Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
sick cats
is well-groomed and properly feeding the cat, which is under the constant supervision of a veterinarian, usually healthy. But just as a person and all other living beings, cats exposed to various diseases. Of course, to provide comprehensive information about all the cat diseases is not possible, but cat owners should know basic signs, especially signs and treat even the most frequently encountered in this type of animal diseases.
This is a fairly common disease.
In certain disease states are necessary aids to help prevent scratching and licking. Namely, a linen cloth with four holes for legs, backs it can tie laces.These skin lesions, as _s_s_a_d_i_n_y_, _ts_a_r_a_p_i_n_y_, p_o_r_e_z_y_ (if the wound bleeds), no need to rush to heal. Cat zalizhet their own.
If the wound is bleeding or is not available for licking, it is necessary to process it is not very strong antiseptic solution. Still need to make cotton pad and apply a tight bandage on the bleeding site.
from skin diseases in cats can be _e_k_z_e_m_a_, v_o_s_p_a_l_e_n_i_e _k_o_zh_n_o_g_o _p_o_k_r_o_v_a_, _t_r_i_h_o_m_a (mat).
There are two types of eczema - wet and dry.
M_o_k_r_a_ya _e_k_z_e_m_a_ mainly caused by allergies and is found in large reddish spots that are continuously wet.
S_u_h_a_ya _e_k_z_e_m_a_ shows small red spots, distant from each other. They can become inflamed, which leads to dropping out of wool. Any eczema cause itching and animal scratches formed spots. Treat the disease should only be appealed to the vet.
T_r_i_h_o_m_a_ (_k_o_l_t_u_n_) - tangles of hair (especially long-haired animals). Remove most of trichomes to be very careful. The difficulty is that usually the animal is behaving in this restless. Scissors can damage skin folds.
Most of these occur in the cat parasites: fleas, lice, tongs, itch mite, ear mites.
Clinical manifestation of the presence of fleas is scratching, sudden movements of the animal, in vgryzanie coat the teeth. On the body of the cat bites can be seen, the flea feces (in the form of brown particles), white flea eggs. In the fight against fleas is necessary to apply hygienic measures, not only in relation to the animal, but also cover the space surrounding it.
Effective use of bathing and chamomile extracts of conifers.
V_l_a_s_o_e_d_y _and _v_sh_i_.
is very common, especially in young animals. Are found mainly on the head and neck in the area, but can live on the rest of the body. Cause itching. Must fight with them using drugs. Effectively as a careful combing of wool often.
K_l_e_sch_i_ may be carriers of diseases, when sucking the blood of its victims, cause intense itching. To choose the suckling-free wool skin (lips, eyes and places around the base of the ears).
Most of the cats found Ixodes, argasid and scabies.
When you remove the tick to pull out suck it should not be, as this only comes off the body and the proboscis is causing inflammation. To remove a tick on it should drop any oil, cologne, alcohol, gasoline, kerosene - the tick should drop off himself. If the tick after several minutes does not cease, it must be removed by rotating around its axis.
As a precaution it is recommended to inspect your cat daily, especially the neck, axillary folds, groin, anal region, interdigital spaces. You can also use commercially available protivobloshinye collars. Periods of activation of ticks - spring, fall.
These diseases are common in cats, especially long-haired breeds. The most common diseases include various viral inflammation (catarrh), upper respiratory tract, sore throat, runny nose, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and pneumonia.
K_a_t_a_r _v_e_r_h_n_i_h _d_y_h_a_t_e_l__n_y_h _p_u_t_e_y_.
Viral respiratory disease in which inflammation occurs in the cat respiratory system. Disease susceptible cats of any age and gender. Infectious agent may be different viruses from herpes virus to the influenza virus. The latent period of illness lasts from two to five days. Diseased cat sneezes and rubs his paws eyes. After a day of the nostrils and eyes begins to stand mucopurulent secret glue eyelids and nostrils. Completely covers the eye third eyelid. The body temperature of a sick animal is raised to 40-41e C. The wings of the nose crack. On corneal opacity and ulceration occurs. The cat stops taking food and water, lose weight, but vomiting and diarrhea are not marked.
sick animal suffering from a debilitating cough and runny nose. Left untreated, the cat developed pneumonia and complications of the central nervous system (convulsions, seizures). Pregnant cats are observed abortions. The disease lasts 7-14 days.
Treatment of cats is carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian. In order to prevent complications of antibiotics are used and sulfapreparaty. Nose, eyes, warm pale washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Cats offered warm drinks and warm food. If the home contains several cats, the patient was isolated.
characteristic redness of the mucous membranes throat, often accompanied by sore throat runny nose. The reasons - extreme changes in temperature, cooling, irritation by tobacco smoke. The body temperature rises, reduced appetite, swallowing difficult, cough, sore throat area. If sore throat is not treated, it can become chronic.
N_a_s_m_o_r_k_ is most often caused by a virus. Then the cat scratched his nose, shaking his head. The expiration of the nose at first watery then mucous. Cats can make inhalation of vapors of eucalyptus leaves, decoction, etc. (cat's head and spout cover with a napkin).
Keep the animal warm and quiet. Consult your doctor just in case. Maybe that will take a serious cold for (the temperature can rise to 40 ° C, a cat's nose will be very difficult to breathe, and then may be followed by complications - pharyngitis, pneumonia, etc.).B_r_o_n_h_i_t_.
Inflammation of the bronchial tubes may be due to more cooling in the spring or autumn, the cold, wet weather, or infection. Fever, chills, malaise, fever, cough, shortness of breath, often cold and breathing through the mouth. If successful, the treatment usually takes 10-15 days. If treatment is delayed or carried out inconsistently, can become chronic bronchitis, especially in elderly cats.
arises as a complication of bronchitis or independently, as a result of infection, the cooling contact of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. The animal may weaken and die if not in time to see a doctor. Breathing cats and learning the very difficult, at first rare cough, dry, then a strong, moist, mucous discharge, sometimes bloody. Nose hot and dry, the temperature is raised.
A disease frequent in cats. Often be a complication of bronchitis. High fever, the animal put down, the thirst for intense, no appetite. Painful cough causes animal suffering, there may be bleeding when you cough. Shortness of breath. Pneumonia can turn into pleurisy. All these symptoms indicate the need for immediate treatment to the doctor.
A_s_t_m_a_ - is suddenly developing asthma, accompanied by frequent wheezing or a hoarse, dry cough, frequent. The cat becomes restless at first attack, with the increase in asthma collapses to one side, blue tongue falls out of the open mouth.
Time attack is different - from several minutes to an hour. During the attack there is sometimes incontinent. Asthma gradually ends, after which the cat is depressed for some time.
The reasons for causing such attacks in cats, are inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, especially frequent.
Help is to provide your cat fresh air and an emergency call to the vet to help her specialized care and treatment of the underlying disease.
Such diseases - some of the most common and dangerous to the health of cats. The first signs are usually not eating, vomiting, diarrhea and other diseases of the digestive system to include gastroenteritis, enteritis, an inflammation of the anal glands, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal worms.
Inflammation of the stomach lining and intestines of different origin, for example - swallowed foreign bodies, indigestible food, the food tract irritant substances infection. The cat is excited, often gets up, walks, plaintive meows. There was no appetite, but hunger is very strong. Frequent vomiting. Temperature rises to 40 ° C, have diarrhea. The cat tends to lie on his stomach, but often changes his position. Touching the stomach causing her pain. You should immediately contact a doctor - the disease is dangerous!
E_n_t_e_r_i_t - inflammation of various parts of the intestine, often parasitic nature (coccidiosis, giardiasis), viral enteritis and possible. Stomach cat can be a painful, hard, usually fever, diarrhea, sometimes bloody. The disease is dangerous and requires immediate treatment to the doctor, you can not give advice to any food, only drink: strong tea, boiled water with chamomile extract, drinking should be slightly salted.
V_o_s_p_a_l_e_n_i_e _a_n_a_l__n_y_h _zh_e_l_e_z_. _Oni Located on each side of the anus, and if their secret is not removed in time, can become inflamed. Then the cat in a specific position "sits" on the anus, and slips on the floor at all to worry. Need advice veterinarian.
Cats are often, as their activity in the contents of the apartment is small and the food often contains ingredients that enhance intestinal motility and its work. If constipation is recommended to give vegetable or mineral oil (2-4 teaspoons) will not help if it is better to see a doctor - he will explain how to put an enema, if deemed necessary this procedure (usually do an enema with warm water and vegetable oil).
P_o_n_o_s_ - often from 3 to 12 times a day bowel movements a cat. Feces may be different: thin, watery, with a smell, no smell, with mucus, without mucus mixed with blood, etc.
causes diarrhea in cats can be food poisoning that hit the intestines wool, helminthiasis, allergic conditions, poisoning, avitaminosis, infectious diseases, etc.
When a cat is experiencing diarrhea and frequent painful tenesmus, anal area is red, swells and becomes inflamed. There may be a rise in body temperature. The cat quickly weakens, many lies, not eating.
In the case of diarrhea, we recommend a cat drink the sweet strong tea, do not feed them, contact your veterinarian.
P_a_r_a_z_i_t_y _k_i_sh_e_ch_n_i_k_a_.
A cat may be the "master" of the various parasitic worms. Some live in the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, symptoms of their presence - weakness, emaciation, and anemia. Other (more common) affect the stomach and intestines of cats. Vital activity of parasites can cause diarrhea, vomiting, epileptic seizures, progressive emaciation, animal appetite varies quite dramatically.
The composition of the fauna of digestive tract of your cat can accurately determine only an analysis of her feces in a veterinary laboratory. Typically, this roundworm (transmitted to humans!), Different types teny (at least four), gnatostoma, hookworm, etc. If you purchased a cat, much less pick it up on the street, talk to your veterinarian immediately - it will help to carry out deworming, tell the necessary drugs, their dosages and methods of use.
These diseases are not rare, but they diagnose in cats is not easy. May do so only by a doctor. Progressive disease leads to self-poisoning organism. For diseases of the excretory system include cystitis, nephritis, bladder stones.
Ts_i_s_t_i_t_ - inflammation of the bladder caused by various factors (inflammation of nearby organs - kidneys, uterus, etc.; injuries, irritating substances, etc.). Cat with difficulty and often urinates, possibly with blood, fever, painful area of ��the bladder. While waiting for the vet can give way to a common antiseptic - methenamine. Need to diet - avoid meat for a while, replacing it with vegetable broth, go to the dairy foods.
N_e_f_r_i_t_ - can be developed for diseases of plague, bronchopneumonia, resulting in injury. The animal is suppressed, no appetite. Vomiting, difficulty in movement of the hind limbs. Frequent urination and profuse, often bloody urine, breath shortness. Urgent medical attention! Keep your cat in heat, drink tea can be. Treatment should begin as soon as possible, since it may develop uremia.
K_a_m_n_i _v _m_o_ch_e_v_o_m _p_u_z_y_r_e_ - cats, especially the elderly, it is not uncommon. Urinary stone disease manifests in difficulty and painful urination. Treatment by a veterinarian is necessary because crowded bladder could burst, and indeed it is a serious metabolic disorder. We need a strict diet, depending on the composition of the rocks.
Such illnesses should be treated the specialist. Depending on the diagnosis, he shall designate the necessary funds eye. Exercise autonomy in the treatment of very dangerous because the wrong actions can cause the deterioration of the animal. The most common of eye diseases - tearing (epiphora), conjunctivitis, eye injury, foreign body in the eye, loss of the third century.
S_l_e_z_o_t_e_ch_e_n_i_e (_e_p_i_f_o_r_a_).
Under epiphora epiphora understand, beyond the limits of normal. Tears - a response to stimulation. Causes of watery eyes include: allergy, inflammation of the connective membranes of the eyes, conjunctivitis, corneal damage, blocked tear ducts. In addition, watering can be a symptom that accompanies lung infections such as upper respiratory tract.
Sometimes watering causes a change in color of hair under his eyes, so the hair in these areas should be thoroughly washed, and in some cases even shaved.
K_o_n__yu_n_k_t_i_v_i_t - inflammation of the cornea. It can occur as a distinct disease, but may accompany infection. The first sign of inflammation of the cornea is watering. In mild cases of conjunctivitis can pass on its own within 3-7 days, while others - lacrimal discharge becomes sticky, yellowish, congregate in large numbers in the corners of his eyes, then treatment is necessary.
In order to cure a cat from conjunctivitis, you must first remove the cause of his offending.
A healthy cat eye discharge should be transparent, watery, the patient conjunctivitis - usually self-adhesive, non-transparent. If, within three days of conjunctivitis has not passed, you need to consult a doctor. He antibiotics, eye drops, will explain how to do rinsing.
P_o_v_r_e_zh_d_e_n_i_e _g_l_a_z_a_, _ch_u_zh_e_r_o_d_n_o_e _t_e_l_o g_l_a_z_u_ _v.
Strong tearing and inflammation of the cornea may be signs of that in my eye foreign body, or that the eye is damaged.
If the tearing and inflammation of the cornea is accompanied by pain when blinking, washing by hand, there is every reason to suppose that the eye is struck by a hit or a foreign body.
eye ��exam to determine the causes of epiphora should be carried out necessarily in bright light. To remove a foreign body, put the thumb of one hand on the edge of the lower eyelid eyes, and the thumb the other - on the edge of the upper eyelid. Pulling eyelids, you can see the eyeball.
Compare the injured eye with a healthy. In a healthy eye the upper surface of the cornea should be smooth and completely transparent.
If you find yourself in the eye of a cat, for example, or a speck of dust grains of sand, gently remove her wet gauze pad, leading them along the inner surface of the century in the corner of the eye. If a foreign body large, it can be removed with tweezers or your fingertips.
If you can not remove a foreign body yourself, you should immediately seek medical attention.
V_y_p_a_d_e_n_i_e _t_r_e_t__e_g_o _v_e_k_a_.
The third eyelid (nictitating) often falls from the normal state at the inner corner of eye and wrinkled, sometimes covering of the eye. Very often a sign of local irritation of the eyes, for example, if it enters the eye foreign body or corneal damage.
Sometimes it happens in both eyes simultaneously, and lasts a long time - from several hours to several days.
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