Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
In the cat there are ample opportunities to express feelings and intentions. This plastic body, and a variety of postures and demeanor, and his voice is used in a wide range. Must possess the ability to "reading" the main indicators by which one can determine the status of the animal, to understand the signals from the cat. These indicators are in the first place, pose, position of ears, tail and voice.
When the cat scared, she often wants to become invisible - tight squat, ears folded back and pinned to the head, always ready for flight. If it is very scary, the pupils dilate, the hair stands on end.
If the danger persists, the cat, very nervous, to an active defense, trying to intimidate the enemy. Waving paws, hissing, spitting at all the same readiness at a convenient moment to ask Strekachev - all these actions are performed only for the defense of the cat.
A critical indicator of extreme excitement cats - and the threat and fear, and when at a loss - is a hump. The back is arched, legs stretched, wool vzdyblena (to appear taller and more), the ears are held tightly, the cat hisses. This posture of readiness for defense and escape.
If it is not smoothed out, the cat starts to walk backwards. The front legs make it back faster, and the cat turns sideways to the danger. Then it all depends on the circumstances.
When a path to escape, according to a cat free, it hopes to speed, if opportunities for retreat is not visible, by means of attacks, acute surges, growling, flapping front paws cat tries to perplex the enemy and take advantage of his confusion to escape. Very rarely, completely lost her head with fright, the cat attacks.considers the domestic cat person, to some extent relative, at the same time aware of their dependence on him on some issues, so in the mind of a cat owner has a significant place. This attitude ethologists, scientists who study animal behavior, explain the reasons laid down in childhood. In nature the kitten, even under the protection and care of the mother, must fight for survival, constantly solving nutrition problems, self-defense, protection of the site and the like. Life is the same with the person provides security and protection of the territory - is unlikely that anyone would flock to his apartment street cats. Finished table and let the cat home pay less attention to the hunt for the slaking of hunger.
Freed from the yoke of domestic concerns, domestic cats grow affectionate and playful, very sensitive to signs of friendly sympathy of the people. They try to stay close to the owner, tied with the help of facial expressions, voice and gestures. Females are many ways to express their location owner, in situations of fear and pain, trust him.
rubbing on his legs, arched back, tail pipe, pushing the head in his hand gladyaschuyu, uterine sounds, loud purr - a range of favors is very rich.
Due to the innate curiosity and intelligence developed cunning cat utmost use human weaknesses to achieve their personal goals. Screaming and flattering glances full cat begs an extra piece of delicacy, violent behavior (jumping on a table, breaking various objects, sharpening the claws of the forbidden things), creating a massive pressure on the nerves, to achieve victory in a dispute with the landlord on the issue of absenteeism on the street.
At the same time, cats love a ritual meeting of the breadwinner; on the threshold of the apartment or in the yard, on the border territory under their jurisdiction.
"I have a cat, I go where the want, and. I walk alone" - says the heroine of one of the tales of Rudyard Kipling. It walks by itself, it's true. Cat - a terrible individualist and feels the need to communicate with sebepodobnymi only in the mating period.
Like all animals, the cat lives at a certain location, where the mistress feels. Her behavior is characterized by confidence, independence and thoroughness. Even the homeless cats do not walk, anywhere. Living outside the city seized the vast expanse of sometimes up to a hundred acres of fields or forests. Urban cat's territory considered personal house and garden of their owners.
Any property owner's need eyes, so the cat lots of attention and time given a leisurely regular "audits" which belonged to the territory.
Any alien meets unfriendly, subject to inspection and expelled the ceremony outside. And rarely has a newcomer resistance, as if recognizing the inadequacy of their claims on other people's territory.
Like any law, "the law of property" has exceptions: some cats, confident in his strength, refusing to obey his master. In addition, there is no regulation, in seniority on neutral grounds. In such cases inevitably hard, obeying the inexorable ritual clash.
Here, the behavior of animals can be seen mixing tactics of attack and defense. By their actions show that they break the opposite and similar aspirations. Gradually beginning to converge, trying to scare the opponent's terrible mewing. Come together, tie the battle. It should blow his nose with his paw. Received for taking a defensive posture mustache. Ironically, the same pose and the ringleader accepts fights Females squat, arching her back and bristling. Both the tip of the trailing tail quivering. After that comes the turn of the fight, which resulted in lost ignominiously escort to the borders of the owner of possession.
Often, the fight is not happening. Usually the owner has the intention to seize the offending head jaws. The response was inevitable, as the moves in chess openings. Captured by an animal, do not resist, falls on its side, giving him the opportunity to apply for the protection of strong and armed with sharp claws hind legs. Assailant forced to pry the jaw, and go on the defensive. Described the whole cycle takes only a few seconds, which is enough to determine who is who, to compare strength. Skirmish suddenly, without any prior was the signal ends. Winner thoughtfully and enthusiastically sniffing the ground, and the loser 'leaves the battlefield with an independent air, preserving dignity.
At the end of the first year of life, and males and females are ready to: procreation. But if a male has a constant readiness to mate, the females are attracted, as a rule, only twice a year. The first peaks in February-March, the second - in the summer months. Estrus lasts a week.
If your animal is on the "barracks", the loving periods it will be hosting a wild tantrum, stay depressed and do not miss the slightest opportunity to jump out the window or door, imperiously pushed instinct for adventure. Restricting animal in these times fraught with the possibility of disorder of the nervous system. If the animal provided a natural and necessary right to withdraw at will, then it has almost unlimited possibilities in the search and selection of partners.
Cats are back home after many days absence, dirty, emaciated, with multiple wounds and calm the next time. The cat absences shorter, she comes home to eat and relax.
The ability to reproduce in the cat comes early and lasts a long time - sometimes even fifteen-cat can produce offspring. Partners find each other by smell (assigning special odorous material and everywhere leaving a mark) and voice. Naturally, the howls and shrieks, animals do not delight the human ear and are not conducive to normal sleep before the next working day, but the "singer" is not touched. They stoically endure people screaming, slamming windows and streams of water. From their point of view, the end justifies any inconvenience.
Pregnancy in cats lasts about 63-66 days, culminating in the birth of three to six kittens, although, of course, there are deviations, often in a big way. Keep in mind that during pregnancy the cat's appetite increases and to increase the rate of supply. Within a few hours before giving birth normally calm cat refuses to eat and gets nervous when choosing a place.
To no kittens were born in a box of clothes or a clean duvet cover, in advance, prepare a "nest" to commit this act. Specifications are as follows: area - about half a meter on two feet, and walls - twenty centimeters five - thirty in height, harboring a cat, with a small gap for the entry and exit. If the dwelling is provided and ceiling, the cat would be very grateful because, without protection from above, it will be safer for themselves and for posterity. Facilities are situated in a secluded spot in the darkness, away from residential noise. At the bottom of a well-put a rubber mat, the laid clean removable cloth.
According to an ancient rule must meet the delivery day. Some cats with the "shy" person. Some, by contrast, require his presence.
Mother-cat very caring: leaving the nest only for _ a meal, but outside the nest permanently resides on the alert, ready at any time to interrupt the power and rush to her children. Instincts compel her to maintain maximum purity of the seat of the family. When the kittens to urinate, she is not hesitating, carefully destroy traces of the language, maintaining the health of the nest on a high level. A caring mother, not only to feed their children, but also educates them. If the behavior of the offspring do not like her, she will make a warning voice, and then make a paw.
The host should be ready for one moment. Often cats have doubts about the reliability, safety and shelter kittens. Then she takes the cat by the neck with his teeth and begins to wander around the apartment in search of a suitable site. In this kitten reflexively falls into stupor and did not resist. It is not known what the requirements for a new cat shelter, but if you do not pick it up, it can be well-worn a kitten to death. And there will be more than human intervention. Need to work in short, to calm a cat, and perhaps physically impede travel. After a period of "thrust-to-change places," making sure that there is no danger, the animal returns to normal.
Giving the best two-month kitten. At this age they are completely self-powered and during this period formed the attachment to the host.
The aggressiveness of this animal is rare. In this case, the ears are slightly twisted out, attentive eyes fixed on the enemy, his head slightly tilted to one side, and the slope of the specific strain of the body show willingness to throw himself into the attack.
Cats, although they are predators, lack of hooligan tendencies, and attack only in extreme situations, on the hunt, while protecting the offspring. In all other cases, the ne exceed the minimum needed, needed for the defense and protection
their hunting behavior is very close to the combat, and is divided into two phases, the first - fast approaching creeping run. Then - and stop monitoring, preferably out of hiding the body stiffly, is directed toward the victim, the rear tip of the tail and llama trembling with excitement.
The second - moving forward in short jumps or cautious moves and lightning fast jump on the victim, followed by a lethal bite to the neck.
But in any case, the cat will eat prey does not immediately and carry off in a secluded corner, where she was not hurt. The main mining cats - small rodents, and caught the bird - a rarity. The problem for the modern cat and rat. Rats are able to suppress only a very strong and very courageous animals. Rat - it is such an abomination that cats do not eat it.
Cats and dogs speak different languages. The dog just does not understand the meaning of actions, apparent to his counterpart, and therefore does not show the slightest desire to obey the requirements of the cat. (Difference between the two languages ��is clearly expressed in the use of the tail wagging the dog's tail denotes happiness and willingness to friendship, and stirring or trembling in the cat's tail indicates the tension and displeasure). In this case, attack and defense reflexes reached the limit voltage jaws wide open, teeth bared, ears pinned, legs straight, back arched, tail intensity. There is the clearest signal of alarm. Cat totally confused. He was mad. He is dangerous. His desperate attack, violent and cruel. In such circumstances, it happens that an adult dog gives a kitten. Animals cherish the muzzle of the cat's claws, but again a violent attack designed to confusion, confusion of the enemy, making it possible to embark heels.
Living fully provided for the owners cat without the need to hunt for food, lose their physical condition, which affects their general health: they gain weight, lose their hunting skills.
Nature is indifferent, and she takes her. In the yard or garden cat removes the soul - nothing, if it breaks a couple of stalks and shake on clothesline, but with a running start to jump on the tree. It is necessary to maintain physical fitness and aerobics cat has not invented, and it is doubtful that the cat was doing the exercises on the team - pride would not allow. But the game is indispensable for the cat - that training of muscles, and check the reaction, and running the senses is an element of life, a rehearsal of life, the skills necessary to live in freedom, for self-affirmation and self-preservation.
The flat features for the game and the "sport", unfortunately, limited. As a rule, is that like most animals it is prohibited. Apparently, the cat people marvels inconsistency: guide of things to the table, and not overturn them, hang curtains, but do not climb on them and do not like the swing of them have high cabinets coupe, but do not jump up. Even on the carpet and hang it do not try.
To maintain the proper level for the health of your pet and to strengthen the relationship, sometimes the owner would be nice to play with him.
Of course, if the cat is on the street has its own area, communicates with the tribe, in short, is forced to practice their skills - while home games dramatically reduced. As with all living beings, cats acting Self-regulating vitality.
instincts are pushing to curiosity and irrepressible curiosity-to move. Perhaps this explains some of the strange in terms of human actions of animals - cats often do not look for easy ways: you can pass along the solid fence, but any self-respecting cat knows that the crest of the fence - it is better, lying on the ground of sufficient diameter pipe & mdash , a gift of fate. have the opportunity to climb a tree - do not hesitate for a long time, cats are used to this at all, even the slightest pretext.
Cat - a sprinter. Long run it can not afford, so the danger, she tries not to flee further, and whisk in the basement or crawl higher - for example, in a tree, fence or any structure.
According to the observations of Professor Helmut Hemmer West, the nature of domestic cats to some extent depends on their color. Black cats are very nervous, sensitive, curious, and very fond caress. Black and white are sociable, easily attached to the owners, and quickly find a contact with children. Striped contrast, secretive, closed, value freedom and independence, and avoid contact not only with the person, but also with neighbors. Red and white and red respected peace, coziness and usually phlegmatic. White moody, touchy, and if that word can be applied to animals, eccentric, more susceptible to other infectious diseases.
cat avoids looking "eye to eye" to the person or another animal in everyday life. This happens most often in contact with similar situations, in clarifying the relationship, and on the cat's tongue has a definite value.
A similar behavior is representative of the entire cat family. There are cases where a tiger by surprise at his hunting trail unarmed man, was preparing to jump last. But ... views of predator and prey were crossed, and a tiger growling displeasure, left, refusing to attack.
wide-open eyes with a calm posture say about peace and tranquility. Half-closed, half-closed eyes show anger and fatigue, disturb the cat at a time is not desirable. If the pupils are round in bright light, then brought the animal. Close observation is characterized by a narrowing of the pupils, in combination with the strength of the whole body, ready to go immediately into motion.
When the cat is staring in the face of the owner, seeking his opinion, this means that the animal requires communication, affection or food.
Cat owners quickly realize imposed restrictions. It is easy to give it a notion of restricted areas - the kitchen table, for example. It is important to streamline the process of power - to make a gruel in one place.
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