Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Colors cats - silver, purple, mottled color - All about cats
pure white cat - it's magic! So consider not only current happy owners of these animals - that were sure even our ancestors. Already in ancient Egypt was revered especially white cats, believing that they are the best to help people whose lives have been associated with the risk and hard physical activity. In addition, at various times cats were regarded as the personification of white purity (both physical and purity of thoughts) and purity.
With regard to external features, the white cat - it is the purest example of color, who enjoyed the respect and admiration of all time. According to the standards, the hair of cats should not have any impurities or shades of color, as well as inclusions and blemishes, but kittens are allowed any color markings on the head, as these spots eventually disappear.
The silver-gray coat color of cats rarely called banal gray: as a rule, it is called blue, although, of course, there are several other varieties of color and as a consequence, species names.
In general, the gray haired cat distinguished by light-or dark-gray, clear and uniform color with no impurities hair a different color. To directly relate blue color light color with a slight admixture of silver, combined with a bluish-gray paws and nose lobe. In addition, there are several other varieties of gray color, most of which can be considered smoky (gray hairs half and half, at the roots - white).
cat with this extraordinary color has long been considered an essential attribute of any magician or witch. This is not surprising, since a black cat has always been famous for its mystery and mystique, and many attributed it to witchcraft and the ability of the property. Only a very few really know what is really black cat appeared by chance in the world ....
The earliest a cat wearing a golden-brown color, which gave them a mixture of black hairs with yellow. The true origin of the black cat started with a gene mutation, when one of her ancestors was disrupted distribution of yellow pigment in hair. As a result of interbreeding with other parent in the same dark, and there was the first black cat, which, incidentally, had no relation whatever to the other world powers. A black cat eyes - expressive, poignant and brilliant - those look primarily at the expense of plain and "seriousness" of its color.
Even in ancient times it was thought that red-haired cat - a support and hope all the suffering and the sick. That ginger cats were regarded as true defenders of the (sometimes they even attributed magical properties), and later they even raised to the rank of healers: it was believed that if a red cat will take care of the patient, the latter will recover much more quickly after surgery or serious illness.
Moreover, the cat with such an amazing color is also called golden, people, let in the house of the "sun" of the beast, confident that he will bring joy and fun for all households, and along with the wealth that it symbolizes the red fur. It is also believed that the red cats like to keep people at home with red hair, for which the cat is a symbol of their fun and vibrant nature.
bi-color cat is also called bicolor. Typically, these features are characteristic only of some color breed animals, and the whole cat-and-bicolor were found recently - mostly in 1969, when they began to actively display at trade shows and special breed. Prior to this two-colored cat for some reason considered "defective."
Today it is considered that the bi-color cat the most gentle, kind, balanced, obedient and friendly. They are very easy to comb and bathe, what to do often enough - two-color cats require care at least once every 10 days, and comb out their best every day. However, it may need such careful care and lowers the demand for bi-color cats that are popular in less than animals of other colors. The quality of color in these animals to determine the dominant color, which appear larger or smaller single-color stains. Names of colors are also defined in the main color. For example, there are black and white, blue and white, chocolate and white and other varieties of cats. The main requirement for cats such color - spots should not be mixed together, and painted to be predominantly upper body. Sometimes bicolored cats (mostly British) are also called magpie - megpay, from the English word "forty».
Probably everyone who loves cats, not just heard in my life known a belief that tri-colored cats in any house to bring good luck and special protection. And especially valuable are the white cat with black and red spots: white represents purity, red - the ability to deal with evil spirits, red - the ability to ward off illness and bring home the gold. It was on such a variety of color and built many beliefs.
For example, in Japan there are similar features: three-colored cat in this country is considered a talisman that brings happiness, and her figure (called Maneki some) pose in front of the house, which along with the happiness has come, and wealth. This cat is also called a "welcoming": it is represented with its paw raised to his ear as if in a greeting, but it was greeted, according to Japanese legend, comes into the house, and prosperity.
Due to the constant crossing and various experiments felinologist managed to bring a lot of cat colors, many of which look amazing and unusual. However, genetics of cats colors even the most extraordinary colors will still make the standard for specific breeds: the standards must meet not only the color of the cats, but their color and lobes of the nose, paw pads and eye color, and only a strict adherence may be considered as evidence of the true cat accessories to a particular breed.
In general, black cats finally established only a six-month life of a kitten, and before that time is very difficult to determine what color will his hair. Moreover, some colors (such as tortoiseshell cat or a creamy blue) are dependent on sex, and they can be found only in cats or just cats. Other colors are directly connected only with a specific breed. For example, a smoky purple color cats almost did not peculiar to the British, although the breed has withdrawn such smoky variety, as "black smoke" and "blue smoke».
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