Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Golden Cat (African golden cat). Wild cat from Africa.
Its length - 72-94 cm Weight - 11-14 kg.
African golden cat - smaller Asian golden cat.
African golden cat - a very slender predator. Its ears are rounded, dark outside, his head a little, feet high. Front feet shorter than the rear, so that in the rush of golden cat moves great leaps, pushing off and jumping back on his front paws.
The tail is long, it accounts for up to one third of total body length.
color of animal is very different: a chestnut-brown, red, brown, gray-brown, silvery-gray, slate gray and even black specimens. Drawing on the upper side of the trunk of the same color as the main color, only slightly darker. The inner side of the legs, abdomen, chest, cheeks and chin white, throat and underside of the tail is slightly colored. On the cheeks two blackish stripes. On the belly big black spots. On chest and throat narrow transverse stripes are visible, composed of small specks. On the inside of the legs are wide cross strips. Eye usually visible light rim.
There are two varieties of African golden cat: the western, coastal, figure on the coat noticeably, the inhabitants of the interior of Africa, wool, especially on the head, darker. Therefore, a pattern sometimes became indistinguishable. However, another kind of smooth transition to another.
golden cat is nocturnal. Hunts at night and daytime resting. For the nocturnal nature has generously awarded a golden cat. She has keen eyesight, excellent hearing, subtle scent. The golden cat can sneak up silently quite sensitive to such beings as wild goat, antelope and mountain birds. A more mature and experienced cats dare to hunt wild buffalo even.
golden cat leads a lonely life. It is a typical predator. It feeds exclusively on animal food: rodents, birds, small antelope, monkeys. Do not shrink from the remains of prey of eagles. The golden cat Kochetov in search of food on a fairly large area. Accidentally wandered to the living space alien tribesman expelled quickly and decisively. In the African golden cat unpleasant body odors and the smell of her feces.
During the breeding season golden cat form a pair. To suit the female birth den in hollow trees, crevices or cracks of rocks, in thickets of vegetation.
Female 2.1 brings blind kittens. Kittens eyes open for 6-7 days. Lactation lasts 7-14 weeks, stop with the weight of 2.5-3 kg in cats. Males golden cats do not participate in nutrition education and kittens. They live quite apart from their families.
The local population believes that the tail of a golden cat African brings good luck during the hunt. The skins of cats are used as ceremonial clothes.
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