon. With a slight disorder of the intestine, it acts zakreplyayusche.
Vitamin and mineral preparations.
Currently, there are complex vitamin and mineral preparations for all age groups. Keep in mind that using vitamins as a delicacy or uncontrolled skarmlivaya their pet, you may damage his health. So before you enter into the diet supplements should consult with your veterinarian or your breeder what drug and what dosage works best for your pet.
Vitamins have to get the animals who had undergone surgery or illness, as well as survivors of stress for example, associated with the move to a new location. Do not feel sorry for them the best food and let's daily quality vitamins. Veterinarian will recommend you with pleasure all that is needed.If you can not train a cat balanced meal, you can translate it into the dry food.
Dry food can be given to a cat with 1.5-2 months. Do not feed the cat at the same time feed and natural food, the time interval between feeding dry food and natural products should be at least six hours, for example in the morning - dry food, and in the evening - the meat. In the high-quality forage leading manufacturers (namely, those should be given to a cat), for example, , , , , - All necessary materials are balanced, if the dry food combine with natural products can be lack of certain substances and excess of others, and, consequently, the metabolic disorder. When feeding dry food vitamins do not have to give.
Nowadays there are so many different feeds. No matter where you buy them in a supermarket, pet store, veterinary clinic or pharmacy choice is very wide. First, select the type of feed. In other words, how best to feed dry, semi-dry or canned? Maybe that is sold in a plastic bag? If there are no special medical conditions, feeding only dry foods they are better for your teeth and gums than soft food, and also much cheaper. If these arguments are not enough, remember that dry foods contain about 13% water, while canned it as much as 75%. How do I determine what food is really good, but on what you should not spend money? For the price. It's very simple: if the food actually contains valuable nutrients, it is impossible to produce and sell at bargain prices. You do not get something for that was not paid. no matter how cheap leads to a deterioration in the quality of wool, the large volume of stool, often a liquid (you'll still have to clean it all), weight loss and suppression of the immune system, ie, reduced ability to resist diseases. Moreover, the high salt content and poorly digestible protein increases the risk of renal failure. The downside of cheap detected after a long time, after you enjoy the advantage. Remember: nothing is given freely. Can you feed a cat dog food?Cats and dogs belong to different species and have different nutritional needs. Improper feeding can cause health disorder.
See the book Jeff. Nicola, "Great is my cat?", Published by "Sofion" in 2005
Any food from your table - roast with salt and spices, canned food, cat food is widely advertised low-quality beans, peas, corn. You can not often give the beef liver.
When feeding dry food OBYAZATELHO monitor water consumption. Fresh water should always be available. Attention! If your cat is to "malopyuschim" - the dry food in a "literal" as it - for it is harmful and even dangerous. This cat should be fed or in-kind food or dry pet food, soaked in water, or, in extreme cases, canned.
Scientific studies have shown that a particularly important role played by the quality and composition of the water A serious shortage of water causes the disease (and even death) is much faster than any lack of nutrition (fat, protein). Therefore, a bowl of water should always be filled.All the best guide for the care of the cats are urged to ensure the animals continued access to fresh clean water and often advised to change it. It is also recommended to wash the bowl regularly to avoid infection or contamination. But recent Tap water is usually treated with chemicals and are often highly chlorinated, so it has a chemical smell. Cats have sensitive sense of smell, not all are able to move it.
Since the cat is much more sensitive to chemical smells man, the bowl should be rinsed more thoroughly than his plate. And tap water should be allowed to settle and then just give it to the animal.
Many cats drink running water rather than fixed. Who has not watched the pet, which is perched near the faucet? But like a cat drink tap water?
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