Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
13 Myths about cats
This myth finds its expression in the ready-made cat food, many of them include as part of the fish. You ever seen a dog food with fish? I think not - dogs do not need a fish. Do not need it, and cats.
This myth is scientifically based. As mentioned, cats need taurine and vitamin A, and fish products - a good source of both. However, many meat products contain a sufficient number and taurine, and vitamin A, so the opinion that cats always need the fish properly. Some types of fish are harmful to your cats. If fresh fish is beginning to deteriorate (and in our trade that occurs quite often), it appears the enzyme that destroys thiamin, vitamin B that is present in fish. A cat that eats spoiled fish, developed thiamine deficiency, which, if untreated, can lead to death. Feeding cats fatty fish may contribute to other deadly diseases - soapstone: subcutaneous fat in the wrong storage of fish penetrate into the muscle, causing it becomes poisonous and the poison does not kill no boiling. Feeding the fish contributes to the development of urolithiasis due to the fact that fish contain substances that contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
Feeding the cat fish - risky practice, but if you do not want to give up fish, buy it in ready-balanced cat food, not canned, intended for people, not "sverhmorozhennom", where an unknown how long and under what conditions it was stored. The raw fish contains thiaminase enzyme that destroys vitamin B1.
Myth 3: To sterilize the cat must at least once to give birth.In late sterilization increases the risk of diseases of the reproductive organs and breast cancer. It is desirable to sterilize cats aged 5-6 months, before her first heat.
Rather, they become more accommodating and quiet that some people take for laziness. In fact, any cat - and castrated, and natural - sleeping in the day not less than 18 hours. And in the winter and did dryhnet day and night, getting up only to eat. Cat to feel like a normal cat in the prime of life, requires the constant presence of two cats "in the hunt." He can not provide it - castrated.
Myth 5: Females treated with themselves, licking wounds.Small wounds and scratches can let the cat lick long, it disinfects and heals them. If the wound is extensive or too insistent licking, it can increase and even deepen it. Rough surface of the cat's tongue, like sandpaper, tear off the top layers of skin, slowing the healing process. Sometimes you put a cat collar or blanket.
Myth 6: Cats always land on their feet without pain.Domestic cats - great acrobats, and the instinct of the incident helps the cat to land on their feet. First, she turns her head and front paws, then steering the tail - the rear part of the body. Thus, all four legs are directed toward the ground. However, a fall from a great height very often leads to bone fractures, and the cat may even fell to his death.
Myth 7: Cats see in the dark as dayAnother common misconception. In fact, cats can see in the dark much better than people (because they have eyes, but no lights). But! The fact that cats are natural born hunters! What we call a mustache, it's the cats whiskers, located not only on the balls of his mustache, but also on the eyebrows, cheeks and legs. And ears on top of that all-e hear! This is their radar devices, with help of which they accurately identify the location of the facility. Among other things, even in the daytime vision of cats is not perfect. Unfortunately, our pets suffer from farsightedness, and sometimes do not notice what is happening right under their noses. For example, a bowl of food they determine by smell. By the way, sniffing for food, they only want to know its temperature, rather than taste.
Myth 8: Cats maintain a balance with the mustache.Usa (vibriscy) in cats - the bodies of touch and balance, they do not have any relation.
Myth 9: If the cat is not walking on the street, then it can not get sick.Agents of dangerous diseases can get into an apartment on clothing and footwear owners, as well as through contaminated substandard food for cats. Therefore, if the entrance to your home is not installed fumatorium (tell me if anyone has a - vaccinations and regular degelmitizatsiya - are equally necessary for all cats.
Myth 10: A cat and a dog - the enemies.Tales of the eternal enmity cats and dogs are unfounded. Simply, they speak different languages, often mutually understand each other. Sometimes there are animals with a strong hunting instinct or overly aggressive, and some people specifically play off against their dogs to cats. However, living in the same household pets get along well with one another, and some peace-loving sociable dogs are ready to be friends with all the cats in the world.
In fact, no more than any other breed. Only a man of his cruelty and lack of understanding can make an animal more aggressive. Siamese cats are just very jumpy and temperamental brighter than others to express their emotions. And they have a loud voice (but not the loudest of all, it's too confusing, sphinxes, for example, roar, so that Siamese rest).
Myth 12: Cats insidious and behave badly to spite their owners.Behavior Problems commonly associated with stress. Cats are very sensitive to changes in daily routine owner, to repair and family quarrels. This causes them stress and depression. Behavioral problems can also be caused by various diseases. If your cat starts to do their business not in a specially designated place, she may have kidney disease.
Myth 13: refuted by scientists, but is confirmed by daily experience:Cats - it's the same people, only cats.
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