Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
The content of the cat
It is desirable to select a tray with high bumpers. Many cats like to dig into the filler, so you must select the appropriate tray.
For a kitten tray sold "for growth" as an adult. Otherwise, who grew up without your cat may be missed during defecation by the edge of a small tray.
tray should be in a secluded corner, as cats usually like to make toiletry case "privately."
For several cats living in the same area, a little tray. Quite possibly, the cat will not "stand in line" in the tray, waiting for the other cat will make his "case».
Furthermore, when one tray runs several cats, a filler simply no time to absorb large amounts of fluids at once, and then aggregate consumption increases at an arithmetic (the number of cats) progression, and the geometric.
All cats fillers are divided into two great classes - free of lumps and absorbent (wood, mineral, selikagelievy). Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
lumps filler - in most modern lumps of clay fillers are used bentonite or other materials with Similar properties.
Bentonite - special clay, forming lumps when hit by liquid waste (urine). The main disadvantage of lumps of filler - the need to clean the tray after each of his "visit" the cat. Another domestic issue of the filler is dust. This is especially true for cats and archaeologists, who love to delve into the tray. Melkofraktsionny filling up in the air and then deposited a thin layer of surrounding objects.absorbent filler - a very large class of fillers, a variety of materials used. Their main feature - the ability to absorb moisture, evenly distributing it throughout. Such a filler depending on the composition of works from several days to several weeks, after which it is replaced completely.
According to the materials used absorbent fillers are divided into several types.
The organic (wood) or the filler is made of pressed sawdust (usually used, softwood), or from an organic mixture with sawdust (waste used in the granules of wheat straw, etc.). The main advantage of wood filler, its price. Disadvantages: This filler has a very high rate, he is quite taken away the cat in the apartment. Most wood fillers is very bad smell and are uncomfortable holding solid waste disposal.
The granulated filler on the basis of baked clay and other inorganic materials is very different in their consumer qualities depending on the materials used. Some of them, with prolonged use, transformed into a viscous mass and unpleasant to cats, others are not effective in deterring odor. The main advantage of this type of filler is its relatively low cost. In this case replacement of the filler is much less than the replacement of wood fillers.
Selikagelievy filler is a highly porous granules of kremnozema. Of all the absorbent filler it has the greatest period of use without replacement (in one animal a small package can last almost a month), but also keeps odors completely out of the tray during its entire life. Selikagel does not spread dust and virtually no spread in the apartment (the latter mainly refers to selikagelevou filler with large granules). Of the minuses selikagelevogo filler may be mentioned the reluctance of some cats to use it. The fact that the soaking liquid selikagel produces a characteristic quiet crunch (poschelkivanie), which may disturb the unseasoned or nervous cat. Also, the cost selikagelya slightly higher than other types of filler (which, incidentally, is justified by their efficiency when used). Thus, the cost of packing varies considerably (from 150 to 400 rubles), depending on the manufacturer (although the quality of all the fillers selikagelevyh about the same).
Our kittens are accustomed to all types of filler. However, we encourage owners to choose selikagel (eg, grade WC, , and others). For example, packaging selikagelevogo filler brands weighing 1.8 kg adult cat missing for 3-4 weeks without a partial replacement or dosypaniya.
Selikagelevy filling is poured into the tray in a layer of 3-5 centimeters. Liquid waste is absorbed into the animal pellets, which are securely "lock" the smell inside. Solid waste must be removed louvered sovochkom (they can be disposed of in the toilet).
When selikagelevy filler gets dirty, it will no longer absorb the liquid. Preferred filler complete change from the tray, without waiting for termination of absorption. Cats are very clean animals, so untimely change of the filler is fraught with "rebellion" of the animal and the refusal to use the tray.
The contaminated selikagelevogo filler in the tray will show a fairly strong change in the original color of the filler (eg, of bright blue uniform will be the dull blue with yellow).
The used filler (any kind) can not be emptied into the toilet, it can lead to clogged sewage pipes. This is particularly true "clay" fillers, as they are, among others, may adhere to the inside of the pipe. It is better to put the used stuff in garbage bags and throw them in the garbage disposal or containers.
freed from the contaminated tray filler tray should be cleaned with any detergent (Mister Propper, Domestos), as plastic trays, because the porous structure of the material can absorb odors. After applying the detergent tray should be thoroughly washed, so it was not tangible for cats chemical odors (it may scare the animal from the tray).
Grinding claws - the natural instinct of cats, caused by biologically. It can not arrest the punishment of the animal. However, the animal can and should be taught to scratching. Kittens from our cattery acquire the habit of scratching from early childhood.
There are different types kogtetochek: prostrate, hanging on the wall, columns, etc. They have coatings of different materials: felt, sezal, hemp rope. Most useful to have several kinds of scratching posts to find a pet passion, and then later buy the most suitable of them. However, our animals are accustomed to all types of kogtetochek.
In our opinion, the most effective sezalevye and hemp, which are significantly different in structure from the materials and upholstery from wool and synthetic carpets, as well as carpet. Due to this the kitten formed a clear idea of ��what the surface can sharpen their claws.
Experience the animals in our nursery showed that scratching in the "cat house" ("cat tree") is more readily used than a single column:
«A cat tree" also satisfies the need for a pet in mobile games as well as cats love to climb up and jump from heights. Deckchairs in the "cat house" (especially those that are high enough) readily used cats for lying, because they allow simultaneously observe what is happening around them. "Cat House" - very important for the cat "furniture", as it shows the animal, he has his "own" place, which is used only to them, even if the cat is mostly spends his time next to the owners on the sofas, chairs, beds . This is especially important if a family has other animals (eg dogs), because the cat - "territorial" animals. If you live in the house multiple cats, it is necessary to get a few houses.
In practice, for one pet and it is desirable to have a few kogtetochek. For example, in one room of an apartment or house cat tree stands, and in other rooms and spaces - bars, scratching posts, scratching posts, scratching posts or pads, a "wave" (also called "dollar" because of the S-shaped). It is possible that resting in a room the cat will want to at some point to stretch and sharpen their claws. It is because of these considerations is to put some kogtetochek in different places.
In addition, cats sharpening their claws, not only for getting rid of dead skin cells and particles, but also to mark the territory thus: "My!". This is especially significant happens in homes, where several animals. It is therefore necessary to give her the opportunity to sharpen claws, not only in one place.
nail clipping reduces the activity of grinding claws. To do this, buy a special Nail Clipper at the pet store. The process of cutting the claws is as follows: from the pad, which is hidden claw by pressing on it, he extends a claw and obstrigaetsya its transparent portion. This should avoid injury of the vessel, which is located near the base of the claw (it visually looks like a dark part of the claw).
claws trimmed completely exclude the possibility of accidental injury (scratching) the hosts during the games or for hygiene.
Our animals do not have particular preferences in food, and is trained as an industrial (dry and canned) food and natural food. When feeding our animals, we adhere to the principle of "three-thirds". This means that the cat's diet is made in such a way that it has received approximately equal shares in all three types of food (dry food, canned food, natural food).
feeding scheme is as follows: in the morning given canned food or natural, then the animal is ensured by a sufficient number of dry food for the day before the arrival of the owners (if the owners work during the day). In the evening again given canned or "naturalka." You can alternate the morning canned food in the evening - natural food, or vice versa.
Dry food should be a premium or super-premium, for example, food produced by German company Bosch, as well as food stamps , Eukanuba, etc. Dry food economy class (Wiskas, Kit kat, etc.) can very negatively affect the health of your pet as much inferior in composition to other feeds, as well as have the additives in the form attrakantov (artificially synthesized substances, amplifiers, smell and taste).
In addition, the food economy class does not so efficient as it might seem at first glance. Given that they contain far fewer nutrients than in the feed of premium and super premium pet eats a much larger volume of food. Large amount of fiber and fiber in the feed leads to increased animal defecation, and the feces are more dramatic and persistent odor.
The above equally applies to canned, 'wet' food. They can also be selected, focusing on their composition (without dyes, soy, flavors) and food grade - premium and super premium (eg, canned Petreet, Hills, etc.). In recent years, domestic manufacturers have established production is not bad, for "price-quality" canned food.
- boiled chicken breast (which is the breast, as this is the least greasy chicken);
- raw quail egg.
Feeding raw meat is not recommended because the high risk of infestation. However, if the owners want to pamper your pet some raw meat, you should choose only beef, and give her after she promorozitsya well in the freezer refrigerator. This little to reduce the risk of infection pathogens cats of various diseases, which are in raw meat. In this case, you should conduct more frequent deworming (a sweep of worms).
Do not be giving fresh meat.
giving raw chicken meat is not recommended at all, because it may contain salmonella, which are dangerous for both man and the cat. In addition, recently there have been reports of cats infected with avian influenza as a result of feeding raw meat bird.
Raw pork meat is dangerous for cats because it may contain many of the larvae of various parasites. A boiled pork is not quite useful cat because of its high fat content. A cat's liver is not suited to such a fat content of foods.
By-products (beef heart and liver) is recommended to give the cat no more than 1 time per week. They can give raw or cooked form. Other kinds of little offal.
Do not feed the cat fish, or boiled, or even more crude. Valid only commercial canned, made from those species of fish that are safe for the cat's body (do not contain thiaminase) and treated accordingly. In any case, the share of canned fish in the diet of cats should not exceed 10 percent, roughly corresponds to 2-3 small jars of canned fish a week. Remember that a diet based on fish products, may contribute to the development of urolithiasis.
When feeding cats milk and milk products in cats may be a soft chair. This is due to the fact that adult cats do not have the enzymes that help digest lactose. In dairy products, its content is much lower than in milk, so we can give the cat food in this group (cottage cheese "Agusha" yogurt "Activia" no additives or sugar).
Cooked chicken or quail egg yolk should be given no more than 1 time per week due to the high content of vitamins and micronutrients (vitamins, a surplus is more dangerous than a vitamin deficiency). At the same time must be egg cook (!), And quail - to provide raw. As mentioned, the chicken products may be contaminated with salmonella, and quail eggs are resistant to it.
If cats are staple commercial feed, then add vitamins are not required. However, if the cat eats mostly "in kind", then feeding necessary vitamins, such as feeding is not balanced. What vitamins and in what doses required to give in this case, a cat, you need to calculate an individual, taking into account the composition of natural food.
Do not give your cat sweetness as she begged them not from the owners, especially chocolate. You also can not feed your cat dog dry foods and canned goods. All this is connected with the peculiarities of metabolism in cats as obligate predator.
Food on the table as the hosts would be unprofitable to the cat. Products made for man (cheese, sausage, pate, etc.), have a salt content which is harmful to cats. In many products added spices and flavorings, which can lead to diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and digestive disorders.
Potatoes, pasta, borscht, soup, cereal and other food that the owners are preparing for themselves as counter-cat, even if there is not any added salt or other seasonings. Such a meal rich in carbohydrates and fiber, which is practically not absorbed by the body cat.
cat should always be provided with fresh water in large quantities. Use the bowl, which is more than the usual bowl of food. Do not forget to change the water in the bowl at least twice a day. Water from the tap is not useful to the cat, just like humans. So pour a cat filtered or bottled drinking water without the addition of trace elements.
Periodically, the cat should be provided to the young grass sprouts to improve motility of stomach and intestine. You can grow it yourself, but you can buy in pet stores already finished cake "green." Before you purchase to give the grass a cat, you must thoroughly rinse it under running water.
At each feeding, use a clean bowl, and constantly keep feeding place clean. Repeated use of the bowl (even if it was only dry food) without washing can lead to what on the surface of the bowl will accumulate bacteria that cat "gather" on his chin. It is fraught with the appearance of acne (acne, or, there are different spelling of the disease). Acne on the form is a black crust on the chin, lips or the corners of the cushions of his mustache. In fact it is inflamed due to contamination of the sebaceous glands. Acne treatment, as any acne, is problematic. In this case there is a danger that the cat will be scratching his chin up blood because acne may be accompanied by itching. It is therefore easier to avoid the emergence of this scourge and prevent its observance of hygiene rules.
better to use ceramic or metal bowls. Plastic bowls are hygienic least because of the porous structure of the material.
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