Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Breeds of domestic cats
domestic cat, the name brings all the breeds domestic cat (Felis catus), most of which were withdrawn in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Study of cats involved in science felinology.
Colors cats - silver, purple, mottled color - All about cats
pure white cat - it's magic! So consider not only current happy owners of these animals - that were sure even our ancestors. Already in ancient Egypt was revered especially white cats, believing that they are the best to help people whose lives have been associated with the risk and hard physical activity. In addition, at various times cats were regarded as the personification of white purity (both physical and purity of thoughts) and purity.
Dream Interpretation Cat, what a dream cat, cat in a dream
Dream Interpretation Juno: Juno Our dream interpretation - of more than 75 dream book (previously - 40 dream interpretation), many of which are only on our website - the biggest dream interpretation in RuNet. From October 2008 until the present time is the most complete collection of dream interpretation provided on one site. We created you the most informative and user-friendly dream interpretation - both quantitatively and qualitatively, picking up, in our opinion, the best dream books by various authors and the peoples of the world as the most famous, and not so that does not detract from their merits. To interpret your dream, use search, and among the different interpretations of dreams, select those that you feel suits you best, or make a synthesis based on them. In addition to the Dream Book, a section of the library Juno interpretation of dreams you'll find articles on the interpretation of dreams, that will teach you to understand the deeper meaning of dreams that you dream about.
Kittens, cats, and cats
Not everyone in terms of human right is such a tray for cats. And from what you distribute the back of kakashek collected in the corners, nothing will change fundamentally - no self-respecting cat, but it is no doubt these are the true Britons and British women do not go into any pan that you offer it as a receptacle for spravleniya natural needs.
Cats and children
The neighborhood cats and children is not only possible but also desirable. For children who already know how to walk, a cat, for that matter, any other pet can be a kind of textbook: the child will look after the animals, take care of him, taken care of. Children learn to understand living things, and, with some degree of responsibility, for example, feeding and combing, and gain confidence. If a house cat and not cat, children will learn about early sex life, birth of offspring and the care of babies. Choice of breed does not matter here.
K. K
Cat B. Cat B
I wonder how many cats need to them in the room were five?
Choosing a cat: black cat - bad omen? Colouring Cats
Long hair not only makes our lives, because behind it is difficult to maintain.
It is also a stimulus for the ailing asthma. Longhaired cats may cause choking.How many cats live and how to treat them in old age?
Caring for a cat after childbirth - a cat after giving birth, feeding the cat
Postpartum have any cat begins immediately after all the kittens were born. Cat after birth usually relaxed and sleeps a lot, and your job - as to ensure its peace.
First of all feel the belly and the cat, make sure that all kittens are born. If you can not do it yourself, better consult a doctor. Also watch out for well-being of the animal. If the behavior of the cat after giving birth you worries immediately invite the vet!Parenting cats - cat training, cat training and care
How to raise a cat?
SamaraMur - Site Samara Cat Fanciers
Genetics colors of cats
If you are interested in obtaining the genetic bases of various colors, as well as those which are theoretically possible colors - This article is for you.
Pregnancy cat. Moore
The gestation period for cats is about 65 days (9 weeks) plus or minus a week. The discrepancy at term in 4 days is quite normal, and birth occurred as a week earlier or later, is also not uncommon.
13 Myths about cats
Cats and Dogs: How to make friends
Physiology of the cat
Cats are different from other animals by some biological features. For example, cats are aggressive to rodents, are well adapted to environmental conditions, are not very sensitive to electric shock. So getting these animals under the "short circuit" does not necessarily end in their deaths. Some time after her release from the current cat comes to life.
What to feed your cat: Cat. What to feed a cat
Kotenko be given pasteurized milk at room temperature or slightly warmed, low-fat cream. But the adult cat in the diet include milk should not be, because it is poorly digested and may cause diarrhea.
The content of the cat
It is desirable to select a tray with high bumpers. Many cats like to dig into the filler, so you must select the appropriate tray.
Feed the cats. Nutritional value and usefulness of cat food. Comparison
Today, a lot of people know about the "right" food. Theme of healthy nutrition there is a long time, but in recent years - is particularly relevant. Thanks largely to advertising, we have changed our attitude toward food. First, unsophisticated consumers of advertising, with joy and enthusiasm to buy all the food advertised. Then it turned out that advertised goods does not necessarily have to be high quality and useful. Yes, today we have very carefully read the label on the beautiful packaging to determine what we actually eats called "creamy yogurt".
Cats generation. Cats
The Moscow biologists have recently made a sensational discovery in the capital of a new generation of urban animals. Do stray dogs and cats living in the city, develop complex reflexes are not familiar wit them kinsmen. Dogs go out on a green traffic light, and cats with the skill of attackers opened windows. Civilization affects even the insects, but originally: cockroaches and flies poorly assimilated modern food.
sick cats
is well-groomed and properly feeding the cat, which is under the constant supervision of a veterinarian, usually healthy. But just as a person and all other living beings, cats exposed to various diseases. Of course, to provide comprehensive information about all the cat diseases is not possible, but cat owners should know basic signs, especially signs and treat even the most frequently encountered in this type of animal diseases.
Description. Description
. Cat of medium size, strong, balanced physique. The coat is short, thick, elastic, very soft to the touch, elastic, close to the body. Color can be quite varied: one color (blue, black, white, sand, chocolate (milk chocolate color)), multi-color (Harlequin, tortoise, van), striped (tabby-different designs, marble, spotted, mackerel). Ears are set well apart and stacked so that their upper covers the ear hole, that is hanging down. The more closely their ears pressed to the head, the better representative of this breed. Eyes large, round, open, wide-set. The color matches the color of their hair cat. Sometimes come across a cat with different colored eyes. The trunk is short, powerful, round, squat, compact. Shoulders and hips the same width, breast volume and wide. Legs of medium length, strong and elegant with round paws. The tail is not very long, thick at the base and tapered at the end. Valued by individuals with a movable tail, as this breed may be changes in the joints. Cats of this breed of cats are much larger, sometimes weigh 6-10 kg. Option Scottish Fold breed with normal auricle (not folded) form. Grown as an auxiliary species used for Scottish Fold. Except for the ears look like, and Fold. Unfortunately, the straights to keep within the breed Scottish Fold was impossible, because the scale scores for Scottish requires 30 points in the rock-forming feature - ears. And for the straights are not entitled to. Straight So were identified as a distinct breed with the right stud only Scottish Fold. : Stiffness in any part of the tail and spine, skull separated from the ears and feet in profile, is a serious drawback. : Hook on the tail, tail too short, stiff and motionless with a very thick tail vertebrae, an incorrect number of toes, a significant morbidity and poor health movements. : Semi-erect, not surrounding your ears, large ears, hocked the UK, heavy type, a flat forehead, marked stop, caved spin Cowhocks hind legs, knees close together, any anomalies in the structure and mkeleta hocked legs, stiff and motionless tail, squeaking and a poschelkivanie intervertebral joints deprives title.
If the Scottish Fold treated too roughly, they are simply removed, almost never scratch and do not bite (with the right education.) This is an ideal cat for people who like quiet animals with unusual appearance. Based on materials from sites Wikipedia, SuperFold, Pet. 2010
Maintenance and care for the cat
Cats are very clean animals, constantly taking care of themselves, and tend to clean my place. Wild cats kittens usually transmit the instinct of cleanliness. When the content of a cat at home a person must achieve making her habit to perform his toilet in one place. Parenting kitten begin with his birth, and by the age of 4-6 weeks had produced certain reflexes.
The cat will not eat
If the cat does not eat, not eat ��� is always an alarming symptom for any owner of Thai cats. For veterinary food refusal is a sign that the animal is seriously ill.
But sometimes perfectly healthy cats just lose your appetite.Oestrus and birth in cats - how to take birth in the cat
If copulation occurred, then within 2 days all symptoms cease. If not, estrus lasts 10-12 days. If the woman became pregnant, later sexual activity is not observed, and if not, then a period of "calm", but after 7-12 days of estrus occurs again. Thus, the cycle is repeated after about 21 days. The older the cat, the shorter the cycle. In 12% of cats interval between periods of passion is missing, the animals can be continuously for 6-10 weeks to issue call-up and cries to have sexual intercourse.
This phenomenon is called nymphomania, and can create significant discomfort for the hosts. Duration of dormancy is associated with the duration of daylight and temperature conditions. Consequently, domestic cats are contained in a warm environment with artificial lighting, this period is either very short or absent.How to train your cat to the toilets. How to train your cat
How to choose a toilet for cats?
On the kittens
How to teach a cat tricks. How to teach your cat
Become a real circus performer hard, especially if you are a home cat. It's better to spread out impressively on the windowsill, blocking the sun from a sprig of geranium, so full-blown way. But what kind of hearing the rustling of cutting? Is it again, arrogant wrapper ?..
Anxiety symptoms and rate
Often, cat owners are not quite the right idea about what is normal cat behavior.
This results in inappropriate expectations about the behavior of the animal, because accepted standards of conduct for unacceptable habits. A proper understanding of ethics cat helps prevent many complications of object relations cat and its owner, but also reduces the risk of stress in the lives of cats and, as a consequence, the development of behavioral disorders.Uda
Nature endowed cats sharp claws, it needs to hunt and protect themselves. But not all the owners love their furry pitomitsa sharpens claws on the furniture and painfully scratched. Many trim his claws favorite, but some settle the question more radically, without the help of a surgeon removing claws.
What you need to know about grooming cats
Why cut a cat?
Secrets of our funny cats, how to explain their behavior and habits ?
Let's Let's consider in detail the main points povedencheskie cats.
G. G
Incidentally, in the treatment of your pet cats eyes have time to go to therapy "Elizabethan collar" which can be removed only to the cat ate it. Do not neglect this rule to keep your eyes predator!
How often do cats is in heat and how to determine its origin?
Our cat out of the vagina is flowing thick as sour cream, liquid white and yellow. What is it?
I want to clarify, I have a cat, 1 year, started the first heat, orient, where it ends and begins about the second, we just want her to knit, so to speak to orient in time! Thanks in advance!
cat I gave her 3 years. former owners gave her some tablets from heat (do not remember which). Persian cat. not with a cat once nebyla. I have 2 weeks. I have a cat Persian him 6 months. it one hundred, we have to show her sexual interest. It was a bit thin. began to feed her at the piano 36, and is gaining weight well. Tell me it can breed and age kittens will allow? and when some may be in heat?
My cat in heat center began. Her urine with the release of blood, is this normal??
made a mistake not to Anna Koval, and for Veklich Dmitry
user Anna Koval. Cats in heat should not be any discharge. What you are describing seems to pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus). Show an animal doctor. Since pyometra life-threatening.
At home, a cat in heat begins earlier than in the street the ladies. About 7 months, of course at such an early age when she sma still a kitten and fragile body can not be the case with cats. Hormonal medications, such as antiseks lead to disease of cancer. Constant heat without mating also lead to various diseases. Kitty should sterializovat, although very sorry.
My cat, which we picked up on the street ... I think it has no more years ... now she in heat and in this case usually reduce the cat ... but found the site where it says that it is impossible for a cat brings her first heat ... Is this true?
Elena, your husband is absolutely right. =) Nothing else to do, it's all natural. Tools for cats are big money. Oleg hard-about 7 months, but it individually. Anna-my cat, so to speak, "cycle" began in the winter too. This is normal. =)
cat does not ask to cats, but she in heat and very extensive with the color of melted milk and sometimes with clots krovi.S cats was not, although it has given only three goda.Tabletki raz.Chto it can be and what to do now ??
To the cat did not suffer them to be reduced! Or sterilize
My cat injected into veterinarke Betsilin. What is it? And she has all of the above symptoms. How can she help? Tired of watching as she suffers and does not sleep through the night! Help and .....
my pussy just 9 months. Today, it is something incomprehensible. She walks and groans (guttural sounds like purring, but the other). Permanently raises the ass. And walks on all fours. She became increasingly is going to the toilet more than usual. My husband says she began estrus. What should I do? How can she help? I feel very sorry for her.
the age at which puberty occurs kittens?
And if it happens in winter?? Like my cat has no year, but right now during the winter time, she started yelling, rolling on the floor ....... how to explain it, can it not at all in heat !!!!!
Cats - how to treat
Before starting a risky event, make sure you have the necessary equipment: a rectal thermometer, lubricant, paper towels, alcohol, watches and a large towel, in which you wrap the cat.
Functional houses and cat scratching posts. Cat houses