Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Oestrus and birth in cats - how to take birth in the cat
If copulation occurred, then within 2 days all symptoms cease. If not, estrus lasts 10-12 days. If the woman became pregnant, later sexual activity is not observed, and if not, then a period of "calm", but after 7-12 days of estrus occurs again. Thus, the cycle is repeated after about 21 days. The older the cat, the shorter the cycle. In 12% of cats interval between periods of passion is missing, the animals can be continuously for 6-10 weeks to issue call-up and cries to have sexual intercourse.
This phenomenon is called nymphomania, and can create significant discomfort for the hosts. Duration of dormancy is associated with the duration of daylight and temperature conditions. Consequently, domestic cats are contained in a warm environment with artificial lighting, this period is either very short or absent. Births in cats. How to take birth in the cat.Before birth there is a decrease of temperature to 36.7 C (normal cat 37.5-39S). There are three stage of labor:
in the first period is the disclosure of the cervix, in the second period are born kittens born in the third last. The first stage of labor in the cat.lasts from 12 to 24 hours. The most prolonged if the first birth in the cat. It begins with a weak labor, with the development of a generic process contractions becoming more frequent, their duration increases, and the pain is getting worse.
At this time, usually quickens your breath, you may be shivering. The cat rushes, often changing position. Primipara cat may be extremely frightened, she cried piteously, and the owner seeks help. Watching her, constantly talk and pat her.
A few hours before contractions vagina swell up a bit from his stand clear mucus, yellowish or bloody color.
If you can not, accustom your cat before giving birth to a certain place, she tries to take bude in the closet or bed. Bring your cat in a box and prepared to stay with her until the cat gets used and feel calm.
Gradually struggles join attempts. If during any attempts to attach his hand to his stomach cat, you will feel as it hardens. Pain continues to increase, because of what the cat meows all the more frequently and often breathes. In between vain attempts she relaxes. Under the effect of contractions is pushed into the fruit bowl and vagina.
If this phase lasts more than 25 hours, be sure to call a veterinarian at the house.
The second stage of labor in the cat.Water sac surrounding the fetus emerges from the vagina, is broken and it implies liquid straw or green. This fluid lubricates and facilitates the passage of progress of the fetus. Cat at this time lying on his stomach or side, or at least worth squat on their hind legs. Finally, some showing a kitten out of the loop, then appearing, then disappearing again. From the moment when the output from the birth canal head struck a kitten, until its appearance is usually a quarter of an hour. If there is a delay, then call the vet at home.
kitten born in the membranes or without him. About 70% of kittens are born head first, 30% of the hind legs forward, that too is normal and usually not difficult for families.
Most cat handles the baby, gnawing fetal bladder (if any), gnaws the umbilical cord, licking it, thereby stimulating its breath.
Some inexperienced or nervous cats do not. In this case, you have to help the kitten. Need to break the shell, thread the cord tie at 1 cm from the stomach and cut off. It is important not to pull the cord strongly, so as not to provoke the hernia. Make intensive massage the kitten with a clean cloth.
Typically, the latter comes with a kitten or a little later. Please ensure that the number of subsequent births was equal to the number of kittens. Not who quit last can cause inflammation of the uterus or a hotbed of infection. Typically, the cat eats last after each kitten. Allow her to eat no more than two, otherwise it will be diarrhea.
The third phase of birth in the cat.This phase includes the length of time the quiescent state of the uterus after the birth of each kitten and the time during which the afterbirth out.
At this time the cat is calm and licking kittens and some cats get up to drink water. This quiet period from the birth of one kitten to another can last from 10-15 minutes to several hours, but usually not longer than 2 hours. Sometimes the birth as it stopped, the cat calms down and takes care of the kittens. Then, after 12-24 hours, childbirth again resumed, and the cat gives birth to the rest of the kittens. It is absolutely normal and should not be unnecessarily alarmed. Identical birth does not happen, all cases are individual. Define the boundary between normality and abnormality for a breeder that has no experience, it's hard.
Obstructed labor in cats. When should you call the veterinarian.Causes of complications in childbirth may be different. The most common of them - the weakness of labor and difficult birth canal patency. If you have noticed that some periods of protracted labor or cat is tortured, urgently invite a veterinarian at the house.
If the kitten appeared at the outlet of the vagina, but does not move on, then you need to help the cat. Take a sterile towel and try to grasp and pull the kitten out.
It sometimes happens that a long time does not exceed the latter. If any part of it visible, you can grab it with tweezers and gauze or extract. The latter can be born, followed by a kitten or even after the birth of kittens. If at least one of the last left or you do not know if all the following went out, invite your veterinarian. It will stimulate oxytocin, and the cat will give birth to all the rest last.
Failure of the uterus to contractions (uterine inertia) can occur after strenuous any attempts. Quite often this happens in obese or old cats. Some form of generic weaknesses may be caused by excessive stimulation or psychological stress during labor. It is therefore important to train your cat to the place where she should give birth. During childbirth in the room where the cat should not be strangers, as it also negatively affects the course of childbirth.
The presence of the host near the cat during childbirth, caring and calm behavior favorable effect on her condition.
If there are no obstacles in the passage through the birth canal, but are sluggish labor, a veterinarian may prescribe oxytocin and other agents in order to encourage generic activities.
If conservative treatment fails or there are any additional problems, physicians often decide to make a cat caesarean section - an operation in which the kittens removed from the uterus through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus.
During this operation, at the request of a cat can be spayed. If the cause of a difficult birth in mothers anatomy, during operations it should be sterilized for medical reasons, because these same problems will arise, and when the next delivery.
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