Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
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TRADITIONAL (yablokogolovye) and modern Siamese cats. Cat Health and exotic look? (The story of the 1700s to the present day)  The origin of Siamese cats is deeply rooted in antiquity. The story of this amazingly beautiful animal covered with legends and "covered" "dust of centuries." This breed there are hundreds of years, and still ongoing debate about the exact origin of the Siamese. The most probable theory - the emergence of this species in Southeast Asia - a region of Indochina, Burmy, or the Himalayas. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the Siamese cat looks a lot like cats in the region (broken line of the tail, a flexible body and elongated head shape).  In ancient Siam cats were the property of the king and jealously guarded from outsiders in his palace in Bangkok. They had the status of the royal cats, perhaps that is why we are so little is known about the true origins of the Siamese. These royal cat of Siam was a dark color with yellow eyes, but over the centuries there were numerous mixing and mutations that led to the emergence of Siamese cats spotted coat color with stunning blue eyes that look so different from these cats ostalnyh.K unfortunately. Did not reach us no record of how it was organized breeding of cats and who was responsible for the preservation of the breed at the royal court, so the mystery of these changes in color and has remained a mystery to us.  While the true origin of the Siamese can only speculate, there are precise details about when these cats were brought out of Siam. In 1884, the couple siaskih cats was taken to England by Mr. Owen Hood, from the British consulate in Bangkok. These cats were given to Owen's sister - Mrs. veles, which later became a founding member of the Club Siamese Cats in 1901. Cats have been demonstrated in the famous Crystal Palace in 1885. The following year, a new pair of Siamese cats and kittens, two were imported into Britain. The owner of these cats were sisters, Vivian. These cats and became the founders of the breed of Siamese cats in Britain, began breeding. It's safe to say that all modern Siamese cats trace their pedigree from those Siamese imported into England in the 19th century.  Traditional (yablokogolovye) and the modern Siamese cat. Health cat or an exotic look? (The story of the 1700s to the present day)  Why so much has changed shape a Siamese cat? We all know that is a Siamese cat. But many of us have a light shock on how much the appearance of this cat now. What happened? Now we see the huge rabbit ears, an elongated wedge-shaped head and slender legs as sticks. And, of course, you start asking yourself: "Is it possible that this is a Siamese cat?"  It is not that cat that you remember. Have you seen a strong and sturdy animal with strong legs, round head, round eyes, sky-blue color. This cat is called a "traditional Siamese cat" or "Siamese head in the shape of an apple." Those cats, which can now be seen at the shows - this is the "modern Siamese cats." What happened? Breeders and breed managers provide a variety of explanations for this, but facts are facts. Let's look at the history of the breed.  RUSSIA, 1700-e  The first mention of a Siamese cat, which he describes Mr Pallas. He travels to the south of Russia between 1793 and 1794. New record of Siamese cats appear in the "Book of poems about cats," which shows pictures of cats of various colors including Siamese, tabby, blue, etc.)  Until the 1800s, clear record of Siamese cats as a breed is not found. As mentioned above, Mr. Goode takes out a pair of Siamese cats from Siam to England. These are the cats. Duane Ngai, born in March 1885 and 'Kalohom' and 'Khromata', born in July 1885. round-headed, strong-muscled cats. These cats were so eksravagantny that attracted worldwide attention. They are even described as "a nightmare ordinary cats." But the charm of these cats was so great that the English cat lovers gave them the palm and in 1902 appeared kluyu Siamese lovers in England. The first champion of the breed was born in Hong Kong in 1895 and exhibited Mrs. Robinson in 1898. And again it was the same round-cat.  In April 1909, the Society of Friends of Siamese cats appeared in America and was approved the first breed standard. In the mid-20th century, the popularity of Siamese reached its highest point. These cats have started to appear in an animated and feature films. At the same time in Siam, modern Thailand, only a few breeders of Siamese cats. Mrs. Dobrenchuk bought three Siamese kittens in Lao princess, wife of the Thai diplomat. Kittens also have strong, round and pleasing their animals to the owner a gentle nature. In Thailand, staged daring raids kittens on cobras. It is true, then they dragged prey to the house where the hostess gazed at the half-dead snake with a mixture of horror and delight.  In the 60 years interest in the breed Siamese cats a little faded, the judges at the shows began to prefer cats with a flexible, long body and a thin limbs. The reasons for this are quite different. Some say now that too much Siamese kittens led to a fall in their prices, and factory owners were forced to find new ways to make the breed more interesting appearance. They believed that the exotic look of the breed will make more interesting. On the other hand, there was, of course, and cost accounting - a rare breed cats with a unique external data would have cost significantly more.  Began to change and ideas of beauty. In vogue more delicate, curved shapes and an elegant thinness. If you had a weak and thin animals lacked in longevity and a strong sturdy fellow, that with the development of vaccination and the use of new drugs with a fine constitution animals have become more viable.  The saddest fact is that the breed standard was rewritten in order to meet rapidly changing customer tastes and preferences. Animal health, in fact, was sacrificed to the preferences of the crowd. And it can not be denied.  Changed and the nature of the Siamese cat. She became more hysterical and obsessive. Modern Siamese cat, of course, less healthy and do not live as long as traditional ones. Fortunately, the opinion of the judges and the buyers are not hurt by all breeders of Siamese cats. Many breeders do not have a fashionable selection. Left their pets show career and continued to live quietly, producing strong light, strong, viable kittens.  By 1986, the traditional Siamese cats have almost forgotten, and some breeders and now reside in the dark about the real type of Siamese. Many believe that the Siamese have always been thin-legged and uzkotelymi disproportionately stacked cats, which we now find at the shows. Many breeders of traditional Siamese, leaving attempts to win at the shows, started breeding cats of other breeds or closed their nurseries.  Fortunately, there felinology organizations that pay tribute to the traditional appearance of the Siamese breed, and provide an opportunity to participate and a traditional Siamese win at shows. Even the cat lovers began to prefer healthy animals, whose constitution is not undermined by pure selection "for the sake of the exotic in appearance." Many European breeders have sharply criticized the American system of selection for extreme appearance and to the detriment of animal health.  About Siamese cats a lot of legends. Two of them relate to the broken line of the tail. It is said that long ago in Siam was a princess who was very afraid that someone will steal her precious ring, which she filmed before a dip in the pool. One day, coming to the pool, the princess began to look for someone who would watch jewelry during her swim. Then her beloved cat came up to her and her tail curved to the princess could hang it on your ring. And now every Siamese kitten is born with a crooked tail, princess that could hang on to him his precious ring.  And another legend on the same topic. Odnazhy Siamese cat and his wife went into the jungle to look for precious royal cup, missing from the palace in Siam. When they found the treasure, the cat went to the castle to report the discovery, but the cat remained in the woods to guard treasure. Young cat climbed the tree and hid among the foliage. She wrapped her tail cup and a tree trunk, to be sure that nobody can steal your treasure is, until she was asleep. On the fourth day her husband returned to find that his wife gave birth to five adorable kittens. Caring mother bustled around children, holding a cup, so her tail was bent forever. And even more amazed cats, all cats were small ponytails twisted as her mother.  This breed is considered one of the most sociable and picky. Siamese cat is not shy, and at any time of day and night, ready to voice and gestures to show you what she needs. These cats are dearly loved their masters and prefer a quiet corner of lying in an active part in family life. Their character and behavior reminiscent of a young child, because these cats every day just to feel your care and attention.  They accompany you wherever you went to nor home, flirting, inviting some fun together, and persistently demand attention if they need it. However, having appeared in your house for the first time, the Siamese cat immediately begins to trust you. It takes some time to get it accustomed to you. Siamese cats, by nature, deeply intelligent creatures. That is why the absence of live communication with them, real interest and concern plunges them into a deep sadness and makes miserable. They can begin to aggressively show their displeasure, entering the room, where their appearance is undesirable and explicitly breaking the taboos that they are well known.  Siamese cats love the incredible kindness and sometimes very, very intrusive. They can not tolerate loneliness, worry, if you locked them (for example, in the bathroom) and can begin to wail piteously at the door, insisting that they were admitted. When the host or hostess demonstrated a willingness to communicate, there is no end of joy - quite gentle purr is accompanied by a gesture, a cat jumps into his arms, curls around you, trying to express his delight. Siamese cat - not aggressive, and, contrary to opinion, not vindictive sovreshenno. It just happens to be overly emotional and requires a lot of attention from their owners. This is an impressive and delicate creature.  Timbre of Siamese cats is very different from the voices of cats of other breeds. Feeling uncomfortable, they can not just start a plaintive meow, seeking your attention, but to howl loudly, dark and nasty. It is these classic wailing cry is often confused with an abandoned baby under a window. Of course, if you pay attention to your pet, immediately stop howling. As a rule, and Siamese cats do not like to wail, preferring to "talk" about their problems in a pleasant conversation with you.  Â
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