Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Nature endowed cats sharp claws, it needs to hunt and protect themselves. But not all the owners love their furry pitomitsa sharpens claws on the furniture and painfully scratched. Many trim his claws favorite, but some settle the question more radically, without the help of a surgeon removing claws.
The ratio of veterinarians to onihektomii - declawing of cats - rather negative. And although the operation in some countries (including Russia) is allowed, the doctors refuse its execution, except when necessary to preserve the health of the animal. It is known that surgery to remove the claws rarely performed outside the United States. In most European countries onihektomiya banned by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Pets.
Onihektomiya - declawing - quite a complex operation performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the situation declaw cats only on the front legs or on all fours.
the cat's claws clipped together with the terminal phalanges. Animal health is at serious risk. When the operation is illiterate in declawing a cat is guaranteed by the constant pain in the feet and constrained gait, osteomyelitis, infections of the tissue, weakening the muscles of the feet and back, reducing the sense of balance. Also, if there is an abscess or a distant phalanx begins to grow again,
undeleted portion of the phalanx can begin to grow again, which will also lead to severe pain.
But even if surgery to remove the claws was successful the healing process takes place very painful. At best, only the next day the cat will be based on his paws (which are bandaged after the surgery) and try to walk. Limp your pitomitsa stop only to 5-7 day. In addition, within 10-14 days the cat will wear a protective collar, so she could not razlizyvat seams. Only young animals can survive this operation is relatively easy: remove the claws of an adult cat is simply dangerous.
In connection with the removal of a cat's claws can change the character, because the lack of claws makes it vulnerable. So, before caressing and moving the animal often becomes nervous and aggressive. In addition, some experts say that cats with claws removed, more bite.
So think about whether slightly ruffled divan room upholstery health and good mood your pet?And besides, playing with a man, the cat claws are hiding and attack mainly pads, and the risk of being scratched is minimized. So why hurt an animal and remove it claws? The more so that you can put down feet-Scratchy in other ways.
In Russia, they are sold under the brands of Soft Claws or "soft claws". A great alternative to declawing!
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