Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Testing descriptions
British Shorthair Colors
Currently, more than 200 colors, which are characteristic of the British cats. Some were characteristic for the breed at the beginning of a kind, others were due to a long and painstaking work carried out by breeders. Some of them are still not recognized by leading feline organizations. (Recognition - is eligible to participate in the championship or competition, which has a restriction on individuals who are entitled to participate in them, which typically are the most common variations of colors). Coat color, which has a cat, is formed in the course of complex processes in which an important role belongs to such as substance called melanin. There are two types of melanin: the first type promotes the formation of the cat's black color and is defined as eumelanin, by other electronic means is formed of red color. This type is called pheomelanin. These two species serve as the basis for the formation of a variety of colors, except white. So, there are several groups of colors cats, systematic and united by common features and of inferior quality. Color cats, which belong to this group, only to be monophonic. It should not attend any stains or signs of the figure. The hair should have a uniform color, which should be observed from the roots of hairs to the tips. For the eyes of this group is characterized by the predominance of copper or orange. It is true that individuals have white eyes may be blue, and in some cases different, that is, one eye blue and one orange. The main components of the basic colors are formed as a result of "dilution" of the base color. It is worth noting that the process of "dilution" can occur in two ways. One of them - is to reduce the pigment components that occur per unit area. It is also possible to form groups and even distribution of the same amount of pellets. A mix of spots, having a mosaic pattern, which represents one of the colors of intense color (black, chocolate, cinnamon), combined with red, or the diluted color (blue, purple) combined with cream. These colors are mandatory requirements - the color should be represented in equal proportions and harmony, in areas with a red (cream) shade must not be present elements of the picture. It is desirable that stood out spots on the face of red (cream) color. The eyes are orange, copper hue. Color color tortie observed only in cats. Perhaps such a color monitor and a male, but only in rare instances, and then provided that they are sterile (ie unable to have offspring). As mentioned, gene tortoiseshell not happen. In domestic cats black and red color can be in the X-chromosome, but not in Y. Thus, there is a cat gene for color in a single copy that is it can be either red or black color, but the presence of two colors at once impossible. The cat also has two X chromosomes, that is, the genes for coat color are represented in two forms, so the cat can attend two genes of black color, red color two genes, one gene and one gene for black coat color red (color tortoise color). Group smoky colors refers to the silver color, which are genetically connected with the action of a gene-inhibitor of melanin I. This gene stops the synthesis of melanin, which makes a guard hairs stained only the upper part, and the undercoat and the area of ��the hairs at the base of the cat guard hairs are clearly white, with the figure (if it) is almost completely "washed" from the body of the cat. In this group are two subgroups - a smoky colors and chinchillas. To smoke is characteristic of color with a number of features. On the roots of hairs, there are no signs of pigment. In some cases it is present, but expressed very poorly. The tips of the hairs have a bright color because the dye is absorbed, contained in the guard hairs. Only at the top of the hair color is present. For this group of hair to be colored by 4 / 5 of the length. Cat smokey color characteristic of the contrast. Its undercoat should be significantly closer to the white coat color, and the tips of the hair must be black. The main color of your eyes is a copper or orange color, while the cat's eyes are big and round. This color makes these cats for their share of mystery. This is especially noticeable when moving cats. This subgroup includes tippirovannye (shell) and shaded (shaded) colors. Tipping (tipping) - is a principle of distribution of the pigment on animal fur, through which color gets only the tip of the hairs cat. Its length does not exceed one eighth of the total length of hair. If the staining has a length of more than one third of the length, this color is called shading (shading). According to another group that is called "chinchilla". Although this is not a valid name, but we will not go into important aspects of this issue. These colors are developed on the genetic background of agouti (the cat carries the picture), but he is "washed out" effect of the inhibitor gene. Cameo - a silver colored red series - Shell-Cameo (red chinchilla), Shaded Cameo (red shaded silver) and Red Smoke. Color-point in America called the "Himalayan" as it was originally studied in rabbits so-called Himalayan breed. We have bright, well-known representatives of this color - the Siamese breed cat. The distinguishing features of this group of colors - a darker tone of the protruding parts of the body - the muzzle, ears, tail and paws ("Point") and the light color of the animal body. The gene, which characterizes this color is recessive and occurs when both parents carry such. At birth, the color of the kittens is very close to white, but over time begin to show up points. From the first three hours and up to a month color is formed ears. Color snout develops slowly, starting from the nose (the first two months may be colored only) and above. Sufficient degree of intensity of the stained marks and light tone of the body, are the main advantages of this color. Contrast points are also very important, they should have clearly viewed the border. In this case, even a slight darkening of the case the cat is not considered as a drawback, in this case, of course, important, the absence of dark spots on the belly. Mostly a combination of the main color with white. There is a combination of the basic color (as is usually the solid or tortoiseshell) and white. Dyed hair of the animal must have a clear boundary with the white and not less than 1 / 3 and not more than half of white color. White hairs on the painted parts should not be present. The peculiarity of this kind is that one ear must be painted. Also at the head of the animal welcomed the presence of a large colored spot. Presence of spots located on the back, as well as spots on the feet, in strict compliance with the total filled in the animal. The main requirement for cats, related to the bi-color - the right balance in her body and white painted parts, and in addition to uniform distribution. Group Tabby (Tabby) - combines the colors of all the cats that is present in the color pattern. Presumably, the name "tabby" is derived from the type of image ("tabbis") on the precious silk fabrics, imported into England in the XVII century from Eastern India. Genetically, all cats (and cats) are carriers of a pattern - all - "tabbiki," but in the genetic set the cat is present so-called factor of the "agouti", which allows you to open or picture - then it becomes visible, or does not, Then we see the animal solid color. A clear confirmation of this - the shadow figure in young kittens solid colored. Kittens 'moire' visible stripes and spots, which disappear with age. But, if the factor of "agouti" allows you to open the picture - get "tabbik" - risunchaty cat.
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