Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Secrets of our funny cats, how to explain their behavior and habits ?
Let's Let's consider in detail the main points povedencheskie cats.
Why cats sulky?People are much more cats. When you criticize them, you're scaring her. And when you look down at the cat, to discipline him, it associates your fixed gaze as a competitor. The eyes of many animals - a sign of strength. If you compare the size of a cat and her eyes, they are huge. In hostile situations, the dominant cat stare at his rival, if he shall lead opinion, it will further increase the hostility. So when your cat is giving way look after moralizing, he ignores you, it actually gives up.
Can cats dream?Also, as in humans, cats alternate phases of sleep deep and light sleep. Dreams occur during the phase of deep sleep. During the phase of deep sleep in the cat can move its legs and claws, twitching his mustache, and even wiggle his ears. Sometimes they even sing, or sopyat snore during sleep.
Why is trembles Cat's tail?When the cat's tail shaking, it could mean that cats than annoyed. If the tail pipe is in its entire length, it is clear means that the cat is highly agitated and excited by something.
Why the cat flap their tails?One reason is that the cat is poised to spring them. Another reason - the problem of tail hypnotize prey, which it looks. Cat makes the extraction monitor its tail, while she herself quietly steals up to her.
What does it mean when a cat waving its tail from side to side?If a cat waving its tail from side to side - that means its satisfaction. If the cat is sitting quietly, while the cat's tail gently swaying back and forth, it means that the cat is focused on owl attention than that. If the tail is a cat swinging back and forth, this means that the animal in a rage. This suggests irritation and a sure sign that the cat is upset.
Tail, swinging to the rhythm of the intermediate, between the stress and uncertainty may mean that the cat in thinking and indecisive. Why do cats rub against your legs?When a cat rubs his head or chin sideways on you, furniture or other object, it actually does its fragrance as part of territorial marking. For this purpose, glands on the forehead, around the mouth and chin. These glands produce chemicals called pheromones, which are retained by friction on objects. Cats can determine when the mark was left and how much attention should be paid to her.
Why cats roll over and expose their stomachs?This is sort of a very rare form of greeting, the main compliment that a cat can make a person. This body language shows how much she cares about you and how it is well with you. Such a demonstration of the abdomen shows how safe she feels with you, because the abdomen - the most vulnerable part of the body cat. She can ask pamper her, inviting you to play with it, or ask to stroke her belly. If she sleeps on her back, her trust in you is the highest level.
Do cats have a memory?Cats have a memory that can be up to 200 times more capacious than in dogs. Cats use memory to store only the useful information, so the memory of cats is very selective.
Why cats hiss and snort when they are attacked or threatened by them?Believe it or not, but cats that mimic snakes. Sound hissing cat - almost similar to the sound of hissing snakes, and snake - one of the creatures, which are most afraid of in the animal world. The hiss is quite common in all terrestrial animals. When a cat hisses, he opens his mouth in half, pushing the upper lip and wrinkled face. At the same time her breathing quickened so much that if you get close enough, you can feel the air currents. Moisture, which comes with it gusty breath, and cause spitting. It is almost always captures the enemy.
Can cats see in color?It was once thought that cats are color blind, but now we know that they are in fact, they can distinguish color. Most cats see the world in blue and green hues. Although they can distinguish colors, in fact, cats do not touches him special attention. In nature, color is not particularly necessary for survival, the cats can easily manage without it.
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