Never yell at the cat. Creek for a cat is a strong irritant, which is strong enough it scares without giving teachers the desired effect. Yes, and it looks bad when a person yells at a small, albeit on nashkodivshee exists. In a pinch, you can okriknut cat by name, and she will understand you perfectly. The final rule - the cats need to be honest - if you want to be understood correctly.  Taught to name a cat is easy. Just call her name every time you pleasant moments - stroke, scratch, feed. You can call up a kitten, alternating between traditional "kitty, kitty, kitty" and the name.

There is only one thing that should be avoided: Do not call a kitten just like that, or, worse, to punish. The animal must be aware that if the name - will be something good.  
Also, to prevent undesirable behavior can be applied indirect intimidation, which is considered the most effective method of training and retraining of cats. Its advantage is that the cat does not associate it with the person. You should come up and place the so-called trap, allowing the cat to scare off unwanted actions or places. For example, you can put on the table tray unstable, and when a cat jumps on him, with its frightening crash is on the floor.  
There are several ways of punishment that would prevent the commission of an act "now": a reprimand, with edifying tone of voice, no matter how ridiculous - you can "nashipet" on the pet and, in extreme cases, water splashing. But we should remember that fundamentally and forever it will not solve the problem.  Cat - a beast of prey. She needs a lot of movement. On the nature of many cats running around, jumping, hunt birds, mice, moths. ... In a city apartment she has nobody to hunt, and aimless running around in the walls of friends get bored. Tie a string on a folded piece of paper and drag on the floor - the cat tries to catch him. Maybe just a chase, and perhaps arrange an ambush. You can still run low planes, roll a small ball on the floor - the cat interested in everything that moves.

You can play and on the other. When the cat in a playful mood, gently flip it back and how to tickle the breast. He grabbed your hand claws, and teeth can and will be a fight. If you think a cat too carried away, or you want to quickly interrupt the game - just relax your hand and wiggle it. Then the cat will simply not interested, and he let you go. If you simply try to remove his hand, the cat will take it as another element of the game.  The cat can get along with almost all domestic animals, but the period of their acquaintance, requires owners of patience and understanding. No matter you have brought the cat into the house, where there are already animals, or just brought another animal (or a small child - in terms of cats is the same thing) - first and foremost consideration should be given to old-timers. That is their - the first stroke, feed, etc. It is best if at least at first, bowls animals will stand at some distance, ideally to one of the other was not visible. If the animal is comparable to the size of a cat, try to make sure that they had nothing to share. If less - likely the cat will trigger the maternal instinct. First encounter should take place under your supervision. First caress the old-timer, then - a beginner. If nobody is afraid - let them come closer and sniff each other. If the old-timer - a cat, MirSovetov may advise a beginner to pre-process, so he got the smell of your cat, or even your - comb out her comb, for example, or rub a sweaty T-shirt (for ladies - pshiknut favorite deodorant.) So the cat is easier to understand that the newcomer - a new member of your flock, and not production. It is clear that a small child in such a way cats do not introduce you. Typically, adult cats are very patient antics of children, and the smell of a child can easily understand that he is - a new member of the pack. But sometimes cats are very jealous. Try not to give her a reason to be jealous of you for your child - find time to play, talk to her like before, comb it, etc. This will be helpful for you - talk to the cat calms down, it kind of pulls the discordant energy.  Communicate more with your pet, then he will behave better and are more willing to comply with the rules of etiquette  Based on materials MirSovetov, 2010