Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Testing descriptions
On the kittens
Kittens can be born at any time of year. Among the wild cats, date of birth depends on the breed, type, and the climate of the territory where they live. Kittens in the tropics and kittens in the northern, cold regions are born at different times of the year. As a rule, most cats will bring litter twice a year, in spring and late summer. Most kittens are born head first, but as in every rule, there can be exceptions. The average litter of 4 kittens, but, in fact, the number of kittens can be from one to seven. Kittens are born one after another, usually with a half-hour break. Each of the kittens born in a small transparent bag, which immediately breaks the cat and remove his teeth and tongue. A newborn kitten weighs, usually 100 - 142 grams, a length of about 8 inches. As a rule, cats need a little help from the owners at the time of delivery, many of them settle down, seeing that the hosts are close by. Sometimes the sac, which is born kitten, it is tough enough, and the cat can not break it. In this case, the owner need to help the cat as a kitten can suffocate. When a kitten is born, he has no teeth, his eyes still blind, the ears hear, the tail is short and triangular, and the fur is soft and fluffy. Kitten teething, when he was already 2 - 3 weeks, all the teeth (their kittens 26) appeared as early as two months. These teeth are replaced by permanent (they are already 30), when the kitten turns six months. Kittens begin to crawl and explore the surrounding area, they turn a month. The fact of growth and the size of an adult animal would then depend on heredity and food derived animals. Most of the six-month kitten weighs 2.3 pounds already. They reach their development when they turn a year. Cats are able to fertilize at six - eight months, the cats - a bit later, after a few months. Like many other mammals, cats love to play. Kittens running around each other, attack, build your cat's machinations. Even adult cats can sometimes play and frolic. Some accounts say that the game animals are practicing skills and techniques essential to their survival. Cats - this is definitely the hunters and predators. In the majority of their games, we can observe the ability to creep imperceptibly close to the production, and is rapidly catching her. All cats - great climbers, not once have you seen how fast the cat climbs the tree, whose position is, in fact, is steep.
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