Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Kittens, cats, and cats
Not everyone in terms of human right is such a tray for cats. And from what you distribute the back of kakashek collected in the corners, nothing will change fundamentally - no self-respecting cat, but it is no doubt these are the true Britons and British women do not go into any pan that you offer it as a receptacle for spravleniya natural needs.
Here are the main reasons for that cat crap anywhere. Just following the rules that follow from them, you can teach your cat to walk without any problems in the toilet: A place where there is a toilet, must like cats. It should be readily available, and not to pass, that the cat could easily make their case. What suggested as a toilet should be like a cat. Brought up, neat and clean the cat can disdained poddonchikom small with a bare grid, but as narvanymi newspapers and sand from a nearby sandbox. Tray should be large and easy to fit where it was, with a clean filler. It should be spacious, especially for a cat (!), Or, at best, the cat will sit in the tray, and pop out, and in the worst case, it generally refuses to use this "jar out of sprats." The cat that something hurts, and you do not notice. Cats can not talk, and inattentive owners can not stop her suffering zachechat. For example, if a cat suddenly for no apparent reason in the middle of shat room or on your favorite couch - this is a direct reason to check it out at IBC (urolithiasis). Cat shits in protest.Think about what the cat - not a toy, and another family member and should live in love, care and respect for her cat's necessities! So what should be a toilet at the British?
After several years of detention of a large nursery of British cats, I came to the conclusion that the British are best suited to large trays filled, and for animals who love to dig from the heart is better to buy an indoor toilet that no filler flew in all directions.
Before entering the toilet-box with a grid placed lotochek it creeps under the rubber mat, I have this design rests against the wall so that the cat even if it is to jump out of lock it will not move randomly. Filling with legs shaken in lotochek at the entrance, and then wakes up by that gets stuck in the rug. Thus he is not spread through the apartment, the eternal problem of fillers.
Kinds of filler, there are several: lumps, absorbent, timber and selikagelevye. As well as import and domestic production, ie better and more expensive and worse and cheaper. Pick from, on what is better to stay depends on the wishes of the cat and your ability to pay. Personally I use in my nursery indoor toilet-boxes (I have them because of the large number of cats a few) with selikagelevym filler.
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