Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
How to wean cat shit: tips and recommendations. How to wean cat
Many cat owners, faced with the problem of pet feces in the wrong places, for sure, have questioned the fact that these animals are cleanly in their nature.new_image_1_blogger All your doubts unfounded. Cats have been and remain to this day, one of the most cleanly of living beings. What happened that your dear, beloved creation has become a nasty vindictive monster? Of course, problems with cat litter can ruffle even the most cold-blooded host, and literally destroy your sweet family life. However, in this situation, no matter what she gloomy colors have been reported elsewhere, is quite simple and effective way: to determine the nature of the problem and eliminate the negative factor, not get rid of the poor creature. Wean cat shit is quite real. And the first thing you have to do is find out, to understand what prompted the creation of your sweet shit where you should not. Cat urination and defecation outside of their own tray - is the cry of help, which in any case should not be ignored. If you find that your pet is not used for such purposes intended capacity and thus is in great shape, then this extreme behavior, it draws you to their problems, which require a delicate decision. Cat behaves so not out of harm, and the issue requires your attention until such extreme behavior does not become a bad habit stable.
Births in cats
Some cats childbirth occur in 63-th day after mating, Siamese breeds on the 65th, and the Egyptian Mau period is extended to 73 days. Thus, 61-70 days can be considered a normal term pregnancy. Usually in a litter of 3 - 6 kittens, although the case and multiple pregnancy to 12 kittens in the litter.
ÂMost cats, especially primiparous, love to the owners were there when they give birth. In the normal course of childbirth, you can help the cat and its moral support. Â
Items needed for the cat's birth
Âall necessary and ancillary items for delivery must be prepared in advance and put in one place. You may need:
Âfor 1-2 days before delivery cat becomes restless and starts to look for a den. When the first bouts cat starts to get nervous and make a fuss: to equip slot (to touch newspapers and undermine the pad), then get up, then lie down, go in and out of the nest, or walk in circles, recruiting myaukaya. Since the contractions are increasing, she lies on her side and pulls the rear legs. The cat is breathing heavily, body temperature drops to 37 `C mirror the nose and ears are cold. Between the first appearance of the first battle and a kitten is an average of 20-40 minutes.
amniotic bubble that surrounds the fetus appears between the labia, broken, and it implies a straw-colored liquid. The fluid lubricates the birth canal, facilitating the promotion of fruit, and within minutes the kitten is born. If the bubble bursts still birth during any attempts in the birth canal, the kitten should be born no later than 30 minutes later. If after the birth of the third or fourth kitten fights waning, it should be a hand stroking a cat on her stomach, gently pushing it down. About 70% of kittens born in the position of "diver" - front legs and a nose ahead. When you see the heads quickly slips the rest of the body of a kitten.
ÂDo not lose your composure if you want help to be born kitten that was stuck in the birth canal. Reassure the cat, and try to enter the pipette, a little oil (body temperature) into the vagina.
ÂMost cats childbirth last from 3 to 6 hours, interval between the appearance of the kittens is usually between 15-30 minutes.
ÂIf the amniotic membrane did not reveal a cat with its head nadkusyvaet baby and shoots her, after the umbilical cord gnaws and eats the placenta (the last) that stimulates milk production. But it should be noted that the placenta has a purgative effect, and there is no need to allow your cat to eat all the placenta, thus you will save her from the appearance of diarrhea. Then the cat cleans the mouth and nostrils of mucus kitten. After completing the main event for the first breath a baby, the cat thoroughly and fairly rough licks him as his rough tongue, especially the stomach and genitals. Then she pushes the baby's nose to the mirror in her nipples, so he warmed up. In the intervals between the birth mother of the kittens lick themselves thoroughly and often hums throughout the delivery.
ÂSituations requiring intervention veterinarian.
ÂDuring the first weeks a control body temperature cats.
ÂTemperature 39.4 'C and above speaks of complications (retained placenta, metritis acute, mastitis). Normally, the first 7-10 days of the cat observed reddish or dark-green discharge. Green, brown discharge, lasting more than 21 days, they talk about infection of the uterus. A cat with marked depression, fever, anemic (pale mouth and eyelids). When cats become purulent discharge or lasts more than a week, immediately contact your veterinarian.
Memo You Decide
you took home a little creature. It's not furry cute toy, but a live cat baby, need to pay very much attention, care and love, however, like all kids. He may be sad, lonely, scared the first few days at the new place, he would cry, did not immediately understand where his toilet, will look for his mother and brothers, sisters. Try to give him more attention in those first difficult days, do not scold, often talk to him, pat.
If the cat crap, anywhere (Part 2)
Let us consider methods of exposure to a cat with unscrupulous behavior. I draw your attention that all the following actions have meaning only after you have eliminated the first two reasons (health issues and tagging (tags sex, marking territory)), and about which it is written in the first part of this article.
All the sterilization of a cat: indications, move operations
Moore. Why
How, why and why cats purr, not known. However, there is at this point a number of theories, and scientific.
ÂIt is believed that the purring cat is a result of the generation of electrical impulses in her brain. They are transmitted through the central nervous system and lead to a reduction in the specific muscles that are located near the vocal cords. The unit itself to purr consists of fine bones, linked together, which run from the base of the skull to the base language. These bones are called sublingual. When a cat purrs, vocal cords vibrate and thus cause a resonance in the sublingual bones.
ÂAny cat can purr while inhaling as well as you exhale. And purring just fine representatives of the family cat - cats, bobcats, etc. The large cats such as tigers, lions, leopards, and the hyoid bone covered with cartilage from the top to the very thick skulls. They interfere with sublingual bones vibrate, but due to the fact that such cartilage, strengthen the entire vocal apparatus, the largest of the cat, a lion can roar loudly. And truly can only roar lions, other big cats can growl, howl, hiss, and even cough and grunt, but did not purr.
ÂIt is believed that originally used a little purring kitten in order to tell his mother that they have everything in order and they are happy. You'll notice that the kittens are almost always purr while nursing. Indeed, at the same time sucking the milk and can not meow, purr but can be any number. In this case, and a cat-mother is also often purr, thereby encouraging a kitten or comforting him.
ÂCats can purr more mature, meeting with other cats, thus showing their friendly intentions and expressing a desire to play. The dominant male pomurlychet to show the subordinate that he was not going to attack him. Sometimes, cats purr, even when the fear or being attacked in an attempt to say that they are defenseless and weak, they can not hurt. Sick and injured cats purr to support herself, calm and set a positive mood. Often a quiet purr - a requirement of anything, and loud - thanks for that cat was desired.
ÂHowever, when a cat purrs, listen to the beating of her heart and lungs is almost impossible. Interestingly, the most cats stop purring if they see and hear the current tap water. Therefore, veterinarians are often resorted to this approach - to include in his office with tap water, the cat stopped purring and it became possible to listen to her heart and lungs.
ÂAnd of course, most cats purr when they are happy, happy, satisfied with their lives and are thankful for example, when stroked their favorite host, as if telling him that "all is well, all right." And they know that is the owner and pomurlykat certainly give all that you desire, even if it's the last piece of sausage.
Feeding and diet of the cat
Recently, the sale of a large number of new cat food. This is a dry food, canned goods, many of whom do not knowingly become so popular among cat owners, and they did not hesitate, spend a lot of money to buy another overseas pet treats. At the same time it is not necessary, you can prepare a meal from simple ingredients that exist in any home and will not lower in calories and helpful.
ÂA common mistake cat owners - an approach to feeding their pets as their own. With this feed the animals there are various diseases that in the future are difficult to treat, because cats do not tolerate changes in their diet. It is considered improper to call them hunger instinct, because only the animals receiving the balanced nutrients and calories the food, quite lively and temperamental. Regardless of this cat and yourself can fill the missing nutrients in hunting small rodents and insects (mice, birds, flies, Â grasshoppers, etc.). Â Probably, therefore, being at the cottage in the village, "city residents" Â happy hunting. Â
Feeding the cats is largely determined by its physical condition also.
 How to choose the right food for your cat? ÂFirst, consider the age, activity, weight and breed of your cat. And do not forget to about her personal tastes and preferences! Even the time of year makes adjustments to the diet. In the summer of adult cat is fed once a day, and in the winter - two.
Âplayful kitten needs a completely different food than the impressively Kotofey. And, of course, in a special nutritional need of pregnant cats (sukotnye). They need to pick up high-calorie dry food.
ÂWell, if your cat has lived with you for years? Take care of it. It is not the sand, as before, the most it lies on the couch or luxuriating in a warm place, moreover, in old age reduces the ability to absorb many of the components of the diet. Therefore, a diet at this age should have a low content of protein, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. You may have to go to the veterinarian and prescribe special food. By the way, there is a whole range of ready-made diet food not only tasty but also has a therapeutic effect in many diseases of cats.
ÂSecondly, by choosing food carefully read the label on the package. On each package, box or can you find the components that make up the food, its chemical composition, instructions for feeding, the amount of feed required by weight of the cat. Pay particular attention to the expiration date on package integrity. Open canned food for cats should not be stored in the refrigerator over night. Failure to do so often leads to food poisoning animals. And never give your pets food straight from the fridge. Do not be lazy, warm up to room temperature, as you would do it for themselves.
ÂThird, important for cats three conditions: Â clean utensils for feeding, Â change of diet. Â
Do kitten carrot?
Ârations to feed the cats are given (in grams) per 1 kg of live weight of the animal.
Old cats
Older cats, as well as older people, need special care. They prefer to sleep and more quiet, warm places, where they do not affect the turmoil of domestic life. Because the joints lose their former flexibility is important to ensure your cat easy access to its berth, toilet, food and water.
Bed she should be in a warm place, preferably close to the radiator, and it would be nice to arrange another rookery in the sun by the window. If these places are not on the floor and above, make sure your cat is a "step", such as chair or bedside table, on which she easily vzberetsya on the windowsill. Do not force a cat to cover this distance in one leap, as in his youth. ÂYou can restrict your cat access to all premises and to leave at its disposal one or two warm rooms. That would make her life more safe and secure, and if the joints affected by arthritis in the cat, put it to a few toilet stalls in different places - so you will ensure cleanliness in the rooms.
Old cat suffering from incontinence are usually very experienced because of his illness, so pay special attention to their toilet problems and take care of that. that they did not have far to run to their natural needs. ÂIn periods of waking cats need a lot of your attention and affection. Gentle stroking a cat-combing soothes and helps her maintain a clean and lose self-esteem. It is important to continue to include your old man or old woman in family matters as much as he or she can handle it. Although older cats need plenty of rest for them is equally important to continue to feel the family, they must stir up trouble from time to time and ginger. Even if they would prefer to stay at home longer, yet ask them to walk in the warm, sunny days - you can to keep them company. In old age, the cat becomes more talkative and solicits public host a loud meow, especially at night when he woke up, she feels especially lonely and vulnerable. Do not be angry: Maybe it's time to allow the cat to sleep in your bed or next to at night, she felt calmer.
ÂDo not skimp on the expression of love and tenderness. Probably should not start a second, younger cat - it is unlikely to please your little old lady, although older dogs, of course, the appearance of a puppy in the house is sometimes a source of vitality. Cats - more power and quite jealous creatures, they are not always easily reconciled with the need to share with someone my family and my house, so you better try to give them as much care and love, and you'll be rewarded with sincere love and tenderness and the response my old cat.
ÂTalk to your veterinarian about what to pick up a diet for older cats, and get ready for the whims and tastes change.
ÂMany cats aged more like there is more and more slowly.
ÂRegular checkups can help detect age-related changes in time, such as kidney disease, so common in older cats, and then with them will be easy to handle.
Game one of the basic needs of cats. Growing kitten needs to play to train your hunting skills, because every cat is by nature a predator.
Playing the kitten develops and strengthens muscles. But adult cats are not averse to frolic. Some do it only if the owner does not see, so as not to spoil its solid image. Others do not give up and play in his presence. The main thing that was, with nothing to play! Otherwise, a toy can become the hands and feet and the owner of valuable items to use. But before that you should not bring. Âstores the goods for animals offer a huge range of toys for cats. It has everything that can please the beast ÐÐÐ very similar to real fur mouse, the mouse is easier, but with a squeaker inside, variegated marbles and balls, with harsh ringing serdtsevinkoy and soft rubber, fishing rods, teasers, balls with holes, into which You can run a paw, and then hidden away something that so hard but so want to get. Some of the toys are impregnated with substances which attract the cat. The choice is sufficient to satisfy the most picky pet.
ÂBut they are not self-serving, our cats. They do not expect us to spend a fortune on toys. All these things are more designed for pet owners than for themselves. You can never tell exactly what the subject will attract the cat anymore, and it is possible that she indignantly reject only bought at the pet store today and take the ball to jump over fallen from a feather pillow.
 Just like in a pet store, only cheaper: make a toy for a cat with his own hands ÂOf course, not every toy from the pet store, you can repeat at home, but the cat, in general, not very important similarities. The main idea ÐÐÐ. For example, do with their hands out of bait you can stick (suitable for single-use stick sushi, ruler, pointer), a piece of string and scraps of paper rustling better. Teaser can be drawn from the same stick to sushi and a few pieces of ribbon or a thin belt, fasten it with tape. Instead, pet stores can give a mouse a cat a piece of fur from old coats. "Secret Ingredient", which is imbued with some store bought toys are also available separately from them. This is catnip, which can be bought at a pet store in dried form (and fill her homemade toy) or as a spray (which you can spray with a toy).
ÂBut in most cases, these simple steps for the production of toys will be unnecessary. The best cat toys are derived from the fact that we happen to forget or have not yet had time to throw. Or the fact that is bad.
ÂOur cat loves the sausage sticks from ice cream. Find one of them allegedly accidentally casually posited on the table, slyly and begins to drive vykradet the room. And if you stick to tie the rope begins an incredible, because it ÐÐÐ only for what this dignified and noble lady in general can jump. Especially on a vysotuÐÐÐ
ÂCandy wrappers, tied to a string, will be for any cat ÐÐÐ pleasant surprise of course, if you do it to play. For such a wonderful rustling gizmo can wear forever! A foil from the chocolate and do not attach enough ÐÐÐ roll of the ball and throw it was waiting for this moment the cat. Plastic from the middle of a chocolate egg can also be a great cat toy, if you put into it a few peas, bean and pour the finer grits. Roars and rolls, but that still need to be happy?
ÂHow much happiness for the cat carries a cardboard box from under the medium-sized household appliances such as vacuum cleaner! Leaving her well, at least for a few days, we can make these days unforgettable for the cat, is not it nice to jump into the box and back, and if you have done in the walls of the box openings through which the cat can go in and out, delight will be complete.
 "There was in the house mice, and had a lot of pencils" ÂPens and pencils ÐÐÐ a real find for the cat. Only it's unlikely you'll be able to find these items if they fall into the clutches of a cat. In the best case ÐÐÐ the next general cleaning. Therefore, having a house cat, the better to hide things, "betraying" her a few toys as well, except ÐÐÐ sorry for your favorite kisuli?
Âone of the few items with which the cat will never tire of playing ÐÐÐ this beam of light, which is impossible to catch. For the red dot from a laser pointer our pets are ready to be worn indefinitely, trying to catch it, but whether it is useful to them? The laser pointer is dangerous because the beam can reach the eyes of animals and damage the retina. It is much safer to replace it with the sunbeams, which use mirrors can be done in countless.
Âwalk in the park or woods, do not forget the abandoned house fluffy darling. Pick up for it a few acorns or small bumps, and you will see how it will be grateful for the opportunity to drive through the apartment these wonderful gifts of nature. Just remember to wash them before you give a cat to be torn apart.
 But in general, anything! Âclothespins, lids from plastic bottles, potatoes and walnuts in the shell, so even simple pieces of paper can become great toys for your pet. You do not need to invent a subject to offer your cat to play. It will find its own, and believe me, you do not ask.
ÂKeep in mind that all the toys for cats and ÐÐÐ purchase, and hand made ÐÐÐ can be divided into two groups: those with which the cat can be allowed to play one, and those with whom it is better not to leave the cat alone, or even give it to play with them only from the master's hand. For example, the rod and tied on a rope items, teasers, mahalki with feathers and other small details, you should not leave the cat when you're not next to it. Carefully inspect the purchased toy, and not finding it in small parts, winding the rope which can randomly unwound, the parts that can easily be Gnaw and swallow safely let her pet. The rest, play, put them in a safe place.
ÂDo not allow the animal to play with dangerous items (such that you can swallow or which may get lost), even in your presence. Avoid playing with electric cables (if the kitten tries to play with them, apply the repellent from the pet shop or a means citrus juice, and the best option to remove the wires ÐÐÐ in special boxes), with plastic bags and balls of yarn. Do not leave dangerous items that a cat may want to play, within her reach, when you leave the house for a long time. Teach your children than you can play with the cat, but it is better to keep away from her.
ÂDo not forget that the best cat toys do not exist. In the game you need variety, so in order that the animal was moving and playful, it is necessary again and again for him to invent new opportunities to realize their needs in the game. In addition, old toys, especially my favorite, very quickly fail, because the claws and teeth has not been canceled.
ÂIf you have questions about this article, we will be happy to answer them in the comments. Good health to your pets!
ÂAuthor: Irina Budkina.
Typically, the owner is so attached to your pet, even when he is old, can not part with it.
The cat lives an average of 10-12 years. Sometimes heard on longevity, age of 20 to 25 years of age, but this is certainly an exception. Usually the signs of aging cats appear to 08.09 years. It depends mainly on the living conditions and health of cats. ÂOld age comes slowly in the cat, the owner often does not notice her approach. Aging is not accompanied by the appearance of gray hair or wrinkles on the skin, as it does in humans and other vertebrates, they are not show yellowing and worn teeth (yellowing of the teeth is the presence of tartar, and it may be at a young age).
The truth sometimes older cats fall incisors - their absence, of course, can talk about age. In practice, the only sign of advancing old age, the cat is the disappearance of the subcutaneous fat layer on the back and around the eyes, the cat becomes lean. ÂIn older cat needs special care. Need to feed her more often than twice a day. And while a daily dose of food should remain the same, it is better to divide it into 3-4 hours. We should stick to the usual daily routine: if most of the food before the cat got in the evening, you should keep the same order. It is recommended to give primarily lean meats, the best so-called "white" (chicken, rabbit), as well as fish, veal, and sometimes to limit consumption of red meat (beef, venison). Must provide not only meat but also other products, particularly butter and vegetable oil. It is desirable to limit or completely abandon the giblets, especially the liver and kidneys. Mandatory supplements from vitamin preparations. Food should be in powdered form, and for very old cats - in the form of slurry.
ÂOlder cats are hard to tolerate a variety of lifestyle changes, any surprises. This concerns not only food but also the environment, movements, appearance of strangers.
Âin particular need such animals in intensive care for their hair. Daily combing wool, owner helps your pet maintain interest in the outside world, strengthen its confidence in their abilities. This has a positive effect on the mental state of the animal, as every cat wants to be clean and well maintained. Cat in fact very clean animals, so if she is aware that to care for her a lack of forces, that it looks messy, it acts on it depressing. In addition to combing, wiping with a damp sponge to be a cat muzzle around the nose and mouth, wash your eyes, as in old age it was difficult to keep these places clean.
ÂIn his old age to regularly inspect the cat. This above all to the oral examination and verification of (the weakening is often one of the signs of aging). The onset of old age is accompanied by a decrease in acuity of olfaction. When the role that it plays in the lives of cats, this loss is of great significance for her. First of all, it makes her a meal, since the cat must always sniff the food before consumption. With deterioration of animal instinct begins to eat less. If loss of appetite observed for several days, we can recommend to put on the bottom of the bowl, under a normal diet, a little intense smelling, delicious food, such as fish, cheese or other goodies. So food becomes more attractive to your pet.
ÂLike older people, old cats are increasingly making themselves felt different ailments. Most often, an inflammation of the joints (arthritis), circulation failure (heart failure) and impaired urination (kidney stones and bladder, urinary tract inflammation). When these and other illnesses should consult a veterinarian.
ÂIf the animal is old age and disease very weakly and suffering, the best help he will be humanely put to sleep.
Feeding the kittens, feeding puppies, feeding dogs and cats
The breeding of cats, breeding kittens, knit Scottish and British cats
-most cats - then. Most
Despite the fact that every cat is unique in the world there are still animals, which can rightly be called the most-most. This is a cat, which differ from the others in size, weight and color, the rocks, the personal qualities of character, or even age ... All of them are remarkable in their own way, and make sure it is worth noting the brightest of their representatives!
ÂFirst of all cat lovers appreciate the rare animals that are in the world very little, and the holders of which are fit to be proud that they have them! These include first of all cat-Asher - the largest breed of cat, which reaches a height of 1 m and weighs 15 kg. Asherah were artificially withdrawn one of the biotech companies in England and are considered to be the largest in the world.
At the same time, this breed is very affectionate and sweet, and besides, these cats love to play with kids and sleep for a long time. Apply the same to them easily, despite the increase in "size" - those cats are walking calmly on a leash and eat perfectly normal foods. It is true that in much larger quantities! ÂAccording to the rarity with Usher can compete and breed Maine Coon, which was derived a century ago and is considered one of the hardiest and most beautiful in the world. Maine Coons - is the largest cat breeders and their dimensions are always artificially increased: in the future breeding involving only those animals that have managed to develop good muscles and growth are impressive. Typically, these cats weigh 15 kg and their owners seem to be great and the good giants. By the way, the Maine Coon was hardly meow - they emit only a vague subtle sounds that did not correlate with their complexion!
ÂIf Usher and the Maine Coon - are the biggest cats in the world, the cat-Singapura by law has the potential to be called the tiniest! Singapore - it is a natural breed, but its formation was attended by American breeders who have helped to cats, whose weight does not exceed 2-3 kg and the dimensions remain the same forever, like a normal average of kittens. In this case the smallest breed of cats at first sight captivates with the grace and cheerful disposition, and the eyes of cats, singapore so delicious and unique, that just fascinate everyone!
ÂHowever, these cats still have a competitor that could compete with them on its tiny! Many believe that the world's smallest cat - this is not Singapore, and the cat-konkod. This is a very rare animal that lives in Chile and Argentina, and weighs about 2 kg. Konkoda length not exceeding 50 cm, however, even this crumb of far far champion - a Himalayan-Persian cat, who lives in the U.S., its length is only 19 cm, height - 7 cm at the withers!
ÂOf course, all cats are always the most intelligent of animals! However, if you want the smartest cat lived it with you, try looking for her cat among the so-called Eastern Group. Always thought that the most intelligent breed of cats - a Persian, but these animals are not too sociable. So if you're looking for and clever, provocative and a cat, buy a sphinx, oriental or Siamese cat, and it will amaze you with his amazing intellect!
ÂIf we compare the weight of the cats, the thickest is likely to be the largest cat in the world - already referred to the Maine Coon or Usher. While it is certainly possible and raskormit tiniest kitty, the main thing - to try. As a result, the title of "fattest cat in the world" today is beauty Breed of Britain, which weighs 19 kg! However, recently she had a rival - a 20-pound cat, living in Kiev, and also does not belong to any breed.
ÂIf we evaluate the possibility of weight cats in general, the fattest cats - it's certainly the Persian and British (they fatten the easiest!), And in addition, the risk and get all neutered cats that are rapidly gaining weight .
ÂOn the other hand, it is worth noting and lean beauties, and it's not necessarily the smallest cat. Typically, most animals are lean longest - and this includes domestic cat breed Savannah, who manage to reach a length of 40-45 cm! Thus, the longest cat in the world, it belongs to the breed was even entered in the Guinness book of records: it has a length of 43 cm from shoulder to foot, and soon plans to set the record length from nose to tail and
ÂHowever, potential owners of a furry pet, choose it more often than not on the physique and weight and not even on the breed, but by character. What kind and gentle creature, the more chances he has become a pet of any family! And if you want you got the most affectionate breed of cat, try to buy the beast Abyssinian, or burmanskoy Oriental breed. Also long been thought that the most affectionate cat - Persian, but this is misleading: these animals are quite capricious and often can even be aggressive towards their owners.
ÂAnd, of course, impossible to ignore individual cats, who personally managed to achieve a variety of cats' achievements. " Among them, of course, stands the oldest cat in the world - a striped cat from the UK, which is put to sleep in 34 years! Also particularly noteworthy and another furry beauty of Great Britain - is also the oldest cat, but in the "Mom": In its 30 years of age she was able to bring the owner of two kittens! Well, closes the list of most-most cats this fluffy "rich man": cat Blackie, who lived in the house after the death of a millionaire and the owner has inherited as much as 15 million pounds!
 ÂTreatment of bite wounds
Complaints about the bite wounds are fairly common in outpatient surgical practice. Bite wounds are usually contaminated by various microorganisms, which can lead to infection and, in the absence of medical care, the development of complications such as local abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, meningitis, abscess and sepsis deleted. Infection is the most difficult in patients with immunodeficiency.
ÂThe following are the main characteristics of the wounds caused by the bites of various mammals.
Âwounds after being bitten a person can occur when physical violence (eg, damaged skin with his teeth when struck in the jaw), and during sexual contact (so-called "love bites"). The bites are localized mainly on the fingers or hands, at least in the neck, chest and genitals. About 30% of abrasions on the hand caused by a blow on the teeth, accompanied by a deep injury and infection ligaments and bones, especially with late (within 24 h), seeking medical help. Bacteria contaminating the wound, are streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Homophiles spp., Fusobacterium spp., Bacteroids and other anaerobes, and Eikenella corrodens. Infection with viruses such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C and HIV, there is much less.
Âafter dog bite wounds contaminated with oral microflora of these animals, usually including pathogens such as Pasteurella spp., Streptococci, staphylococci, anaerobes, and in 2-30% of cases are accompanied by the emergence of infection. Capnocytophaga canimorsus, gram-negative bacillus, sometimes contaminating the dog (and cat) bites can lead to the rapid development of potentially lethal septic syndrome, especially in immunocompromised individuals. By the bite of a wandering dog must be aware of the possibility of rabies.
ÂCat bites are most often represented stab wounds, making them difficult to process. Lesions are located mainly on the hands and forearms, and two thirds of cases are accompanied by the development of infection. Approximately 75% of infections caused by members of Pasteurella spp., Among other pathogens - a broad spectrum of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Cat scratch disease can occur at the site caused by cat or dog bites or scratches. The infection is caused by Bartonella henselae and manifests the appearance of erythematous papules (usually 3-10 days after injury), and regional lymphadenitis obscheinfektsionnoy symptoms. The disease is allowed after 2 months, however, in some cases may be complicated by pneumonia, encephalitis, or hepatitis, are rarely pathology of the vision.
ÂBites of small rodents such as mice, rats, hamsters and guinea pigs can be contaminated with a variety of microorganisms, including representatives of Pasteurella spp. and Streptobacillus moniliformis (causes "fever Rat bite '). Bite proteins could conceivably lead to infection with fever or tularemia.
Âbites horses, donkeys, pigs and sheep can be infected by representatives Acinetobacillus spp., Pasteurella spp., Staphylococci, streptococci and anaerobic bacteria. Ferret bites contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. With the bite of bats is transmitted rabies. Camel bites lead to infection with members of Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococci and streptococci, and Clostridium tetani. Bites from infected monkeys mainly bacteroids, fuzobakterii, staphylococcus, streptococcus and E.sorrodens. With the bite of macaques can be transmitted herpes virus B (Herpesvirus simiae), leading to the development of rapidly progressive encephalomyelitis, in which the mortality rate reaches 70%.
ÂIn the primary treatment is medical history (when they bite and animal species), samples taken for bacteriological examination and initial debridement. In the presence of systemic signs of infection is also carried out blood sampling to detect aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. If contamination of wounds by soil, plant fragments, or water from ponds, lakes, aquariums, as well as in patients with immunodeficiency performed bacteriological tests for mycobacteria and fungi. When a man bites should also be screened for infection with hepatitis B and HIV. Other clinical and instrumental examinations are performed according to indications (such as radiography or ultrasonography for suspected involvement in the process of bones, joints or the presence of a foreign body in the wound).
ÂTreatment consists of washing the wound with saline or water at the shallow damage is possible to use an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or povidone iodine). Suturing of wounds is recommended for fresh (less than 6 hours), presumably not infected processes, as well as for cosmetic purposes (face). Delayed wound closure (3-5 days) are used for biting a prescription 6-8 hours, localized in the limbs and associated with crushing tissue.
ÂIndications for hospitalization include fever, sepsis, progressive cellulitis, edema, or tissue damage, loss of limb function, the patient's immunodeficiency, and infection threatening infections (eg, Herpesvirus simiae), in which patients should be kept in quarantine. [ / bbp] Â
Appointment of prophylactic antibiotic therapy is indicated in bites man, cat or dog bite complications, as well as the localization process in the limbs, genitals and face, severe injury, involving in pathological process of bone and joint or localized near the bite prosthetic joint and in patients with immunodeficiency states of various origins.
Âantibiotic selection is conducted on the basis of bacteriological examination. Prior to receiving the results the drug of choice is amoxicillin / clavulanate (625 mg 3 times daily for adults). If you are allergic to penicillin can assign metronidazole in combination with doxycycline bites dogs and cats. Human bites also can be used metronidazole in combination with erythromycin, but preferred is the use of ciprofloxacin in combination with clindamycin. In severe nature of infection antibiotics are administered intravenously, the duration of therapy depends on clinical dynamics.
ÂProphylactic antiviral therapy (hepatitis B, HIV, rabies, and Herpesvirus simiae) is carried out at the possibility of infection is suspected, according to standard schemes. Preventing tetanus (tetanus vaccine and tetanus immune globulin) is conducted in the absence of the patient confirmed the immunological history (ie, data and timing of planned immunization tetanus). If there is risk of contracting hepatitis or HIV patient monitoring should continue for at least 3 months.
ÂManaging bites from humans and other mammals.
ÂDTB 2004; 42 (9): 67-70.
ÂKeywords: bite wounds, antibiotic
Collection of materials
Helen Dyugen Magic Cat (How to let in the house good luck).
ÂHowever, the ancient Egyptians saw the cat goddess Bast highly esteemed symbol with the cat's head, which for two thousand years before Christ was very popular in Egyptian mythology and today remains the traditional goddess of love for cats witches. So start with the myths about this fascinating goddess, called the "mother of cats». Â
BAST, Foremothers CATS
ÂIf you decide to pronounce the incantation addressed to the Bast, try to ask her for fertility, pregnancy, relief, increase sexuality. Â
Sometimes a small spark is enough to make a relationship passion and joy. Try between family and work to carve out a romantic moment for themselves relatively exceptional and beloved. Try to get his attention. The rest is up to you both.  A pair of fresh catnip leaves (for beauty, happiness, love, magic, cat)  Lighters, matches  Table, a shelf for candles Â
Move your eyes on the model of perfect Bast. This ritual is best taken in precisely the bedroom. Sunte catnip leaf under a candle in a candlestick. Another piece to give the cats a sign offering Bast. They will be happy and will not climb to the candle. Remember that Bast - Goddess of fertility and sexuality, do not forget to protect themselves accordingly. Light a candle and repeat three times following incantation:
ÂLet us be with him always having fun together, but to fulfill the desire to do no harm to anyone. Â
Sekhmet is always ready to protect, senses danger, extremely intelligent. Refer to the gorgeous goddess in order to keep the cat home, family, lifestyle. If you feel yourself in a negative effect if you made the psychic attack, Sekhmet primchitsya to help, provided that you honor her strength. Â
call for help lioness-goddess is not under any external threat, but in need of mental and personal protection.  Two small stone tiger's eye (for protection, courage, magic cat) Its photo  Lighters, matches  Table, a shelf for candles Â
First of all, imagine how the lioness-goddess prowling around the house, looking for danger, makes the rack porykivaya pas everything and everyone, who out of stupidity or carelessness gives you the trouble. Then stop at the front door and sits regally in the doorway, silent and motionless as a statue. Take a deep breath, sit on the floor, focus, light the candles and say: Â
(surrounded by candles around the image of Sekhmet, and his pictures, then place on top of your picture) Â
(imagine how Sekhmet suits and covers you from behind) Â
As soon as the prayer goes out the candle, bless me lion growl and brightness of the sun's rays.
ÂGive the candles burn out. Be assured - Sekhmet looks up to you and protects. Place the stones in his pocket and a couple of weeks carry. Upon request to enhance the spells can be hung on the wall beside the front door image of Sekhmet, which symbolically means that you and your home is taken under the protection of the goddess with the head of a lioness.
ÂIn any "Egyptian days" can refer to the bo-pshyam-Bast and Sekhmet cats. In three of these for each successfully justified given in this book the cat's spell. Wrap them in these words and see what happens. Good luck! Â
Executive prayer in honor of the Egyptian day. Â
Diana, Diana, and ARAD FL
ÂDiana will help you strengthen relationships with pets and re-acquainted with the ancient goddess of the moon, a powerful deity, nicknamed "the queen of the witches». Â
Aradia taught his followers to refer to Diana at the full moon, so it's best to create a spell in a full moon night. Spell is short, the cat usidela in place. Say it when she slumber. In no case do not hold the power. Tihonko take on your hands, stand up or sit under a rising moon. If the cat will break out, leave the house, and if not, go to the window, which shows the moon.
ÂLight a candle, put together. Dip the rose vase with water. The flower - a gift to Diana. Carefully take the cat in his arms. Sit down to the ground, floor or just stand up, gently stroking the cat. Try to focus, immerse yourself in the moonlight. Then quietly refer to Diana:
ÂKeep us forever, give me a little crazy. Â
Send loop a kiss, go home with a cat. If you did not leave the house, greet the moon, release the cat, shall flee for their business. Complete spell these words:
Âmemorializing all, anyone in the world without causing harm. Â
Blow to my room rose, looking at it and rejoice, yet wither. Leave a candle burning in the pot for another hour, then zaduyte before the next session. When Rose begins to crumble, collect and dry leaves. Soaked in moonlight, they will still be useful for feline magic.
ÂFrey, Lady CATS
ÂHere's to spell this goddess of enlightenment future. Saying it should be Friday. Friday - in English, "Fried", German "Freitag" - Freya's day If you're thinking about choosing a future path in life trying to get out of a perplexing situation, try to ask the goddess of enlightenment and gain 'own intuition. Following a spell with your cat and the witch will join the intuitive and elegant magic Freya, sharpen sensitivity and susceptibility. Â
A few scraps of cat's fur, or fallen mustache. Use only natural comb in the care of animal fur, in any case, do not tweeze hair and mustache in an animal. Remember the main rule - no harm. If you want to achieve a specific result, contact with cats gently, gently. Acknowledge their partners and friends, providing exactly the same respect as colleagues.
 Table, a shelf for candles  Lighters, matches ÂPodzovite to a cat and a little pat. Ask if she pokoldovat with you. Let sit where she was most like - on your lap, in any other place on the carpet in his chair, watching the scene. For the sake of safety, I do not let the cats to the scene. I advise you to keep the curious animals away from burning candles and amulets. As soon as the cat sits down, take a piece of wool and a golden sunte candle. Ignite incense, a little overclocking room smoke. Sit on the floor, focus, light a candle - gold, pink or aqua. Repeat the following mantra, then look at the cards or runes.
Âat the same moment. Â
Move the candle and the amulet in a safe place and let burn until the end. Â
acquainted with several deities associated with the witch-cat, we turn to the legends and mysteries that surround the cat family. Goddess described in the previous chapter, will constantly appear on the following pages. A mysterious Let us until we are legends about cats, watching that connects them with the modern magic cat.
ÂTeeth cat
There are a cat to the dentist? Once, thirty years ago, it seemed that the animals spared from this, and wonderful white teeth, flawlessly serve them until old age. Of course, we knew we had bad teeth _ one of the reasons why the tiger becomes a man-eater. But to our home to tigers is, fortunately, did not apply, so they did not look mouth. And for good reason. Let's still see what your teeth are in healthy cats and what are they to her.
ÂWith the help of cutters - small front teeth - cat scrapes with small particles of bone meat, pluck the birds, looks after his hair for the incisors are the most visible and the "famous" teeth - canines.
ÂStrong, long, slightly curved "saber" suitable for hunting and war, but not for chewing food. The role of a "cutlery" perform molars - premolars and molars: is their cat "cuts" the meat into manageable pieces and grind fine stone. The most powerful of the workers and those teeth - the last upper premolar and lower molar. To our eyes, they, unlike the canine and incisor teeth are visible.
Âcomplex is closely related tissues surrounding the root of the tooth, dentists called periodontitis. It consists of the gums, bone and periosteum dental alveoli, as well as connective tissue ligament - periodontal, and he holds the tooth in a crescent of teeth - jaw alveoli.
ÂWhat diseases can "visit" your mouth? Well-known caries - the destruction of dental hard tissues. Stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, but without compromising the integrity dentogingival connection. Keep in mind that may be accompanied by stomatitis terrible diseases such as leukemia, immune deficiency, which in cats are infectious in nature. Periodontitis - inflammation and progressive destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth (including the periodontium, the doctor may use a narrower term - "periodontitis"). There is periodontal disease - a dystrophic lesion of all components of periodontitis. Occur in the oral cavity of cats and tumors (most commonly in the elderly). And, of course, the starting point of disease - plaque deposition.
ÂThe idea that we need to show your pet dentist visits us, only when there were obvious signs of disease, such as bad breath, excessive salivation, difficulty eating (cat "chews like something is wrong" can avoid load teeth on one side), swelling of the face (for example, under the eyes) and under the lower jaw.
ÂBrushing your teeth and, if necessary, removal of tartar in a veterinary clinic is very important for the cat's health, If tartar "expanded", then remove it only under general anesthesia. Now, except for mechanical cleaning is used with ultrasonic apparatus, to protect the enamel of the teeth are polished using a dental paste (just like in humans).
ÂOf course, you should not even try to scrape tartar yourself something metal - only to damage the enamel. And here regularly to clean off plaque before it turns into a stone, it is necessary. Since the nature of the cat is very independent, to brush your teeth need to teach them from childhood.
Âfirst kitty to get used to the fact that the owner can push the lips and stroke to examine the canines and incisors, and then the molars and gradually accustomed to the soft touch to the gum. Do not regret it at the time and patience, because then the kitten will take the examination without fear, and the worst of what awaits your fingers in this case - a light biting, as in the game. Before we proceed to brush your teeth with a brush and special toothpaste, follow her finger.
ÂThere are toothpastes for cats, pleasant to the taste and safe for the organism (an animal can not rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and swallow the remains of paste). However, the teeth can be cleaned with a brush, not only, but also a more pleasant way - while eating.
ÂAccording to the veterinary dentist, a special dry food box monthly applications reduce plaque and tartar by 42-47%, How is this effect? In the food included a specially processed fiber, which slowly swell and disintegrate in the mouth. Granules themselves are larger, do not break up immediately after raskusyvaniya and its structure reminiscent of a dense grid. Teeth tightly included in this fibrous mesh, and it gently and effectively removes them from the plaque. In fact, this food is working as a toothbrush. In others, the emphasis is not fodder for the mechanical and chemical effect: the feed pellets are plotted polyphosphates, which form a film on the teeth, preventing plaque formation. This approach seems less natural, but may in some cases it is preferable. Consult your veterinarian.
ÂIncidentally, the special foods do not release your pet from a periodic visit to a specialist for routine inspection, and in the presence of tartar their application is most effective after its removal professional.
ÂLet's not forget about caring for your teeth - or they remind us of ourselves is not the most pleasant way.
ÂIn adult cats 30 permanent teeth (16 maxillary, 14 - at the bottom): 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars and molars 4.
Funny cat laws, codes of cats, rules, instructions, diaries
cat's body will lie dormant until he had not applied will be the impact in the form of bowls with food or scraping the mouse.
cat's body, bound for somewhere else, did not stop his movement there, unless a sufficiently enticing reasons to move in another direction.
cat's body is attracted to wool clothing items, the stronger the darker fabric.
Heat is always transferred from a heated body colder, if none of these bodies do not belong to the cat.
cat's body is stretched by pulling on a length proportional to the length of sleep.new_image_1_blogger
cat's body for sleep takes position as uncomfortable for sleeping nearby person.
cat's body over time to reach any surface on which there is at least something of interest for him.
Representatives of the cat family is exceptionally elegance and grace, agility and energy, which largely determines the structure of the animal.
ÂDescription of the structural features of the cat is advisable to start with the skeleton. Its structure is reminiscent of the skeleton structure of all mammals, differing in form and manner the location of some bones.
ÂThis is due to horizontal position of the spinal cat and the fact that the work of the organ systems of the animal adapted to its way of life.
Âcat skull has a rounded shape. In this case it is considerably shorter than many other wild animals.
Âadult skull dimensions vary depending on gender and individual hereditary characteristics.
Âbones of the skull bones are much larger front of the skull. This feature makes the appearance of a cat different from other animals.
Âcat spine flexible and agile. It consists of 27 vertebrae: 7 cervical, 13 thoracic and lumbar 7. Below the lumbar region has 3 fused vertebrae that form the sacrum bone. This is followed by caudal vertebrae. The average cat's tail is made up of vertebrae 20ÐÐÐ23.
ÂDue to the elastic and movable tail cat can maintain balance during a jump and a fall from a height.
Âalso experienced breeders of these animals from the position and movements of the tail of your pet is easy to determine in what mood he is.
ÂThe internal structure of the Scottish Fold cat is very similar to the structure of other mammals. But there are differences that are peculiar only to this animal species.
ÂThe main body of the circulatory system is the heart ÐÐÐ hollow muscular organ that is located inside the chest, behind the middle of the sternum. Mass of the heart is directly proportional to the cat body weight of the animal. In each case, it is about 0.6% of body weight. The heart of the cat consists of two atria and two ventricles.
ÂThe cat has two circulation. Blood circulation is carried on walking away from the heart arteries to the capillaries, which penetrate all the internal tissues and organs.
There is an exchange of substances, then the blood, carbonated and contains the waste products of the body, enters into the veins leading to the heart. Veins form a second, or low, the systemic circulation. Venous blood enters the right ventricle, then through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. ÂOrgans of the respiratory system are arranged in such a way cats that can function well in various environments. The task of these bodies is to ensure gas exchange and delivery of tissue oxygen. They also serve to some extent and allocation of organs, because after they removed the body of excess moisture and harmful gases, and are involved in heat transfer, because it removes excess heat from the tissues.
ÂIn the lungs gas exchange occurs between blood and air, which results in removal from the body of carbon dioxide and oxygen enriched it.
ÂThe respiratory system consists of a cat's nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Light ÐÐÐ main body of the respiratory system. This is a paired organ, consisting of two parts (left and right), which occupy a large part of the chest, like all warm-blooded animals. They are composed of the alveolar lung ÐÐÐ bubbles, tightly braided mesh of capillaries that serve as agents in carrying out gas exchange. Respiratory covers the mucous membrane that performs the function of protecting them.
ÂIn the process of breathing through the nose in the air enters the larynx, there ÐÐÐ in the bronchi and lungs. This is related to the normal functioning of the circulatory system. Also helps normalize respiration heat and the removal of excess fluid from the body.
Âcat digestive system are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. Also in the process of digestion the important function of the pancreas, gall bladder and duodenum.
Âcat's teeth are not only a formidable weapon, but also an important component of the digestive system. Animal bites with his teeth and grinds the food with them involved in fights with neighbors and defends itself in those cases when he feels the approach of danger to her or her kittens.
Âadult cat has 30 teeth, which are as follows:
ÂÐÐÐ lower jaw 6 front incisors on both sides of which are 1 to 4 canine and molars;
ÂÐÐÐ upper jaw 6 front incisors on both sides of which are located on one tusk and four molars.
ÂThe incisors are small-sized teeth with jagged edges. With their help, animal captures small pieces of food, and gnaw the bones.
Âgums in cats are not particularly sensitive, since they have few nerve endings. Externally, they are lining that covers the edge on all sides of jaws and teeth forming holes and tooth neck.
ÂIn many passes gums blood vessels.
Âin digestion role does language. In cats, it is elongated, flexible and flat. The entire surface of its mucous membrane completely covers a large number of hardened nipples, because of which it is rough to the touch. Papillae are involved in the process of licking: in these unique funnels delayed moving water or liquid food, which facilitates its entry into the oral cavity. In addition, language function as papillae brush when the animal washes and cleans the hair.
ÂThe main instrument of the cat during catching prey and defend against enemies is long and sharp canine teeth that have deep roots.
ÂFrom the mouth chewed pet food enters the esophagus, which is a muscular tube that could grow in diameter, and when you need to push food into the stomach. On the inside of the esophagus lined with mucous membrane.
ÂUnder the influence of saliva starts to break down food and partially digested already in the mouth. Continuing the process of digestion in the stomach, which is located in front of the peritoneum. The cat has a single-chamber stomach, the inside lined with mucous membrane, which produces gastric juice, which is required for the subsequent processing of food.
Âmucous membrane lining the intestinal villi, which provide the absorption of nutrients. Here is decontamination of food received by the intestine. This function is performed by multiple nodes.
Âfrom the stomach cat open 2 holes shaped like cones. One of them connects the stomach to the esophagus, the other ÐÐÐ with the duodenum. From the stomach the food enters the small intestine, where the final processing of food. The small intestine is a long, thin tube curled in a few loops. The length of the small intestine is often greater than the length of a cat in 4 times. Inside the food is exposed to intestinal enzymes of the pancreas.
ÂThe continuation of the small intestine is the colon that receives unprocessed solid food remnants. They are enveloped with mucus released by the walls of the colon. It includes the cecum, or appendix, colon and rectum.
Ârectum is to rid the body of compacted fecal matter. On either side of cat's anus are anal glands. They identify the secret with a sharp smelling odor. In addition to the excretory function, the rectum also supports the bacteriological balance in the body, because it saved in the conditions necessary for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.
Âauthorities are responsible for urinary excretion of excess fluid animal. The urinary system consists of a cat's kidneys, bladder and urinary tract ÐÐÐ ureters. In these organs are formed and accumulation of urine and by the subsequent removal of it from the body with harmful substances dissolved in it.
ÂThe salt and water balance in the cat provides the urinary system. During the breeding season of animal urine is particularly pungent smell exudes, it is very durable, because in such a way cats mark their territory.
ÂUrine is formed in the kidney, more precisely, in the renal pelvis, ureters of which enters the bladder, where there is a trailing arm, preventing spontaneous urination. Urethra cat has a distinctive physiological feature: stenosis ÐÐÐ special restrictions, which serve to more rapid passage of sediment present in the urine.
Âcat reproductive system consists of the testes and vas deferens, which opens into the urethra.
ÂThis channel sperm enters the reproductive organs. Testicles gonads ÐÐÐ ÐÐÐ cats descended into the scrotum, which is formed at the base of skin fold of the penis. In the testes, the male sex cells are formed ÐÐÐ sperm.
Âinternal reproductive organs are the cat's ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. In the ovaries of the female sex cells are formed ÐÐÐ egg. External genitalia are cats vagina and vulva, which are located near the anus.
Âof great importance for the life of the animal are the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus, adrenal and thyroid. They carry out the regulation of many vital processes in the body cat, and protect it from disease.
ÂCat is considered one of the most beautiful animals. The body of her long, lithe, graceful. The special grace of movement is achieved by ensuring that the bones of this animal were particularly dense and at the same time ductility, which increases due to the free connection to the muscles through a strong and mobile tendons.
ÂScottish Fold cats have a strong medium-length legs with well developed muscles. With this cat can quietly sneak up to the extraction of the hunt and make a swift leap.
ÂMoves the animal very carefully and quietly, as she has pads on the paws, which are sweat glands and sensitive nerve endings.
ÂIn addition, cats are extremely flexible limbs, enabling it to move quickly during a hunt.
Âon the front paws are cat 5, the rear ÐÐÐ on 4 fingers with sharp claws crescent shape. Everyone knows that cats can adjust their position: if the animal is at rest, the claws are usually hidden in the leathery sacs, and therefore does not blunt, and if there is a danger cat pushes his fingers and claws out. This ability is due to the fact that they are on the phalanges, where the tendons and muscles that control the deflation and retraction of claws in the leathery pouches.
ÂNature gave cats this feature to protect the main natural means of attack and defense of the stitching when walking.
Âon the abdomen and chest, in the breast, the Scottish Fold cats are dummies. In females, they serve to nurture the offspring.
ÂIn different pairs of nipples produced different amounts of milk. For example, in the inguinal nipples contains the largest amount of milk to the nipple, located in the upper body, it decreases.
ÂThe entire body is covered with cat hair. As mentioned above, currently there are the Scottish Fold cat with a wide variety goes, length and thickness of coat. Regardless of the length of hair cats consists of two layers: a thin inner (undercoat) and a coarser outer (protective). The main function of thermoregulation is the coat and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment. In the hot season gets rid of the cat undercoat, thanks to its coat becomes light.
ÂTherefore, animals with a thick long wool relatively quietly tolerate high air temperature.
Âalso provides thermal regulation pores on the skin of cats, which are outlets of the sweat glands, blood vessels and nerve endings. Along with fur, these pores prevent the excessive release of fluids and protect the body from being hit by harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
ÂSkin the cat extremely agile, allowing it to conduct typical of these animals an active lifestyle. Also, it promotes that the wounds received in fights with other cats or dogs, in most cases are superficial and not dangerous to life.
ÂThe skin also contains sebaceous glands that secrete a fatty lubricant necessary for proper operation of an animal. With this hair cats protected from environmental hazards and has a beautiful shine and silkiness.
ÂThe sweat glands are also located on the fingers and the cat's paws.
ÂCats uniquely organized nervous system, high sensitivity, and a more advanced system senses than humans. The work of the nervous system is effected by the brain to nerve impulses, which contain information about the state bodies and processes occurring in them. The role of the transmitter pulses do neurons, nerve cells in particular.
ÂNone of the animal's senses are not developed as a cat. So it is useful to consider this feature more cats.
ÂIf you compare a cat to other pets, you will notice that it has the largest eyes relative to body size.
ÂLong ago, scientists noticed a unique feature of the cat ÐÐÐ binocular (stereoscopic) vision. This property is defined by an unusual arrangement of the eyes: they are in front, on both sides of the nose, and an animal has the opportunity to consider the interests of his subjects at an angle of 205 'in the same direction while crossing the field of view at a central point. This feature allows you to fold accurately determine the distance to a particular subject. In addition, with this arrangement, the eye is able to see an animal that is situated not only directly in front of him, but on both sides.
Âiris surrounding the pupil of a cat's eye, has the mobility, as all members of the class of mammals. It is driven by muscles that are connected to the eyeball.
ÂDue to this property of the iris in bright natural or artificial light, the pupil of a cat's eye is drawn vertically and takes ellipsoobraznuyu form. This prevents the eye of the animal from entering into it more light than is necessary for the perception of the world.
ÂScottish Fold, like all cats, distinguish colors of objects, but only a limited number of colors. Another feature of the cats is that they are much better seeing moving objects than at rest.
ÂDue to structural features eye Scottish Fold can see in the dark. It is wrong that the cats very well see in the dark because their eyes can glow. The cause of cat's eyes glow in the dark is that they have the ability to collect the reflected light rays.
ÂWith well-developed view of a cat catches the reflection from the objects of the slightest ray of light entering the room where she was, and is thereby oriented in space. But the animal in complete darkness, of course, can not see.
Âcat's pupils dilate and become perfectly round, when the eye gets plenty of light. If the light pupil cat is extended, it could be a consequence of arousal, the impact of medication or a symptom of an illness.
ÂThe representatives of the cat family, there is another feature of the structure of the eye ÐÐÐ so-called third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, whose function is that it protects the cornea from penetrating into the foreign bodies, such as dust. This is possible because the third eyelid can stretch and cover the entire surface of the eye. Despite the fact that the third eyelid is protective, it is subject to inflammation and is very sensitive to infections. Cat owner should know about it and not ignore the rules of hygiene when caring for your animal eyes, as in some diseases there is loss of the third century.
Âdeveloped sense of smell is much better for cats than for other members of the class of mammals. It facilitates the relationship between related individuals, as well as between animals and man. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
. Short-
The fur of cats in this group is not as beautiful as a long-haired, yet they belong to an interesting and enjoyable pet. Among the hairless cats, there are no fewer species, variety and contrast of the colors are completely offset the "modesty" of hair. They are hardy, undemanding, does not require such care compared with long-haired. Smooth cats are different and the structure of the skull - it's not as round, but the body, legs and tail are longer than their long-haired counterparts. Most species of this group of European origin, but there are also those who came from Africa and Asia. The most popular breeds are: Abyssinian, Burmese, Russian Blue, black haired, white haired, blue, Dutch, Siamese and Manx.
Âcat with an elongated, graceful body. The backbone of the average. The tail is rather long, tapering to an end. Feet high. Feet are narrow, oval. Head short, conical, flat skull, forehead and nose straight, at the base of the nose forms an angle. Ears large, pointed, set well apart. The skin of the ears is thin and transparent. Under his mustache expressed swelling.
Âfur is short, dense, very soft, silky, is beaver. Fur with a silvery overflow, is very different from other kinds of fur. In appearance and texture of wool and is the main peculiarity of this breed. On the inner side of the ear hair is almost there. Blue, clean, and even in adults - no shades and design. Medium-blue color is valued higher. Eyes wide apart, almond-shaped, bright green. Vices are white spots, drawing on the wool, heavy body, square head, "Siamese" type of addition.
ÂThe tone and drawing as much as possible dark red. Drawing the same as that of the previous species, clear, not fade into the background. Eyes hazel or orange.
ÂThe tone even, warm brown or beige. Picture as the previous two species, but it a deep black color, white hairs are not allowed, from the figure you want clarity. Eyes orange, dark yellow or green.
ÂThe tone and the tone of the picture - like a striped cat (silver, red, or silky, see above). The brighter and sharper image, the better. Drawing up of many elements of the spine to the abdomen are narrow vertical strips, rings on his chest, collar-like, on the front foot tigrivost; on the tail of uniform rings (colored tip.)
ÂEye color - like a striped cat, respectively, the tone color.
ÂColor is made up of three basic colors (black, red and cream), separated by white. A small white spot may be on the chin, preferably a white spot on his forehead. Eyes orange, copper or hazel.
 Siamese cat, seal point ÂSiamese cats are distinguished elegance and flexibility of addition, elongation of lines. They are of medium size, long body, hind legs slightly longer than the front. The head is also a long, good proportions, excellent straight lines form a transition to a soft muzzle. The ears are large, straight-set, broad at the base, set wide apart. Strong chin, the nose is long. The neck is long and soft. The feet are small, oval. The tail is long, straight, tapering to the tip (a small knot at the end of the tail is undesirable, but let's say). As you can see, the word "long" describes almost all the body parts of Siamese cats. Proportionality is also very important addition to the overall impression. Eyes almond shaped, well-placed (in relation to the nose placed obliquely) should not be a tendency to squint. Form and supplied all the common eye of Siamese cats. The coat is short, soft, shiny and tight.
ÂAll Siamese cats - akromelanisty: they are born blond; only later darker muzzle, ears, legs and tail. Color Corps in seal-point cream darkening to the back to light brown. "The Mask", ears, feet, tail deep black-brown. Full "mask" on the face is connected to the ears of bands (this is not the young). His eyes are bright, luminous, deep blue. Disadvantages: white feet, greenish eyes.
 Siamese cat, blue point Âsnow-white body color on the back goes into the blue, the same tone that marks, but lighter. The markings are as in previous species, but monochromatic blue. The ears should not be darker than the other markings. Eyes bright, vibrant, glowing blue.
 Siamese cat, CHOCOLATE-POINT ÂCase ivory, if with a touch, the shade should be the same color as the markings. Last color of coffee with milk, plain. Eye color - as in previous species.
Âcolor of fur from animals of this breed is very similar to the color of a wild rabbit. The coat is soft, silky, short, with a brilliant hue. The elegant structure of the body, slightly slanting eyes, large ears distinguish it from other breeds in this group. Double or triple the guard hair color (red-brown with the addition of black or brown hues) is preferred over solid colors of each hair. In addition to the longitudinal dark line along the ridge, on the background color of the main bands and rings are not allowed. The color of the abdomen and the inner parts of the extremities in the Abyssinian cat should match the main color. The eyes of birds of this species are large, luminous, expressive, amber or green. Paw pads black.
ÂAbyssinian cats are usually endowed with a balanced, accommodating character, they quickly give in to training, but more freedom than other cat breeds, and not like a long stay in the premises.
ÂCats of this breed are painted as well as long-haired: white hair, no color stains, marks. The coat is short, lying close to the body and shiny. Blue eyes.
Âand thick black hair and a complete absence of a yellowish hue - the most important advantage of this breed. Like other animals with black fur, this breed of cats sometimes there are individuals with individual white stripes or markings on the scalp. The latter is considered a marriage, and is decorated with strips of these animals. His eyes were black hairless cats should be bright orange or amber.
ÂSmooth Blue cat. The fur animals of this breed is short, soft, pleasant grayish blue. Among them is a very beautiful variety - a Russian Blue cat. Her body is elongated, and elongated head shape ("snake"). For other varieties of this breed is desirable round head.
ÂIn cats, this breed is not the tail, hind legs are long, strong claws small. The fur can be painted in white, brown or silver color. Animals with brown and silver color fur - striped. In cats, the white color of the eyes should be blue, brown - gold, silver green. The back is arched.