Glow in the dark cat's eyes in the old days often frightened people who thought the cat "demonic offspring." In fact, it improves vision in the twilight of the animal. For the retinas is a brilliant fabric, a layer of reflective cells, light is reflected from the tissue and again enters the svetovos-susceptibility zone.

As a result, the cat's eyes at least six times sharper than ours. But in the dark cat still can not see. Unlike many nocturnal animals cat does not rest during the day, but it has to protect their eyes from the bright sun. Therefore, if the cat's eyes in the dark, perceive even the most dim light, similar to large round buttons, then in the daylight, they are shrinking, turning into a fine slits. Under the eyelids in a cat is a thin skin of gray - nictitating membrane. It protects the eye from dust and dirt and wets his tear fluid. Usually nictitating membrane can be seen only when the cat is ill or very tired. Around the middle of this century it was believed that cats do not distinguish colors. But modern research has shown a cat not only distinguish the slightest shades of gray, and recognizes most of the flowers. Although the colors probably will not have a cat so important for both of us. First, almost all animals, for whom she hunts, have similar coloring. In addition, at dusk, when she usually goes on the hunt, the colors generally poorly differentiated. Of far greater importance for the cat has ear. Her ears are very mobile, they are run more than two muscles. The cat is able to capture the barely audible sounds, such as a mouse squeak or rustle of feet creeping dog. She learns about the arrival of the owner, afar she heard his footsteps or the noise of driving up the machine. It can accurately distinguish between two nearby sound source and even respond to the ultrasonic waves are not perceived by the human ear. Cats have many amazing abilities. All probably read about how cats are well oriented as they find their home, being at a distance of many miles away. It is not strange-animal with such acute hearing and keen sense of smell can not even get lost in unfamiliar terrain. Furthermore, assume that the cat has an inner compass, through which she feels the earth's magnetic field. There are many stories about how the cat saved his owners, in anticipation of an earthquake, fire or bombing during the war. Perhaps many stories are exaggerated, but undoubtedly some truth in them is still there. Apparently, cats can catch the slightest fluctuations in the Earth's crust, barely noticeable burning smell or sound of an aircraft engine. Cats have a well developed sense of time and they have internal biological clocks. For example, many of the owners awake in the morning at a certain time. It is not excluded that they have not studied yet telepathic abilities, the so-called VCHV (vnechuvstvennym perception). In addition, all the known and the healing power of cats purring when stroked a creation, a little bit of thought and calm, and sometimes the pain goes away.