Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cat's tongue
Communication of cats with each other and with man. What does the cat's meow and purr? Language feline gestures, facial expressions and body movements. Cat Dictionary.
ÂNo pet is not so expressive in showing his feelings and intentions, like a cat. Their mood, attitude toward the cat passes it to the world through sounds, facial expressions, eye expressions and body movements, smells.
ÂCats transmit information to their countrymen by voice. They resort to it, welcoming hosts, begging for food or wanting to attract attention, to protest or threatening. In each case, the cat produces sounds corresponding to a situation characterized by the strength, the timbre and tone. Vocal abilities of cats are very diverse. On the pitch the sound of cats range from 75 to 1520 Hz, and the state of pain, fear, aggression is accompanied by lower sounds, and satisfaction, affection or benevolence - higher. With kittens cats often associate the sounds that lie in not perceived by the human ear ultrasonic range.
ÂScientists distinguish at least sixteen different sounds produced by cats. It is believed that the most talkative - Siamese and oriental cats. To noise (consonants) sounds of cats purring and growling is expressing a greeting, a request to draw the attention and encouragement. They are issued with a closed mouth and are unique to small cats. Purring cat means the absence of any aggression. This short trill "mrrm" cats kittens beckon to him and greet their owners. The first purr - "chatter" can be heard from a kitten, when he sucks his mother.
ÂCat publishes rumble sounds, warning about the dangers of kittens when she is excited and nervous. Rumbling sound a warning, addressed to the people around him or other animals. Low (uterine) rumbling, almost growling, evidence that the cat is ready to defend itself.
ÂAnother characteristic aggressive sound is the hiss. The cat hisses only when it is frightened and unable to escape. Snorting, cats are usually more and leaned forward as if attacking a menacing paw hit the ground. This is a signal for a fight, if presented with a serious opponent. If you sniff the cat often "spit", but in most cases, sniffing, cat feels confused and not know it to fight or flee, using this sound to intimidate the enemy.
ÂAnother signal, which is found in the cat's tongue - it klatskane teeth. Cats rarely resort to it, mainly in the form of production, for example, inaccessible birds sitting on a window, or by teaching the younger kittens hunting. Does this sound something like this: "Warning: I see the booty!"
Âvowels myaukaya, cats are in very extreme situations. Thus, the sounds of "meow", "mi-ay", "Me-ay", "myu" and others express a request, complaint or bewilderment. Cats usually enrich its already extensive score, which eventually begin to understand and their owners. Meow - a conversation. Vowel sounds mean, "I want to go," "Time to eat!", "Immediately Feed me!" "I'm so bored and lonely," "Help!" and so on. The manner of their pronunciation gives "vocal" cat behavior unique personality. Mouth wide open at the same time and tense. By changing its shape, the cat manages power and timbre of his voice that allows her to make such sounds as angry yelling or screaming during the breeding season. These non-transferable, loud sounds, people call "cat concerts".
ÂNewborn kittens are no whole range of "vocal" behavior of adult animals. That comes to 12-weeks of age and subsequent maturation. Prior to that, they can only hum, hum, snort, hiss and squeak piteously. Imitation of sounds of the mother, experiences, learning and environmental influences greatly enrich further their "vocal" behavior.
ÂThe whole arsenal of gestures by which the cat shows his feelings and intentions, moods and states are innate. Kittens are born with full knowledge of the rules of conduct and instinctively exhibit corresponding reactions. Watching the games, little kittens, one can notice that in their movements and games, poses and facial expressions are all that is sign language adult cats.
ÂOf all domestic animals the cat is inherent in the most expressive facial expressions. This is largely due to the extraordinary mobility of the facial muscles of the muzzle and the cat's head, and the fact that the big cat's eyes are very vividly express her different moods.
ÂHalf-closed eyes of a cat talking about her relaxation and peacefulness. Wide open eyes express an interest or concern, attention to what is happening around them. If the environment is a cat's fear, the pupils widen sharply. Narrowed eyes or look into the support means a challenge. If the cat turns his eyes away, then she evinces her submission. Go to aggression in cats is accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the pupils and a focus on the subject of aggression.
Âis no less expressive and the ears of cats. Ears, the rook forward-facing, mean that the cat is relaxed, somewhat interested or someone welcomed; lowered horizontally on the sides of the head - an aggressive, tapering posteriorly and tightly against the head - in fear and confusion. When aggressive behavior cat hangs his head low, and when in disarray - a little bit. Nervous trembling ears indicates irritation or self-doubt.
Âmimics the cat can not be imagined without the stirring of the eyebrows and mustache. If they are directed forward, something the cat interested, excited and ready for action, dismissed on the sides of the head - is relaxed and calm, collected into bundles, and pressed to her cheeks - frightened or disturbed.
Âhave contented cat mouth closed or ajar, as a manifestation of supreme bliss, especially in Persians, can protrude the tip of the tongue relaxed. Open mouth with a strained grin or a raised lip to mean that the cat is going to bite. Smirk or "smile Flemina" means a study by interested cat odor, usually originating from animals of the opposite sex. A long yawn at the whole mouth to expose almost all of the teeth and tongue - complete relaxation. Quick licking her lips - a sign of anxiety or confusion.
ÂTouch play a huge role in communicating cats. Sniffing, and occasionally licking the anal area, mouth or temples evidence of social hierarchy. Sniffing cat shows subordinate behavior. Sometimes cats touch noses or pressed together heads as a sign of friendliness. When a cat rubs his head or whole body of another animal or subscribes to eight between your legs, so she shows affection, and sometimes a request for something. If the cat "butt", rubs his head against the forehead of another cat or person, then it shows the intimate caresses element, which receives not everyone.
ÂUnlike dogs cats use their paws and claws retractable in a wide range: for research, games, hunting and intimidation. When the cat is irritated or something is concerned, it deals a sharp blow to the front paw. In such cases, it is not claws, and the blow is proactive. Thus the mother cat to stop unwanted behavior or kitten to communicate with her man. Cats love to touch the face of his gentle touch with the owner drawn claws. So they often express a request to admit them under a blanket or vice versa wake in the morning. Sometimes the cats for life remains infantile language of postures and movements. For example, a cat, expressing his satisfaction with pats and caresses a man can iterate through the front paws to the beat of his purr. Such behavior is characteristic of the kittens when they massaged the mother's nipple.
ÂFemales are generally very frank in expressing their feelings. Special expressiveness with different movements of cat tail, which, even without seeing the expression of cat faces, to judge the conditions and intentions of the animal. Lifted up the tail always indicate friendliness and good humor cat. Tails of kittens almost constantly found in the upright position, represent their interest in the outside world. With raised tail cat rubs against the foot host, welcomes friends to her animals, and invites to the game.
ÂY watchful cat's tail is lowered and disheveled. If the coat is on it rises only at the base - the animal does not know what to do. Frightened cat tail between his legs draw in.
Âshows aggressiveness completely dissolved, highly stressful and a raised tail and lowered the dominant animals, arcuate tail in subordinates. The first sign of irritation is a rhythmic twitching of horizontally elongated tail. If the tail is lowered and knocks on the floor, the cat is frightened rather than angry. But if the movement of the tail are increasing, tail twitching from side to side, and the cat begins to flog them to his sides - it's pronounced aggression.
ÂDangling tail has several meanings depending on the speed and on whether it is part of moves: easy swinging tail indicates relaxation, movement over the tail at first slowly and then faster and faster, so that it begins to sway large cats, occurs before jump to the object of hunting.
Âunusually expressive poses and a cat - graceful, plastic and totally unambiguous. Cat pose not only expresses her own state, but also depends on the person to whom it is addressed. For example, a strong warning to the enemy (the dog) in a threatening posture, different poses, from which the cat meets aggressive tribesman.
ÂClassic pose threat to your cat allows it to look larger and more impressive in the eyes of the enemy. All four paws of a cat stretched out hard, as it were, standing on tiptoe, his back arched hump, curved tail, and the hair on the back and tail standing on end. You can see how excited and scared at the cats move nodules cheeks, and from their wool is raised above the head visually looks bigger. The threat is complemented by appropriate gestures: ears pressed to the back of the head, nose wrinkled, fangs bared, mouth corners pulled back. Cat uterine hums and hisses from time to time.
ÂCats are very accurately track the so-called "distance flight": the distance from the enemy ceased to feel secure in the cat. The cat shows a threatening attitude, but to actively attack does not go, preferring to flee. But if the warning had no effect, and the enemy continued to approach the cat, but she can not take flight, the cat catches the attack, only disrupt enemy "distance of aggression." The exception is the mother cat protecting her offspring. For it does not exist "flight distance", and "distance aggression" coincides with the limits of visibility. In this case, it is the first rushes towards the enemy. The cat jumps up on all fours, straight and elongated, while remaining turned sideways to the opponent, with a fluff tail aloft. This posture means a willingness to fight to the death.
Âa completely different look threatening posture of cats who are going to measure themselves against each other. In this case, they are less threatening, almost cat hump his back and not bristle hair, but only slightly fluffs her on the withers and tail. Not keeping your distance, they are on stretched legs, nose to nose, looking at each other's eyes, growling and howling. In this position, cats keep their amazing stiffness, trying to crush the morale of the enemy. Only blows on each side of the tail indicates that the fight can happen at any moment.
Âfollowed by the first blow with his paw on the nose. Striker aims to put bite in the back of the enemy, and if he does, then the captured animal falls on its side. If a cat wants to avoid a duel of power, it takes a pose that combines elements of obedience and threats. Cat in the press in sex, lies on its side or back, exposing the enemy to meet all four paws with claws, occupying a defensive position. Duel ends abruptly, the winner is first removed, trying to preserve as much dignity.
ÂWhen dealing with people rarely realize their cats are the most violent threat. Long stay with a person has developed a cat prohibitions that hinder its aggressive behavior. Quite another matter if a cat threatens outsider. In this case, the defensive cat can seriously injure infringing on her rights.
Âvery graceful and elegant cats express their satisfaction and blagodushie.Naibolee a vivid demonstration of this state is the position where a relaxed cat lies on its side or back, showing her naked belly. Her legs were spread with a side of their pads can open and close, nails deeply hidden. In the tranquil state of the cat's eyes half closed, often visible third eyelid, eyes narrowed. This posture shows people that they fully trust a cat. This situation is typical for a cat mother. Same pose takes a cat in the sun or razomlevshaya near a heat source.
Âis very interesting cat shows his indecision. State of uncertainty is always accompanied by a cat licking hair (Paul Gallico wrote in his book about cats, "Rejected": "If you do not know what to do, wash your face"). The more vigorous movements of the tongue, the more difficult task to myself at this point decides the cat. Licking her calming, neutralizes the nascent irritability and desire to show aggression. Cats often lick their pups, and other animals living with her. And it's always a sign of the location and call for calm.
ÂCats are very good feel psychological atmosphere in the house where they live. Nervousness and tension between people in the household, the appearance of a young child, causing jealousy on the part of the cat, can lead to abnormal behavior, which manifests itself in the fact that the cat licks itself to complete baldness of individual body parts.
ÂOne element of "social" behavior, just emerging in the course of past experiences, serve as tags. Tags for cats - it's a book, closed to us.
ÂIn addition to the traditional ritual of sniffing at the meeting of two cats (mostly sniffed anal cancer) in cats have scent glands around the eyes, chin and behind the ears. Facial glands cats mark those items which are their property, for example, door jamb, denoting the territory, or your legs.
ÂThe "public" behavior plays an important role and the secret of the sebaceous gland, located at the upper edge of the tail (in cats it is larger than the cats). When the cat between your legs subscribes to eight, it leaves its marks on your legs. Leave the cat similar to the label and saliva, but in contrast to the labels of anal, caudal and facial glands, saliva does not transmit information about changes in sexual behavior of cats (for example, the beginning of estrus in the cat).
ÂSmall scented glands located in the cat and in the interdigital gaps. The smell from them is when the cat is sharpening claws. Leaving scratches on the ground of permanent cats so "hung up" a visual and fragrant "ads", indicating the limits of its territory.
Âto visual-olfactory marks are urine and feces, which cats are generously fertilized their territory. As you might guess it tribesmen, who had left them, and when the sex of whether the cat's heat, at what stage of the hierarchy is an animal, and even where food is hidden away in "rainy day".
Âby feces can be said about what is animal rank in the hierarchy: a cat having its own territory, never buries its excrement on it. The vast majority of cats recovering at a designated place for this man - the cat's toilet. Usually they bury their feces, thereby acknowledging their submission. From the perspective of a cat, you - being highly dominant, as your size, compared with her, the giant, also you take care of her food and care for her.
ÂUrinary labels often serve as a means of "social" behavior. Females leave their urine marks everywhere: in the bushes, walls, poles, legs of chairs, on the curtains. Written urine message disappears after day, and this is probably why his cat is updated daily, bypassing their own possessions. This is not a sign of warning or threat, but rather, as a business card, which stated, by whom and when she left. Urinary label warning that the territory is occupied, and it avoids unnecessary confrontation between cats with penetration into another's space.
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