Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
What to feed your cat: Cat. What to feed a cat
Kotenko be given pasteurized milk at room temperature or slightly warmed, low-fat cream. But the adult cat in the diet include milk should not be, because it is poorly digested and may cause diarrhea.
So gradually the milk should be avoided, replacing it with milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. Make sure the diet of cats should include cottage cheese.
Cat should be given raw or boiled meat (beef, chicken, turkey). Do not feed raw pork, lamb, because the cat may become infected with various helminthiases.
meat for kittens or better scrape mince 2 times. Offal (liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, etc.) can and should give, especially the liver, which is extremely positive effect on sexual function and color of the growing animal. Crude liver weaker boiled - on the contrary. In any case you can not give your cat bones, as it can result in injury to the gastrointestinal tract of sharp shards.
In cats diet should include raw, cooked or scalded with boiling water marine fish.
Do not feed raw river fish, and avoid cod or pollock give as possibly infected with worms. Fillet of sea fish should be washed, cleaned off the bones. Cod give only boiled. Any fish should be given no more than 1-2 times per week.
Kittens can be fed well cooked liquid cereal with milk: buckwheat, rice, herculean, barley. However, adult cats should be given otmochennye but uncooked cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat, maize). Do not give cereal from legumes and semolina.
Your cat may show love to the vegetables: raw carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, etc. Then you can include them in her diet. Very useful germinated seeds of oats, barley and wheat. You can give the young shoots of nettle leaves or wild raspberries, previously scalded with boiling water.
For feeding the cats there are so many food among which are the following dry and canned food: «Eukanuba», «Iams», «Nutra», «Hills» and other feeds of premium and super-class.
Do not feed your cat dry pet food cheap. They lead to kidney stones and provoke the development of other dangerous diseases.
Details of finished feed You can read the article "Feeding the prepared foods».
Remember that cats are hardly distinguish the taste of the liquid, and so do not leave open containers with liquids!
Information about the multiplicity and the amount of food your pet can be found in the article "How to feed a kitten».
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