Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
If the cat crap, anywhere (Part 2)
Let us consider methods of exposure to a cat with unscrupulous behavior. I draw your attention that all the following actions have meaning only after you have eliminated the first two reasons (health issues and tagging (tags sex, marking territory)), and about which it is written in the first part of this article.
ÂMany stalls, various fillers. Put in a favorite cat, a few places the trays in different sizes and with different rim height, with different fillings. At least one tray should be left unfilled ("dry feet"). As a rule, cats choose a smaller bulk and filler, which can be pre-digging. Make sure that any tray with some filler selects a cat. Once the cat starts to walk regularly in the same tray, and the rest can be removed, and this slowly move in the right place for you (no more than 50cm per day).
ÂDo not change the habit. If you have recently taken a kitten or cat, be sure to find out what kind of filler used and the tray.
For the first time until they buy a filler, you can pour a bit from a previous owner. It is best to discuss these issues in advance and buy everything you need to visit the kitten / cat. ÂCat wanted ЂЂЂ you classify. Watch carefully for the cat in this period ЂЂЂ if you notice that she began to scrape the floor suspiciously meow, fuss at one place, anxiously running around ЂЂЂ need it immediately put on a carefully lotochek, gently repeating what she's wonderful brain.
ÂAs often as you can. With unscrupulous behavior of a cat as often as possible to refer to the tray and be near her. If the kitten is small, then wear the tray after each meal. You can even drag the cat into the tray every time I do go to the toilet.
ÂEncourage and approve. If the animal has used the tray to appoint him to encourage ЂЂЂ. In order to create positive associations in the cat's manual tray, you can give her a treat, for example, at a time when she starts to dig a filler. In no case can distract or frighten your cat while it is in the tray.
ÂTry an indoor tray-house. For stress-labile animals may offer an indoor tray-house.
Â2 trays. Some cats prefer to write in a tray and a crap in the other. There's nothing you can do, will have to put 2 trays.
ÂScare. If the cat sits outside of the tray, then the only possible punishment would frighten her so that she stopped cause undesired operation. Cat should immediately be moved to the right place and to reinforce appropriate behavior. If the cat scare in the first 30-60 seconds of misconduct, then the wrong place to be associated with her fear. If the cat has been digging and urinated or recovered, then it is futile to frighten.
Âa little scare, not to terrify. The potency of a frightening moment must be balanced against the characteristics of the animal psyche ЂЂЂ it should only stop the wrong actions, but does not inspire terror. You can use water gun, beeper, a whistle, a can of compressed air spray gun rattle.
ÂNo battering. The physical effects, particularly painful, can develop a reverse effect.
ÂWhat to do if you are already. Once the kitten naprudil, dip a napkin (or pour a bit of filler) in a puddle and put them in a tray and take the kitten to the same. See Section 5.
ÂClean tray ЂЂЂ your choice. Necessary to monitor the cleanliness of stalls, some cats refuse ЂЂЂ walk in dirty toilet. If your cat suddenly stopped using the toilet, then clean it more frequently, at least once a day.
ÂGet rid of the smell! Need to get rid of odors "cases" in not desirable for you to the ground. Do not use bleach, vinegar, ammonia or other substances silnopahnuschie ЂЂЂ addition to the possibility of poisoning cats, it could exacerbate her desire to mark territory. You can use detergents with a "bio" and special facilities for getting rid of the smell of cat urine, which are now commercially available in sufficient quantities.
Âfix the result. To consolidate the results is best to handle these highly scented space means unpleasant for the cat: the ointment "asterisk", a special means of intimidating or arrange lemon or orange peel.
Âwill have to replace the carpet. If the cat is "descended" on the carpet, it is desirable to replace the carpet.
ÂTrick cat. After cleaning, all soiled areas should be closed with pieces of thick plastic that will change ЂЂЂ tactile contact with cats in places favored by the past and will protect against contamination, if the cat tries to use them again.
ÂDo not let! Close access to remote places. To do this, narrow passageways and manholes can be barricaded with plastic bottles and cardboard boxes (they can also be processed from top to spray repellent), the cat could not go through.
ÂIsolate the cat. If possible, isolate the cat from all the places where she "went" (for a while until they learn to walk in the tray).
ÂMake a bed uncomfortable! If you prefer a cat bed tray, you need to lay a polythene her, stuck on top of two-sided tape. A cat jumping on the bed, stuck, upset, and understand that this place is not such a pleasant and comfortable, and generally, the tray is much easier for the toilet! Clear polythene will be approximately 2 months later when the cat is already quite forget that he once dreamed about as a cozy nook under the bed.
ÂYes ЂЂЂ food, no toilet ЂЂЂ! Put bowls of food in the favorite places of need. As a rule, cats do not send their natural needs in feeding areas, although there are exceptions. With a large number of "wrong" toilets, this method will not work.
ÂOnly natural smell! Do not use air fresheners, toilet with a pungent odor.
ÂNo more than three! Try to optimize the number of animals in the house - indoor content of more than three cats in the average apartment leads to chronic frustration of animals.
ÂDo not let the hurt! The cat could hurt or scare - other cat, another animal, child, Guest. Try to avoid such situations.
Âhiding place - this is important! Tray should be in a secluded place, cats do not like to do it in open spaces (Council of Barbarisska)
ÂDo not let the bed! Duvet cover, then you wash, but on the blankets still smell tooonenky probetsya! Â
night trips to the toilet. If a cat pissing where not necessary, at night, do not be lazy to get up and take the kitten to the tray. It will take more than one sleepless night, until the kitten learns to walk at night to himself pot (Board of Nadin)
ÂUse the orange, lemon and do not! In veterenarke advised to put orange peels in a place where he shits, so you will not believe it - it helps!! Although this would put a lemon, so he squatted next to him (Board of ULKA)
ÂDo not overdo it with orange peel. Then he thought, the whole apartment in the crusts - is not good. This smell is not like cats, causes irritation. This method is good only if the cat eye on a corner, and put the tray there is no opportunity. Imagine if you felt everywhere in my apartment smell - and a crazy long (tip of telecat)
ÂDo not change established habits. I at first kitty (from memory to remember your toilet constantly and hygiene), two or three times, the small, shat on my blanket (it was then two months) and sat at the same time, side by side, staring at my reaction, I guess. And all because of the fact that I did not feed during the (early morning - at 6.00 pm - 7.00 and did not wake up with the lark, as it is) ... (Board of vao-85)
Âaccess to a toilet. Keep the toilet door was always open (tip of Anastasia, I)
ÂMake it so that the cat she could open the door. We stuck glue a small piece of the moment loopy carpet on the corner door. The cat now cling to it and opens it. The door of our light itself (Board of mister)
ÂClean sheets. Good to wash the covers and what is possible and it is better to remove clothes if not removed. Retrieved helps you have one - I have several litters of hooligans, wait time switch (advice from Nica)
ÂHomemade private house-tray. If you can not remove the tray in a quiet place, make it private, and not have to buy a new one - just cover with a suitable cardboard box with a cutout for the entrance (on the advice LenCat)
ÂOnce again, eliminate the possibility of disease. We have a cat currently no such permits. But once, when we were visiting my mother, he wrote on his pillow, and certainly was scolded. It was after knitting a few days. A little later, it turned out that force the cat to the cat and his little dermatitis. So it did not for the sake of mischief, but because they got sick. We were treated to a long and frustrating (for him). But most of this was not. (Board of Alls)
ÂDo not use as a reward meals. Do not force the kitten to starve as long as the toilet. In the case of training needed is some sort of encouragement, not "something obligatory" (snacks, yogurts, cheese, Vitaminka, vegetables, fruits, different kinds of meats and giblets; play, stroke). Without giving the kitten's what he needs (food, basic needs), you will only undermine its credibility in his eyes (Board of Natali_Tay)
ÂLiquidator smell. So, if a kitten somewhere done, then Les then this place is also "uses" for the same purpose. To avoid this, I smeared carpet (or a sofa - it was a couple of times) and then poured directly on the pile smell liquidator "faithful friend". Packaging - like a comet, red on white label, and says that he is for rodents and birds in cages. It smells nice. Removes odor. After a couple of days just tidy up a vacuum cleaner. (Tip from mister)
ÂDig in the tray. The tray filler, the cat next to me for a long time and methodically dug fingers into the tray (so that could be heard shkryabane), 5 times a day. 2 weeks of torment, and voila - a cat accustomed to. For 15 years no one misfire (Board of anton_tokarev)
Âscold, even if not immediately found. I think the blame should be anyway! And by the scruff shake (though lightly)! Lisa, when wee make a kitchen corner and sees that I'm going to the kitchen, there is a bullet flies out, he knows zasranka that nahuliganila! (Board of Lenuska)
ÂTry vinegar! When Mary had a little pussy, where my father slept, although she was accustomed to the tray, the tray once again on the bed! when rubbed with vinegar and place where it did kaku - from the place she was just shy and only went into the tray! can try to help (advice from Mery)
ÂRinse the tray with cold water. If you wash in hot tray opalaskivaete (warm) water, the smell of urine still keeps a long time (the human nose can not feel, and for cats is a signal of dirty trays, and tray painted cat will never go a second time). Be sure to opalaskivat cold water (Council of nufnuf)
ÂHide the shoes. If a cat walks in the shoes, remove them, hide from it (advice from ishyshii)
ÂBecause teething. If a kitten 4-6 months, then it can be cut teeth, and the way he bullies. Another may be loose stools (Board of meri50)
ÂAnti-personnel mines. To accustom a kitten was much faster and more entertaining, try to place in all the nooks of the apartment of antipersonnel mines, well, or if you are strapped for cash - at least stun grenades .. animal intuitively realized - in places such isprazhnyatso - like death. But if your pet does not have the proper wit, try to help him, as follows: in the most dangerous areas arrange pointers "Achtung Minen!" This way you will soon not only accustom pet to the toilet in strictly designated areas, but also bring up the little sapper in a single family, able to provide all possible assistance in the conduct of counterterrorism operations (Council of the IPU)
ÂGet another cat. I know a cat who absolutely every weekend when the hosts went to the country, lecturing them pile on the bed. How many days to leave, so many piles and counted. It lasted five years until they took the second cat, and all at once ceased. Beast was just bored one, it was a form of protest. (Board of Babuletz)
ÂClean the tray, do not hurt your cat and leave one! Our beauty can be "big business" crap in a corner in the hallway when suddenly washed her tray after the "little things" or if it hurt and left a long one. And a handful of places during the day, before the arrival of her husband. And he, poor man, have her removed. And then at night I listen to everything he thinks about my cat! But on weekends, when we are home, it makes all of his deeds on the ground and still only a blank tray. (Board of NatPon)
ÂRemember that a kitten or cat will not learn to walk in the tray in a single day. Be patient, generosity, perseverance, and joy of the impact of contact with the tray will reward the effort! Try all the above tips, look for your options and share with us!
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