By choosing a kitten must be approached very responsibly. It must be remembered that you have not a toy for a while, but a living, which depends on all of you, a creature that wants to live with you all your life. It's time to remember the great words of A. Saint-Exupery that "We are responsible for those who have tamed ...". Kitten - funny and touching creation. But all the little, unfortunately, grow, and to love and take care of them need the same way as before, even if they do not have more touches.

 Where can I find \ get a kitten?  How much he should be weeks of age?  Kitten or cat. How to determine the sex of a kitten?  The nature of a kitten?  How do I determine that the selected kitten is healthy?  Where can I find or buy a kitten?  Of course, what would we not take a kitten, we certainly want to have a healthy animal. A healthy children are usually only good parents. Consequently, the kitten should be taken to a safe place for people tested.


If you buy a purebred kitten for myself and, especially, for further pride of a good show and get offspring that except in special nurseries to take it should not. First, there you get the purity of breed, which is paid for, with all the paperwork. Secondly, the nursery is fully responsible for the health of a kitten from the moment you buy it. But before buying you must provide all necessary information about vaccinations, deworming, etc. Third, in the nursery you will talk in detail about the features, habits, buy a kitten, give valuable advice on care of it.


You can get a purebred cat and friends, but in this case, even a kitten and would probably be healthier, you may experience some difficulties in determining the degree of the quality of his pedigree.


If you are a professional in a particular breed, you can choose a good, healthy kitten, and at the exhibition and sale.


with a kitten at a friend Mark.  In this case, you can be sure that the kitten was born and raised in good conditions, and it will be a guarantee of health. But you should still check your baby's health in vetklinike and give him all necessary vaccinations.

 Get a kitten in a special shelter for homeless animals.  Of course, if you take an animal from a shelter, it shows great generosity - giving him a welcome home. Despite the fact that all the shelters are overcrowded,  animals in them, and if not satisfied, then the well-groomed.  Orphanage cats and dogs made all the necessary medical procedures. When you come to the shelter to choose a kitten (or have an adult cat) - you will talk in detail about his health (vaccinations, sores, ...) will tell about his habits, character ..., give useful advice. Employees of the shelter, usually after the "adoption \ Adoption" will call you to learn about being and health of their former pupil. By the way, the shelters are often (for various reasons) fall and breeding animals. As in the kennel at the shelter, you can pick up a kitten in color, hair length and other parameters. Cat - not a dog, it does not take to protect the apartments. The breed does not play a big role. And many purebred cats in beauty is not only not inferior but superior to pedigreed fellow.

 Homeless kitten.  If you take out a miserable, hungry, mewing creature from the street, then doing the most noble. You will not only give the unfortunate creation of the house, and return him to the belief in human goodness. When you take a kitten from the street, be aware that it could be something sick. So, anyway, as soon as possible to carry the kitten in vetkliniku for a complete examination.  

purebred cats are often sold with it in the streets, subways .... On why it is better NOT to buy even for very little money you have read this article.


buy a purebred kitten from the hands so not worth it (especially if you know nothing of the breed and kittens at all), because for the money (though not very large) you can easily get sick animal without the proper certificates and documents.


pedigreed cats in front of mongrel is a fairly big advantage - a good genetic base. That is a purebred cats are usually a good immune system, and therefore good health.

 A kitten can not take away from the mother before they are due. Of course, ideally, the cat itself must cease to feed him. But in practice, it is believed that a kitten can be picked up from a cat, when he will be at least 8 weeks (2 months), but better later.


First, the  kitten should "dokushat" mother's milk  
pedigreed cats are usually weaned from the mother when they turn 12 weeks, not before.


There is another important reason that should not be too early to take a kitten from the mother's custody. In addition to feeding,  mother cat gives to his dear children their first lessons in communication with the outside world.  It teaches them: 1) properly lick and 2) go to the toilet, and 3) to hunt (in the form of a game). In addition, the kittens are surrounded by numerous brothers and sisters with whom they play long hours (talk) - that is prepared as physical development, and the first skills of social behavior and communication. Without these basic skills will be difficult for a kitten to adjust to later in life.

 Someone prefers to start the cats, and some cats - business preferences. Remember that nature does not depend on the animal's sex. Kitty can be very calm and even cowardly, and cat, by contrast - cool and aggressive.


To accurately determine the sex kitten (and adults) to look better under his tail and find or not find the boys' identification tags.  

It sometimes happens that an animal is defined as "cat", but it then turns out to be a cat. Such confusion may occur with long-haired animals, or with kittens, whose testicles have not yet descended from the abdomen.


koshkolyub experienced seasoned eye can determine the sex kitten on the size of his torso and head. But this method does not always work a hundred percent, especially for nonprofessionals.

 Some choose a kitten, not only by sex, color and breed, but also in character.


The majority of cats are consistent with our traditional ideas about them - gentle and sociable, more or less independent. Sometimes cats are uncommunicative and even violent (it should be on it, they have their reasons). In the wild, a cat, the owners of rural conditions in the nature of cats do not watch as a cat for them all to one person, and are not fully pets in their understanding. But in a city apartment, we notice much in the nature of the cat.


Whatever the peculiarities of character did not have a cat, the last thing we want to have in their aggressive animal, ready to bite us and scratched at the slightest occasion. Not much needs such a touchy unkind. And for kids who love to "cuddle" an animal, a cat at all dangerous.


Can behold a certain character in the kitten, which does not guarantee the availability of the same traits in the adult. It is most appropriate parallels with human children. Cats, like people, have one child in character and temperament, but in adulthood their style of behavior often change. Sometimes, of course, that the nature of humans and cats ... does not change throughout life, but it happens infrequently. After all, our characters with cats - vacillates, but only a predisposition to certain standards of behavior.

 they eventually start to copy the style and mannerisms of their owners.  If the owners by their very nature people are calm, and then the kitten (cat) will eventually become relaxed and phlegmatic, but probably will be nervous at the sight of strangers. If there are people in the house (the children) that are endlessly to squeeze a kitten, then it can grow in crushed, or even aggressive creation.

 There are some stereotypes about the nature and manner of behavior of individual breeds.  
For example, Persian - passive, unkind; Siamese - active, aggressive, and vengeful.


Yes, you can allocate a separate breed some special characteristic or behavioral dimension, but it will not be accurate information. For example, in the home cats spend much more time in sleep than if they lived on the street. But they sleep at home about the same number of hours per day. Persian cats due to his glory "cushion" of cats and touching flattened lap-dogs always seem to us to lie rags. Yes, they are less demanding on the available space, but also quite active run and play like other cats - it will confirm any owner. The Persians were quite calm - it's true, but calm at all characteristic of big cats such as the Siberian, Maine Coon, Kuriles.


Particularly observant cat lovers have identified some cats with a wild natural brindle (tabby), ie    White cats are moody and touchy.


best to choose a kitten in temperament. Active igruchy kitten - a healthy kitten. If the kitten is calm, then he can have some health problems. If the kitten is playing with you without claws and fondled with pleasure, you will get affectionate cub, which is likely to remain so for life.


character and temperament of the kittens are usually formed in the first 12 weeks of age under the influence of communication with his mother, brothers \ sisters, and people. It is therefore important to know well the habits of a cat-mother whose baby you are going to get into his house.

 If you initially want to take home a healthy kitten, and do not want to nurse the patient, then there is nothing wrong. If you know that you will not have time and opportunity to carry a baby to hold and vetkliniku procedure at home, how would you feel sorry for any kitten, get better Zdorovenki. Especially if you take the kitten to children, then it will be difficult to understand that an animal is sick, and they in their games can make him sick.


In principle, even a layman can conduct initial medical examination kitten to see if he is healthy, important not to rush.  - It's not very scary, but not very pleasant. Therefore, they should immediately reveal that as soon as possible get rid of them. If the kitten is very hard and often itchy skin and biting himself, then he probably has fleas. If the fleas in his long, then his body can be seen bald patches. In order to make sure there is probably fleas, open hands and hair scratched the kitten under the neck. If there are parasites, they immediately crawl outside. These eternal tormentors pets - large enough, and you'll see with the naked eye.  - Is also a very important indicator of the cat's health. If the kitten "stick out" the bones and spine, and tail is very thin, it just strongly enough to eat. But the bloated belly and sides he should not also be, as this may indicate either the presence of worms in it (quite dangerous) or on regular disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract. Traces of diarrhea under the tail may be due to more serious problems and gastric disorders. The cause of diarrhea can be common childhood overeating. So, if you liked the kitten, which has symptoms of diarrhea, then wait 2-3 days, but then again look at it.  kitten. They must be clean, odorless, and rash. Odor and rash may be the result of parasitic fleas and ear mites. Since the ears in cats and dogs are very sensitive, the ear problems delivering them enough discomfort and even pain. In the future, try to regularly inspect your pet's ears.  - Is also a zone of increased attention on your part. Discharge from the nose and eyes in the case of kittens and cats are often the result is not even a banal cold (which is not safe for the baby), but quite serious diseases. So as soon as you notice that the kitten started sneezing and runny often -  Bring it in immediately vetkliniku.  Be sure to check out the kitten's mouth.  should be pink, not pale or red. Also, the gums should be no sores and inflammation. Traces of inflammation in the gums can be signs of gum disease, and a consequence of internal infections and viral diseases.  If the kitten is coughing or hiccups, the reason for this could be worms.  A healthy kitten should not be a defect in his gait.  Even stolid kitten should show some activity in the games. If the kitten is listless and does not play with other puppies, then it certainly has health problems.  

you can not follow these recommendations, if they saw a kitten (the street), not very healthy, but such an accident!  If you have a big heart, and you  just know that you have the power, desire and ability to leave the patient (usually the smallest of the litter), a kitten, make sure you give him love and care. In your power to help him grow into a healthy and beautiful.