Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cat B. Cat B
I wonder how many cats need to them in the room were five?
If cats are twins, they are so alike and so mobile that it is very easy to stray from the account, taking one cat - already counted - for another, or two cats for one. After all, the sign of the Zodiac assumes that all of them "twins" and "triplets" with the exact same appearance.
However, each of them represents a certain "personality" with its own unique character, although it laid the basis for them such typical features as overflowing energy, sharp mind and a wide range of very diverse interests. Cat Gemini an ideal partner for those who are young at heart and inclined to romanticism. She herself a lifelong curiosity keeps a small kitten and a keen interest in the outside world.
True, though rarely, but sometimes you can still find a cat Gemini, preoccupied with some gloomy thoughts. But soon he will rise again in spirit and go in search of some adventure.You must be willing to pay due attention to your furry friend, who would often engage you in conversation, and find that your cat has a rather large twin "vocabulary". He has dozens of different ways to express your wishes, for example, ask for milk or feed it to their range of sound completely different from the request, say, to let him walk on the street. While he may even ask you: "Have you checked if there was rain?".
Fortunately, your kitten is very friendly by nature and has a good sense of humor, so he will not mind if you are limited by their not exactly grasp the meaning of his appeals to you.Cat Gemini are well know where to properly eat and quench your thirst, where the best place to hunt for mice, where the nest "delicious" birds, where you can find a useful herb, and flower beds where appropriate, which may be used as "toilets". Cat Twins perfectly remembered not only all the nooks of your own home, but "you can be sure of the neighboring houses have to register all the existing suitable sites for their possible use as a backup shelter. Covert penetration foreign territory impressed their constant desire to seek thrills, there is a possibility of a collision with a potential "enemy" - another cat, a dog or a man who hates cats. And this in turn helps to sharpen their cats Gemini, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and reaction time, and sometimes happens even their claws ...
Gemini Cats are smart enough not to bring the case to fight. But if they prizhmut into a corner, they boldly encounter the "enemy".
Cat Twins are a very active life in the cat community. Street Cat Gemini quickly establish friendly relations with the local and the fair sex is easily achieves their mutual arrangement. As for the urban butchers, milkmen, bakers and other members of similar professions, the mere nodding acquaintance with our Gemini quickly develops into a warm and friendly relations, and they are no-no, and give as gifts to the bounty of his.
Cats spend a lot of Gemini energy, and therefore in need of a deep and prolonged sleep. Those born under the sign of the Zodiac, commonly associated with air. Gemini cats prefer open spaces. The roof of the house - the perfect place to relax. Going down to the ground, they again dipped into the bustling street life, preferring the wide walking paths, spacious lawns and shady tree-lined streets, small courtyards instead of narrow lanes and.
In addition, Gemini cats are not very big fans of the manifestations of affection towards himself and barely tolerate annoying people trying to show them your love. At the same time they will be charming and generous, with respect, as friends at home and to unfamiliar visitors, considering his association with them as a temporary phenomenon. But these cats are not without a sense of emotional attachment to the people with whom they live under one roof. Forms of its manifestation can be quite varied, but generally, they present an element of movement. They will welcome your return home, bounced high and happily humming with or curl around your feet and rub them on his head, alternately, the tail, looking into your eyes or jump up on your lap if you sit, and then jump again on the floor. If Gemini would agree to sit next to you, it will immediately begin to "talk", saying the most unusual sounds, and expressing his pleasure from such intellectual communication.
The movement gives cats Gemini, the greatest pleasure. For example, they love to throw the paper from the table, pull off the cushions of chairs and sofas, pulling flowers out of vases and pots, fish out of washing cutlery ... Any items that are sure sooner or later they will be shifted from their places. It should be noted that cats are twins - big sluts and their actions can arrange a complete mess in your house.
A few words about the compatibility of Gemini with other signs of the zodiac. Man and cat born under the sign of Gemini, will make the perfect pair for days and will happily chat. Cats are also very sociable Virgo and, like a cat, Gemini, are not possessed possessive. Personal qualities "Aquarius" are similar to traits of Gemini. Aries and Gemini can also make a great couple, since they are both being very active, able to charge each other with additional energy. The same can be said about the Lions and Twins, but with a small correction: the tendency of the latter to the constant change of environment can cause tension in generally very tolerant of Lviv, which will inevitably lead to an exacerbation of their relations.
Serious problems can arise between the Pisces and Gemini at the first attempt to establish friendly relations. The fact that the fish - an emotionally open, caring and sensitive in nature, besides the big couch potatoes and visionaries. Therefore, it is unlikely to please the Gemini tendency to wander, like their more light-hearted attitude to life. The same can be said about the prospects of an alliance between the Twins and crayfish. After the last - it's caring parents, so the constant absences from the home of Gemini will be a depressing effect on crayfish. Traction Twins to a rapid change of conditions are unlikely to prefer the Scorpion. Taurus can be a reliable support restless Gemini. Scales similar to the Twins their sociability and charm, so the partnership between them could develop into a strong alliance. Both of them are associated with the sign, symbolizing the air, and so naturally complement each other. The best match for the Gemini can be a representative of the Fire sign - Sagittarius. These signs stand facing each other and the circle of the Zodiac, which suggests a favorable kombinatsiyu.P
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