cats and crows

The Moscow biologists have recently made a sensational discovery in the capital of a new generation of urban animals. Do stray dogs and cats living in the city, develop complex reflexes are not familiar wit them kinsmen. Dogs go out on a green traffic light, and cats with the skill of attackers opened windows. Civilization affects even the insects, but originally: cockroaches and flies poorly assimilated modern food.


The behavior of stray animals in the Russian capital is practically unique, say scientists. Nowhere in the world they are not created an enabling environment for self-development. "Over the past 10-15 years in the megacity has changed dramatically the behavior of commensal (living with a man) animals - said" NO "zoopsychologists Andrew Neuronov. - These include dogs, cats, rats and crows. Dogs occupy a special place among them. They learn to use technological advances of mankind. Some dogs, going way, behave exactly like people: first look left, then right. Meet smart dog can be in the subway. They understand, on a station out how to ride the escalator. In contrast, cats, crows and rats, by contrast, learn to avoid humans. Among the most striking cats skills - the ability to manipulate various objects. For example, they can open doors, casement windows. " According to Mr.

cats and crows

Neuronova received city animal skills are handed down. And after several years in Moscow will stray animals a new formation.


Developing stress allowed to adapt to the bustling city life and many species of birds. "Better than other in the city feels hoodie - said" NO "Ph.D. Vladimir Romanov. - They are now about 20% of all the other birds. They are distinguished by intelligence, aggressiveness, courage and teamwork. " Unlike migratory birds, crows are capable of sedentary complex behavior patterns. "This is because the development of intelligence they have more time than that of wild birds, - explained the" NO "Andrew Neuronov. - Some crows love to ride with slides by placing himself under the wing, others throw stones or frighten animals and even humans for fun.


There are among the city's crows and outcasts who live by themselves and doing all crazy things, like riding on the roof of a subway car ».


It is surprising, but to adapt to difficult conditions of the capital could not even some forest birds. "Quite comfortable in the city feel owls. They hunt bred in large numbers of rats. Recently saw an owl, even on the Arbat. Active nightlife metropolis they no longer interfere, "- says Mr. Romanov.


But the pigeons in the capital is becoming less and less. Since communal services have closed all the lofts and birds was no place to settle. Dealt a serious blow to civilization, as it turned out, and cockroaches. In the metropolis of becoming smaller. "Even 10-15 years ago, these insects can be found in almost every house - told" NO "biologist Dmitry Atyakshin. - Now they have become much rarer. And this applies not only Moscow but also in some other Russian cities. What was the reason for their reduction, until set. However, it is possible that the insect life has affected the human factor: partial transfer of people on genetically modified foods and the increase in the last decade of electromagnetic radiation. The radiation from cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, development of power lines might well have a negative impact on the population of cockroaches ».


Biologists wonder if human activity so drastically and quickly acted on one of the most enduring of insects, how it can affect the man himself?

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