Cats get sick. It is sad to say this, but the disease has once experienced pet owner either. It's no secret that the faster possible to determine the first signs of illness, the more successful is treatment and prognosis.


Cats do not talk and can not tell you about their illness, they are very secretive and will try not to attract the attention of others to their condition, and yet, no cats nine lives, and the error is the owner and the veterinarian can lead to irreversible consequences. The vet examines the cat in a certain period of time. At this point, the patient's condition may change.


Moreover, under stress, or on the road to a veterinary clinic or a visit from a stranger - symptoms may be lost altogether.

At home, in familiar surroundings, the cat is behaving naturally, and at this time, you can assess its condition, and sometimes to understand the cause discomfort.

 The simplest and most accessible method for the survey of cat owners is the examination.  

What can serve as evidence of health or illness of the animal? These indicators quite a bit and we can inspect the cat in the moments of communication. It is not difficult for you and the inconvenience to pet. So, it should be:

 pay attention to the discharge from the eyes, genitals, urethra, rectum.


If there are other painful manifestations (cough, gas emission from the gut, meow, etc.), then during the inspection they will inevitably attract attention. As you can see, no time, no special skills does not require inspection. However, any change in the state the cat is obviously for you.


Respiratory cats, as well as man consists of the nasal cavity, larynx, windpipe (trachea and bronchi) and lungs. To respiratory gas exchange is carried out between the organism and the environment. The simplest measure of their performance is breath. It would seem that it may be easier. However, some experience skill assessment of breathing can help you invaluable.

The frequency of breathing cat is convenient to define the movements of the chest, abdomen or wings of the nose. It normally ranges from 25 to 30. The respiratory rate more in kittens and young animals, pregnant and nursing cats. There is a difference even on the rocks - a small breed cats breathe more frequently than larger ones. Therefore it is better not push off from the common values ​​and an understanding of the normal respiratory rate of your cat.


Changes in respiration rate may occur under the influence of environment and physical activity or startle the animal. All this should be taken into account in observations. But in addition it is safe causes shortness of breath may indicate pain or shock, fever, or overheating, colds, diseases of the heart and lungs, diabetes, or poisoning by toxic substances. Dehydration is also accompanied by shortness of breath.


So, when at rest in the cat learning the breathing - requires examination at a veterinary clinic. Fast breathing is  . In addition to rapid breathing, which occurs quite often, is more rare, but no less serious respiratory disorders.

 (Greek  - "Breath"). Normally occurs during sleep.

Bradypnea may arise in connection with the suppression of the function of the respiratory center, in particular, for long time before serious diseases of the brain: encephalitis, trauma, or brain tumors, in case of poisoning, including poisonings and drug hypnotics. The appearance of a cat bradypnea in a state of shock or collapse, usually indicates a near-death state of the animal.

 shortness of breath due to violation of the kidneys and is characterized by deep and rapid breathing.

 The appearance of wheezing at light load - an alarming symptom. Shortness of breath that occurs in the resting cat - a very ominous sign.  

to talk with your veterinarian is necessary to note the circumstances of shortness of breath, its duration and the behavior of cats. Noisy breathing may be accompanied by shortness of breath and called the above reasons. But if noisy breathing is not accompanied by other violations of breath, then most likely there is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract infection or a bad cold.


If the noisy breathing is accompanied by a whistling sound, this indicates a violation of the cross-larynx. That can be caused by strong inflammation, swelling or a tumor or foreign body in the larynx. Wheezing (difficulty) breathing better listening, if you put your ear to the chest. Cat with a force of inhales and exhales air. Shortness of breath occurs with pleurisy, heart failure, asthma, heart worms, respiratory tract tumors, anemia.


Shallow breathing is often accompanied by increased frequency of respiratory movements. Cat does a little inspiration and a little breath. Shortness of breath is not detected. Most often this condition is due to limited mobility of the chest, which may be associated with trauma (shallow breathing allows an animal to avoid pain).

Cough - a reflex process associated with irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa. Cough accompanied by a large number of diseases. In contrast, changes in breathing, which may arise as a result of normal physiological causes coughing - always a sign of the disease. Some people believe that the cause of cough are respiratory infections. This is true only in part.


The cause of the cough may be a number of reasons such as injury, poisoning, allergic reactions, heart disease, tumors, foreign bodies in the respiratory organs, or the pressure too tight collar. Type of cough may help determine the cause and possibly the localization of the disease process. In acute viral respiratory illness accompanied by cough, sneezing, runny eyes. For chronic bronchitis is characterized by a deep cough with mucopurulent sputum or without it. Cat coughing stretches its neck, crouches on the floor.


for asthma is characterized by sudden starts coughing with shortness of breath. Accompanied in most cases, shortness of breath. Irregular, abrupt onset cough that accompanies weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite is a sign of heart or lung worms, fungal infections of internal organs. Spasmodic, convulsive cough can be caused by the action of toxic substances on the respiratory tract, the presence of a foreign object or attempt to remove cat fur lumps that collects in the stomach after licking. The same cough caused after physical activity, should raise suspicion for acute bronchitis.


Occasional coughing occurs, especially in older cats can be a symptom of serious heart disease. Cause a cough in the cat at the same time may significantly less dangerous causes such as cigarette smoke, strong perfume, aerosol insecticides, and more. Timely removal of a source of irritation to quickly solve the problem.


Of course, the study of breathing and coughing is not enough to establish the diagnosis and treatment. But sometimes, for example, by ingestion of a foreign body in the airways, to understand the reason you can possibly fix it. Identifying problems with breathing will allow you to assess the situation and promptly contact your veterinarian, and a detailed description of the symptoms will help the veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis and help your pet.