Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cats and children
The neighborhood cats and children is not only possible but also desirable. For children who already know how to walk, a cat, for that matter, any other pet can be a kind of textbook: the child will look after the animals, take care of him, taken care of. Children learn to understand living things, and, with some degree of responsibility, for example, feeding and combing, and gain confidence. If a house cat and not cat, children will learn about early sex life, birth of offspring and the care of babies. Choice of breed does not matter here.
If you intend to buy for children cat, do not do this yourself if you do not love these animals. Indeed, in the family one of the parents will need to take responsibility for the care of a cat. This burden can not be completely entrusted to children in the worst case, they quickly become accustomed to the new "toy", but at best they are so interested in other things, that they would forget to feed the cat or comb. Perhaps, this change has no interest for them a special significance, but the cat's well-being and this is significant - And in any case, do not buy a cat as a gift to the children of his friends, without consulting and without first obtaining permission from the parents. There may be some reasons for not allowing them to take this step, about which you know nothing.
It is important to avoid mistreatment of a cat, this is usually out of ignorance (not, for example, to squeeze and fondle pussy continuously), and also due to carelessness and misconceptions about pleasure. It should be explained to children that, in any case, the cat should be treated as they would like to treat them themselves, and then show how to do it. Conscious cruelty to animals is usually spread among children, who also treated badly.
Children aged between three and six years should be easy to plant and only after that to hold the cat, otherwise they might drop it, especially if the animal writhing in their hands, or, if it is a kitten, scratch and bite .
Children who have not yet learned to walk, you may have problems with cats. Kids love to pet the cats, and so it is really like. But it should always be near one of the adults. If the child will pull the cat's tail, pull her hair or accidentally step on an animal, a cat may make an attack (aggression caused by pain). Very young children (less than two years) have a natural habit of suddenly grabbing items that guards kittens.
In addition, the cat can be a source of various diseases transmitted from animals to man, and here the greatest danger is to children because they have a habit of keeping your fingers and other objects in their mouths. These diseases include peritonitis and toxoplasmosis. To exclude the possibility that cats and children have access to food to each other, and we can not allow a cat licking your child face. After playing with the cat child must wash their hands, and before that he in no event shall not take his hands in his mouth - Infants and "sliders" should not be allowed anywhere near the cat to the trough, and a children's sandbox to cover when it does not play, otherwise the cat can use it as their toilet. The cat's feces should be removed immediately, especially if they come from places where children play.
"I want the kitty!" Many parents hear such a request, the demand from their children. Instead, females may appear a dog, a hamster, a bird rarely. But in any case, meaning the request of the child does not change: he wants to appear in the house pet. It does not matter much if he had a toy. Even if they are few and parents are trying to seduce his child some trendy novelty game industry instead of Murka, or bugs, the little man often remains intransigent.
Then, an adult party resorts to pressure to force him to abandon his desire to have any pet. As motivation is generally referred to the potential danger posed by the cats and dogs for children's health - fleas, worms and "do any contagion." Too unequal forces in this conflict, and therefore children are rarely able to insist on his own.
It would seem that nothing terrible has happened. Kid pokuksitsya and forget. But his health would not threaten anything. And the trouble with the content of the animal in the house will not be. In fact, without knowing it, his refusal to have a bug or Murka philoprogenitive parents are harmful to the child's health. And above all mental, that is so vulnerable at a young age psyche.
try to understand why children at some stage - at one in seven, the other ten, third in twelve years - there is a desire for close contact with domestic animals.
It is believed that this is just a freak of modern entertainment pampered children who want a "living toy", and having achieved quickly lose interest in it. However, experience shows that this is not the case. More often resettled in an apartment cat or dog crowding into the background even favorite toys have not spoiled children. How are drawn to street kids Murka and beetle while walking in spite of the strictest bans mothers and grandmothers! Consequently they are motivated by a desire not just to have fun, and a more powerful inner impulse.
quite a different explain the phenomenon of religious philosophy. After the birth of a child lives with a pure, sinless soul, unaware of the sinfulness of the world. When he grows up a little and the world begins to open it, it raises the soul of revolt. She wants to communicate with the creatures that are not peculiar to anger, jealousy, meanness, egotism. Because they are able to give the little man desperately needed spiritual comfort and support. And then the kid says to parents: "I want the kitty!" Or "Buy me a dog!"
similar view is held by psychologists. Those who constantly communicates closely with domestic animals, they provide a kind of emotional support, which is sometimes lacking even in the relations between members of one family, not to mention the lonely people. Moreover, such "lonely people" are often our children because parents are so loaded with things that do not have time for their children. This support can be considered a real psychotherapy, which has a clear mechanism of action.
It is ironic, but "dumb" and Murok scutes - an advantage rather than disadvantage. Indeed, in the process of communicating to man is not only what he hears, but also as people listen to him. Therefore, the fact that pets are listening and seem to understand us, but do not ask questions and do not count, can be their most enjoyable quality of both partners.
This is especially true for children. It is often older, without realizing it, their angry reprimands, shouts, criticisms - "How many times have you said !.."," Once you !..", "Do not bother with nonsense!" - hurt the child's soul, causing him stress. But our mind is built so that people can not long be held captive by negative emotions - And the child instinctively looks out for them, for example, in tears. Meanwhile, a much more useful in such cases it would communicate with animals. Stroking your pet, it does not matter - a cat or dog - he receives psychological support and relaxation.
The mere presence of an animal in the house is already creating an atmosphere for the child's psychological comfort, as they call him the positive emotions. These emotions stimulate the production of "pleasure hormones" which, in turn, creates favorable conditions for the brain. An interesting experience in this regard was held in America. During the study 36 children aged from 9 to 16 years who have had a dog, read aloud the text of the complex once in front of their bony plates, the second time without them. In the first case, their blood pressure and pulse rate were significantly lower. This suggests that their dogs are anti-stress factor for children.
However, the presence in the house cat or dog can play an important role in the correction of the psyche and behavior of children with abnormalities. In families with one child, parents often complain about his irritability, moodiness, and sometimes the hysterical breakdowns. The standard advice of doctors in such cases is short: do not spoil the child.
In fact, the reason is not the point. Even if it does not spoil, it is still always a subject of special attention from family members. Words and deeds of the child all the time in the limelight and therefore subject to meticulous analysis, although the adults about it and not think. It does not matter, they admired the baby, or, conversely, criticize. Equally bad and that, and another is a "test of fame" might be too much for the fragile psyche and even lead to nervous disorders.
It is a cat or dog, and of the attention in the family inevitably switches to the pet, even if parents do not realize it. It seems to obscure the child, pulling the excess over the adults' attention. And the positive effect of the presence of bugs or Murka not take long. In addition, they are excellent companions for the most antistress baby.
However, pets can provide children not only through counseling. At present, the medicine is rapidly developing new energy-line treatment effects. It uses electromagnetic waves of extremely high frequency and ultra-low-intensity, causing a positive response in the human body.
The source of the radiation correction is applied and the special equipment ... bioenergy therapists hands, as we now call it, psychic. But the cat and dog sitting on your lap or beside the owner, too, is exposed to its own electromagnetic waves. It is therefore possible that their frequency may be part of a resonance with the human, and thus eliminate the energy disruptions. At the VII International Conference on the interaction of humans and animals in Geneva, which was attended by over 600 scholars and practitioners, cited many cases where constant contact with animals, and hence their inevitable impact energy, heal people. Here is one of them.
Even in his early childhood in the French girls Perl, doctors discovered an incurable disease - progressive muscular dystrophy, because of which she could not even stand. Deprived of a normal childhood girl suffered not only physically but also spiritually. Although she was surrounded by loving parents, older brother and sister, tried in every way to brighten up the lives of young disabled it in on itself, almost always in a state of deep depression. And doctors began to fear that in the end the child's mind can be permanently injured.
Her mother, Madame Nicole, decided by all means to save her daughter. She appealed to the National Association of dog training to help people with disabilities. After training in special courses, as it was to work with her dog, Madame Nicole brought home his future chetveronogo Assistant Fistulika.
child and the dog slept together, ate, walked, played and ... worked. Individual program written by physicians, veterinarians, psychologists and educators, and demanded from all participants in perseverance, desire, and, most importantly, patience. Painstaking, day-to-day work of girls and dogs Perl Fistulika led Madame Nicole began to bear fruit - Dr. Duhamel of the Clinical Center in Cannes, watching a little patient, wrote a few months later: "Since then, as there was in the house dog, Pearl has made significant progress in his condition." Finally the day came when she was alone on foot.
In conclusion, one piece of advice. If your child wants to have a cat or dog, take his request seriously. Weigh all the "pros" and "no" and try not to deprive the little man so he needed to communicate with a living creature that does not replace any toys.
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