How, why and why cats purr, not known. However, there is at this point a number of theories, and scientific.


It is believed that the purring cat is a result of the generation of electrical impulses in her brain. They are transmitted through the central nervous system and lead to a reduction in the specific muscles that are located near the vocal cords. The unit itself to purr consists of fine bones, linked together, which run from the base of the skull to the base language. These bones are called sublingual. When a cat purrs, vocal cords vibrate and thus cause a resonance in the sublingual bones.


Any cat can purr while inhaling as well as you exhale. And purring just fine representatives of the family cat - cats, bobcats, etc. The large cats such as tigers, lions, leopards, and the hyoid bone covered with cartilage from the top to the very thick skulls. They interfere with sublingual bones vibrate, but due to the fact that such cartilage, strengthen the entire vocal apparatus, the largest of the cat, a lion can roar loudly. And truly can only roar lions, other big cats can growl, howl, hiss, and even cough and grunt, but did not purr.


It is believed that originally used a little purring kitten in order to tell his mother that they have everything in order and they are happy. You'll notice that the kittens are almost always purr while nursing. Indeed, at the same time sucking the milk and can not meow, purr but can be any number. In this case, and a cat-mother is also often purr, thereby encouraging a kitten or comforting him.


Cats can purr more mature, meeting with other cats, thus showing their friendly intentions and expressing a desire to play. The dominant male pomurlychet to show the subordinate that he was not going to attack him. Sometimes, cats purr, even when the fear or being attacked in an attempt to say that they are defenseless and weak, they can not hurt. Sick and injured cats purr to support herself, calm and set a positive mood. Often a quiet purr - a requirement of anything, and loud - thanks for that cat was desired.


However, when a cat purrs, listen to the beating of her heart and lungs is almost impossible. Interestingly, the most cats stop purring if they see and hear the current tap water. Therefore, veterinarians are often resorted to this approach - to include in his office with tap water, the cat stopped purring and it became possible to listen to her heart and lungs.


And of course, most cats purr when they are happy, happy, satisfied with their lives and are thankful for example, when stroked their favorite host, as if telling him that "all is well, all right." And they know that is the owner and pomurlykat certainly give all that you desire, even if it's the last piece of sausage.