Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Cat manifested
CATS rarely bite because of the fact that they are really angry. Typically, this discreet gesture of protest, saying that the cat does not like the behavior of the host. Too whipped up a cat perevozbudivshis, too, can dramatically change the mood suddenly and bite. It is not necessary to bring to this, always remember that game for cats associatively linked to a fight, because the kittens play with each other not only for fun but to learn to fend for themselves in adult life. Not surprisingly, playing with the masters, easily shifting from playing style to the force, especially when tickling the abdomen, as the cats in a fight often scratch their bellies to each other. This action, more than any other, awakens in the animal combative instinct.
For this reason, some cats ambush and, jumping out of the furniture, bite the host for the legs. Do not punish your cat for this behavior, more distract her any toy or treat. ÂMother Cat, Kittens that did not indulged in, until she licks them, gently but firmly compresses the teeth around the neck of a kitten, which immediately become soft and to conform. If he starts to escape, she tightened clamps his teeth to safely complete the procedure. Some cats have resorted to the same method to keep a hand brush or a host, and thus to warn him of the adverse action.
Âseizure is usually very mild and does not damage the skin. Some biting cats needlessly accused of bad character, most likely, they themselves are so because of poor health. Cats are so stoic creatures that can not always recognize that they are sick: it is often the first and only serves as a signal is the fact that normally friendly animal begins to bite. Cats often suffer for a long time, for example, very painful cystitis or other urological disease, before their condition deteriorates to such an extent that the owners finally notice that something is wrong. It is necessary to eliminate the disease, as will be restored and peace-loving mood of your cat.
 Like a cat attack and DEFENSIVE? ÂPlaying kittens rarely cause injury to each other, no matter how ferocious their battles may seem, because the instinct does not allow them to produce claws.
ÂEven adults, animals rarely fight for real, despite clear evidence to the contrary - a torn ear, for example. Cats are almost always ahead of the attack and warned first attempt to psychological treatment, consisting in a show of force and the exchange of threatening and calming signs, which lasts as long as one of the contestants do not give up. Two cats can stand for a few minutes to burn up each other's views, before one of them lift a. Bristling fur and bulging tail, through which the cat appears larger and looks more menacing, are a sign of fear and remain in the same position some time after the danger has passed.
Âarched back is both offensive and defensive signals. Eyes wide open, gaping mouth and pressed their ears, are considered by zoologists signs of defense, while tight legs and put his tail symbolize aggression. The back of the torso moves forward to attack, front - back moves or remains in place, which is why hog.
Âhissing and spitting - a warning, loud and explosive sounds that are capable of producing a cat can be confusing, for example, bullying the dog and let it run until it wakes up. A cat may suddenly attack to divert attention of big enemy. This is not the intention to cause serious harm, but merely an attempt to disperse his attention to escape until the enemy into confusion. While not a cat cornered, she prefers not to attack and keep at a respectful distance from the source of the threat. You are unlikely to ever see a cat comes into the fight, if it is not a game.
ÂIf you can not avoid this fight, cat attacks, releasing the claws on the front legs, which are very sharp and can cause deep scratches and bites when it is possible to get close is close enough to the enemy. Bites - still a rarity in cat fights, except that the forces are not equal competitors. The losing cat usually takes up defensive positions, falling back to fend off the enemy with all four paws with claws. Especially she is trying to harm with strong hind legs.
ÂThe same technique she uses, and the fight against the people. At first, a plaintive squeak if your actions do not like it, then - a symbolic scratch, then - a serious bite or scratch to get away until you come to yourself. If the situation is truly dangerous, the cat quickly Retiro and hides in a safe haven from which hisses angrily at you.
Âis hardly reasonable to engage with your cat in a duel with his bare hands. Excited, it can hurt you. But usually the cat is trying not to cause pain to their friends. Claws released until she climbs on your coat and immediately removed when the cat is on the thin shirt or blouse. Soft pads make movement cats are very quiet - a great boon to the hunter - but not enough to have heard her other cats. A oriental cats claws and not removed completely, as in other breeds of cats.
ÂHave you ever that your cat is suddenly attacked you? If so, you may become the object of misdirected aggression cat, that is, simply put, you "came to hand" annoyed by someone other cat. Unexpected and seemingly unprovoked attacks occur when an object is unreachable feline aggression to it, or he was gone. In such circumstances, a cat can change the direction of their anger and attack someone who is near, that is the host.
ÂCat that behaves so by nature is usually not aggressive. Experts have concluded that in most cases, the diagnosis of feline pocus sounds like "misdirected aggression." Such cases can be avoided if you understand how these situations arise and how they can be mitigated or corrected.
ÂAppearances another cat, even at a distance, even outside the window or glass door, is enough to bring your cat in a state of extreme excitement. Especially since it almost always happens when two strangers to each other cat nose to nose. Many cat owners say that were such an attack as they tried to separate two fighting cats. In fact, sometimes it is enough of a presence of only the host, to provoke the attack.
Âpiercing sounds and unusual smells coming guests and other kinds of disturbance in the surrounding environment, the cat may be the reason for its aggressive behavior. Sometimes a fine feline psyche affects some nasty stimulants at once, and then the cat could be in an excited state for many hours.
Âspecialists in animal behavior from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) developed the program out of such situations. You must first determine the circumstances leading up to the attack: the location of the cat and the factors that could affect it. Having identified the possible stimuli, should continue to try not to expose your cat to their impact.
ÂDo not try to calm a cat or some other way to influence it. Signs of excitation in the cat is hissing, growling, a sharp swinging tail and ruffled fur. Once the cat begins to engage in some kind of outsider thing - licking or eating, the probability of attack typically disappears.
ÂSwitched aggression can have serious consequences for both you and the cat. For example, if you try to somehow immobilize or put in a cage angry cat, it can become aggressive is fear, and this condition requires in this case a long, mnogonedelnogo treatment.
ÂIf the source of excitation of the cat can not find or fix, switching can take aggressive protracted. But in most cases, fortunately, the elimination of the negative stimulus rapidly leads to the same, harmonious relationship between cat and owner.
Âa disincentive, incidentally, may be a lack of positive emotions or inability to throw a young cat overflowing energy. The appearance in the second house cat or dog, or any other companion to the game may fix this problem.
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