Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cats Quotations and sayings
"In the beginning created the world the sun lion, and the moon - a cat," The Greek legend
Â"He who pulls the cat's tail, can learn what not learn any other way." Mark Twain
Â"In the center of the world where there is always a commotion, a cat walks calmly." Rosanne Emberson
Â"Whatever happens, all the Wali to the dog" Cat's motto
Â"Hearing the cat is arranged in such a way that words master fell in one ear and out the other," Stephen Baker
Â"Dogs see themselves as people. Cats - Gods" Jeff Valdez
Â"Cats do not walk to somewhere to go. They are investigating," Sidney Denham
Â"Cats do not need to explain how a good time - this is knowledge they have learned from their mother's milk", James Mason
ÂThe computer cat and something similar. Both urchat and lie still all day. And both have secrets that they do not want to share, "John Updike
Â"Cats - The best proof that not all things in nature have the purpose of" Garrison Keillor
Â"The dog immediately responds to the call of the owner. And the cat - as an answering machine: you leave a message and you call back later," Mary Bly
Â"Cats think they own the whole world" Unknown author
Â"Cats took many thousands of years to domesticate humans." Unknown author
Â"For the dog people - a family. For cats - attendants" Unknown author
Â"Cats - real daffodils, look how much time they spend caring for themselves! The dogs are quite different: for them, self-care means izvalyatsya in the remains of dead fish," James Gorman
Â"If you could cross a human and a cat it would improve man, but would worsen the cat" Mark Twain
Â"When you look like two cats lick each other, it is difficult to determine - whether they like it, or they try to discover a vulnerability," Helen Thompson
Â"If the mouse laughs at the cat, so close to a burrow," Nigerian proverb
Â"No matter how much cats fight, kitten does not become less" Abraham Lincoln
Â"He who hears a sneeze cat, waiting for luck" Italian omen
Â"It is easier to keep your fingers mercury than a cat that wants to escape" by Andrew Lang
Â"When I play with the cat, who knows - maybe it's me for her amusement, but it is not for me?" Montaigne
Â"Cats - The good-natured hosts. Just remember your place," Paul Gray
Â"The husband said, choose, or I, or a cat. Now I really miss him," unknown author
Â"Cats are very touchy, so do not meddle in their affairs, if you do not want them on your computer gadili" Bruce Graham
Â"The problem with cats is that they have no sense of tact," PJ. Wodehouse
Â"prevratyatsya buds in roses. Kittens - alas, in cats," Louisa May Elkott
Â"Who could imagine that a fur ball can bring so much joy," Irish proverb
Â"The best in a room - fair-haired little girls, books and cats" French proverb
Â"I ordered the cat and the cat gave it to his tail," a Chinese proverb
Â"The way we treat cats on earth determines our status in heaven," Robert A. Heinlein
Â"It is said that cats - it's demons, but they behave badly when left alone. In our company's cats - the angels," George Sand
Â"If animals could speak, the dog would be bored all his loquacity. But the cat would otlichalms rare nowadays reticence" Mark Twain
Â"People give birth to cats, when God seems to have too nice furniture," unknown author
Â"cat could be man's best friend, but never stoop to such an" unknown author
Â"Playing with a cat, be prepared for the fact that you scratched" Cervantes
Â"The cat is asleep, tucked under her four paws - to be cold weather," The British believed
Â"A dog - man's best friend. The cat - a cat's best friend." Robert Vogel
Â"In the New Moving house, let the cat out the window and not through the door. Then she will not escape." American legend
Â"You can not be the owner of the cat. The best that can be expected - to become her partner," Sir Harry Swanson
Â"Cats know how we feel - but they do not care" Unknown author
Â"The cat is home to as long as it is profitable," Mr. Munro
Â"If the house has a cat, buy sculptures have to anything," Wesley Bates
Â"If you give money for potyagushki, cats have long prospered" African proverb
Â"Cats - mysterious creatures. At their head is much more of what we guess," Walter Scott
Â"I am convinced that the cat is able to walk on a cloud and not fall" by Jules Verne
Â"Most of the cats went out on the street, he immediately wanted to be in the house, and vice versa. Sometimes it happens at the same time," Louis Kamut
Â"To get a realistic idea of ââself-worth, a person must have a dog, which would be idolized him, and a cat that would ignore it." Derek Bruce
Â"Man: he has no fur, no tail, he runs away from mice and sleeps very little. How can you not love such a strange animal?" Cat
Â"Those who hate cats, will suffer at the cemetery in the rain." Netherlands belief
Â"dog - it's prose. Cat - Poetry" Gene Bearden
Â"Whether a cat's wings, on the lake there would be no ducks," Indian proverb
Â"For the love of decent cat can become a friend, but a slave - never," Theophile Gautier
Â"Dogs look at people from the bottom up, the cats - from the top down. Only a pig looks at us as equals." Winston Churchill
Â"Females smarter than dogs. Who can make eight cats pull a sled through the snow?" Jeff Valdez
Â"I love my cats because I love my house - and they are gradually becoming visible to the soul," Jean Cocteau
Â"Do roses have thorns, a cat's claws. But both of these create a stand to take a chance" Unknown author
Â"Polite cat will wait until you finish reading the morning paper before you tear it to shreds" Unknown author
Â"If there is a black cat, the girl is no shortage of admirers," The British believed
Â"The right way to understand whether a hot day - to see, stretched a sleeping cat." Charles J. Brady
Â"When the cat starts a man, that nothing remains, only to live with it." TS Eliot
Â"When you have a cat, do not you go back to an empty house and home" Unknown author
Â"cat - so unpredictable beast that can never know in advance exactly how it will ignore you the next time," Evan Escario
Â"Cats instinctively know when the owner has to wake up and wake him for ten minutes before," Jim Davis
Â"If cats nine lives, eight of which they spend in a dream," author unknown
Â"Cats mathematically calculated, which would take them to cause maximum discomfort to man," KS Buffington
Â"The cat would play with any object other than a still" unknown author
Â"Cats accurately understand what it means full concentration, and how to prevent you achieve it," Arthur Bridges
Â"It is better to feed one cat than a hundred mice," Norwegian proverb
Â"Smart cats eat cheese, blowing in the mouse hole, waiting with bated breath," WC Fields
Â"The kittens are frisky, it seems that in place of one of two: the rear part as a separate kitty to play with the front. Podozrnvaet kitten and that his back and front parts - one, until you stepped on his tail ". Henry David Thoreau
Â"To err is human, a cat purring typical" Robert Byrne
Â"If cats could talk, they would not do it," Nan Porter
Â"Cat's mantra: sleep and eat, sleep and eat, sleep and eat - whether an end to this tedious work?" Cat
Â"Cat's rage is beautiful, lit chmstym cat flame, bristling hair and emitting blue sparks, eyes flashing and hissing," William S. Burroughs
Â"It is said that cats and training are incompatible. This is not true. My cat trained to me just two days," Bill Dana
Â"I am vigilant as a cat, secretly intending to lick the cream." Falstaff (Shakespeare)
Â"Dogs are eating. Cats dinner," Ann Taylor
Â"My cat speaks to me not so politely, as I have with it," Colette
Â"scolded cat, the owner looks at her with horror and vrug realizes that she understood every word. And one day it all will remember" Charlotte Gray
Â"Cat - is a puzzle with no solution," Hazel Nicholson
Â"missed the mouse, the cat pretends that chased the dry leaf," Charlotte Gray
Â"If your cat has fallen from a tree, laugh go to the house," Hitchcock Partisi
Â"The man who does not like cats, will never be the beautiful wife of" Dutch proverb
Â"If a black cat ran across the road you, then it somewhere in a hurry," Groucho Marx
Â"Cats love it when the door remains open - in case they change their minds to be home," Rosemary Nisbet
Â"Playful kitten with its charming tiger leaps a thousand times funnier than half the people with whom I have to meet the" Lady Sydney Morgan
Â"Paradise - a paradise, since it is not my cats," unknown author
Â"Cats know all our thoughts. We know, but not interested in" Unknown author
Â"God created the cat to a person know what it is - pet tiger" Fernand Mery
Â"A house without a cat - well fed, cared for, loved, - of course, be a good home, but in reality it is another name for" Mark Twain
Â"Is there a more precious gift than the love of a cat?" Charles Dickens
Â"Some argue that the most dangerous animal on earth is man. Obviously they have never met an angry cat," Lillian Jones
Â"Cats do not know, whatever they want, but always want more and more," Richard Hexham
Â"Dog sees God in his master. The cat sees in the mirror of God" Unknown author
Â"Cats come and go, but never leave you forever." March Curtis
Â"The cat can not be forced to do something useful. It is intended solely for the pleasure of" PJ. O'Rourke
Â"Cat is committed self-esteem - until then, until he sees the dog" Unknown author
Â"The cat who wants breakfast - it's an alarm clock that can not disable the" Unknown author
Â"If cats had wings, it would not have condescended to in order to become a bird, and would be an angel" Dick Shawn
Â"Cat's company is pleasant to me because they love the comfort." Sir Compton Mackenzie
Â"Our house is owned by cats. We are here only to pay the rent" Unknown author
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