Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
cat in the family
I have repeatedly heard from various people, when we suddenly touched the theme of cats living in a house with small children, that "the cat sleep on your face in infants and can strangle them this." Scary, is not it? Let's try to understand this more. Perhaps these assumptions only make such a strong impression that often the people who are ready to become parents, get rid of cats, which they loved, but not confirmed. Many parents really prefer not to jeopardize the unborn child. In fact, it's very sad, because in those families with small children and a cat as a member of the family, everyone wins - and the animal, and parents with a child. It is not excluded that a cat once, finding a new place in the sun, will roll up next to the baby. But if a cat - a family member, then you probably care for it accordingly, so that germs do not be afraid. The rest of the risk can be reduced to zero, if the parents are conscientiously observe a simple rule relating to cats, dogs, and to never leave a child alone (unattended), when the animal is walking freely around the house, and if the animal can get to the child. And anyway, every normal parent does not leave his child in at least the first few months of his life. Some of the same "lead children by the hand," all my life.
Â, however, will not be distracted by the attitude of children and parents. Rule described above applies to newborn infants, sliders and curious toddler, learning to walk, but in general - usually up to the moment when a child learn to understand when and how to approach the pet and caress him.
First, the rule must be followed to ensure safety is still a defenseless baby, but a little later, probably have to think about how to protect any innocent animal! ÂHow should I do to get closer to the ideal in this situation? My wife and I, for example, before a cat, waited for the birth of our first child, created a full-fledged human family, and then, after the child has learned to walk and deeper, we have got a kitten. The new cat or kitten in this case, it is easy to get used to the rules of life in your family and will treat adequately all living in it: children and adults. This method is much simpler and more convenient for all, than if an adult cat will be forced to suffer a sudden and vociferous being hungry all the knowledge of surrounding objects. Only here the plans of the plans, but, of course, children, and cats do not always give birth to and approved comprehensive plan. PNo it's not terrible, the main thing to know how to deal with the cat the appearance of completion in your family.
Âyoung child and a cat to get to know each other in the first few days. I must say that our first acquaintance with Alice Ryzhik took a very dramatic for the former. He was very young and the head of my daughter drove it for a long time for the cabinets. He got out only at night. And only at night, and slowly introduced to a new environment for him. And here is how one would do. For the first acquaintance to take a cat in his arms and cuddle her to not worry and let her sniff around all the things a child and then himself, but very carefully so it does not harm him, and she was not frightened. It must be remembered that the cat all new - clean and soiled diapers, crib, diapers and toys, stroller and other things for your baby. When the cat is all it surveys, make sure that neither child nor the whole of his ammunition not carry her threat. And here is much simpler and more fun to live everything. Although this is an important point, but not the last, in the way of familiarizing the child to a pet.
ÂFurther, parents should see to it that does not see a cat in the child rival. Most cats do not worry about it, because they are the king's person, claim to your attention if and only if they desire, while at other times with pride and without hesitation reject your affection. Others, such as Siamese or Burmese, representatives sociable species, many exacting and can relate to a child with jealousy. In this situation, you can refuse to caress a cat in her attempts to attract attention, but remember, it's important to do so before the child will be at home in advance to let her know that you now do not always have it "at hand". It is necessary to make the cat used to having the owner decides when to caress her, because in this case, emotional trauma from the appearance of the newborn is less sensitive (you need to prepared as cats are family members, not just the owner). There is another version of "training" of your pet. You can with the advent of the baby cat pay more attention, but only after a caress your baby - it takes the child over time as a mandatory prerequisite before obtaining pleasure from dialogue with you and, more importantly, understand that a child has a higher rank. And one more thing, to feed the baby and the cat should always be alone. This is easily explained by the simple fact - the food is food, and in anticipation of her, no matter if it is lunch or a child, the cat always comes to excitement and becomes less predictable, not to mention the reasons of hygiene. All of this applies to other pets such as dogs. Jealous cats respond well, if they are paying attention - and the more the better - and in this they are like dogs.
ÂBut as the jealous cat react to a baby in the house - they may start to urinate in the house. For example, some cats may urinate on a blanket in front of the parents. One consolation is often passes quickly and the cats take on their former equanimity with the same rules. So do not worry, calm cat, introduce it with a new member of your family - and all will end well. Often cats generally lose all interest in the child after the first meet curiosity or when they become adults, and solid. Until now it was a newborn. However, more serious cases will be obstoyat when baby starts to crawl. At this point your pet in his nook under a cupboard, a chair, under retracted writing, dining table, or a convenient place for him to rest somewhere near the fireplace can be subjected to periodic "attacks" on the part of the child. Many pupils understand that you should change your location and are moving higher, to safer places, such as a windowsill or a buffet, but it is important that they have, where to hide from the "attention" of the child. It is desirable that such shelters were in every room, especially one where there is warm, the laid bed, inaccessible to grip handles rising "energizers". At this stage your baby is important that it is his pen, with your support, and touched gently stroked the cat. Necessary to carry out such frequent, short sessions under the supervision of and communication with the compulsory participation of parents to teach children how to properly communicate with animals. At the same time, these sessions are "links" priuchat cat to touch a child. Over time, the child will be able to communicate with myself and the cat, not afraid of her and causing her harm.
ÂAt this stage it is very important hygiene. As you know, young children, crawling, grasping at all the items and pull the handle in his mouth. The key is to not only clean the floors washed and cleaned daily, but that sooner or later the child has not found a marvelous toy - a cat's toilet. You can prevent this from happening. You simply set the tray with a lid or tray to place higher, but it is best to place it in the kitchen or other room, where a "slider" will not have access, in contrast to the cat. Remember, at this stage, it is important, as once, give the cat regular anthelminthic agents, and monitor the cleanliness of a child - very carefully!
ÂDo not forget another important precautionary measure: small toys and all kinds of fur accessories are unstable, which may fall or tip over (for example, a board, on which the cat pulls nails), may pose a serious danger to the child with his lack of movement, so better to remove them from the road, when he released the child to move around.
ÂAnd now our child grows and begins to find its feet. Day by day he is moving more and more confident, better coordination (but happy time for parents?), And the cat becomes more predictable, and this time it can become attached to the child even more than for adult family members. At this time the tray with a toilet and other "interesting" things on the floor level lose in the eyes of a baby need in the study, he finds it more interesting objects, which can reach up to. Cat may have to find new safe havens even higher, but by the time the child make it to the cat on the windowsill, he will be pretty hard to know how to and how not to treat the cat, and better instruction to remember their parents about that CIMS can hurt.
ÂGradually, the baby learns to properly take in my arms and keep the cat, and, again, it is better that these lessons were short and often repeated, that the cat does not suffer from prolonged embrace. While the cat is able to make it clear that she was tired of communication, as long as it is able to understand your child. At this stage the baby may begin as best they could to care for a cat, for example, helping the mother to feed her. We have Alice still feeds Ryzhik, from which he feels satiated and happy cat. Communication continues to be held under your care, and more often, the better. It is essential that the child not only learned how to deal with the cat, but also learned to understand the mood of a cat, to understand the language of her body, and later her needs. Then you can be sure that your child will not have problems with pets - our smaller friends!
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