Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Normal weight cats
Cats, as well as people who may be experiencing problems with weight. The most common disease related to diet, is obesity. Domestic cats living in the apartments are quiet lifestyle. These cats often suffer from excess of normal weight, as limited in movement, and no shortage of food.
ÂExcess body fat can have a negative impact on the overall health of the cat. Cats that have exceeded the rate of weight are usually in bad shape, and prone to heart disease, arthritis and other health problems. Too much excess weight of a normal cat is obese. So hard to move the cats, often they have a shortness of breath. Maintaining the weight of a cat in the normal range, it enhances the quality of life and increases its duration.
ÂSo, the cat should not be overweight. How can support the weight of a cat in an acceptable range as defined normal weight cats? Weight of adult cats to each individual his own, but depends mainly on two factors - the breed and sex. Cat breed
ÂBreed - this is a fundamental parameter that determines the ideal weight of an adult cat. For cats of large breeds such as Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, British Shorthair, the weight of the cats can not exceed eight kilograms without any sign of obesity. Cats small breeds, such as Singapore, even with the weight of three kilograms of excess weight can have. The average weight of a cat is usually in the range of 3.5 to 5.5 kg, depending on the size and structure of the skeletal structure.
ÂWeight is markedly different for cats and dogs. Males usually weigh one to two pounds more of the same breed cats. It does not matter whether the animal is neutered - normal weight cats from this independent. At the same time sterilized takes about one-third fewer calories to maintain the same weight.
If the cat will eat as much as before the surgery, the risk of obesity increases significantly. Should not be perceived increase in weight after sterilization, as the "natural", it just unhealthy. Â Assessment of weight cats. Âabout the physical form can be defined using a checklist, available at any veterinary clinic.
ÂIf you think your cat is getting fatter, then begin to inspect it regularly. Gently draw her hands on the sides, trying to find the edge. In the normal weight cat, you can easily feel the ribs. Should be felt a small layer of fat on them, not hinder distinguish each edge separately. If so, then there is no reason to worry.
Âcat, obese, in general, you can tell. She has a big belly, she could hardly walk, can not be completely self lick. Often, obesity is a consequence of a more serious condition, so you should contact your veterinarian.
ÂWe need to help your cat lose weight. It is impossible to achieve rapid weight loss, the process should be gradual. There are many feeds that reduce caloric intake. Under natural feeding consult your veterinarian for the selection of a suitable diet. Cats lose weight more easily than a man because she had nowhere to go, just be firm and patient.
ÂNote that all this applies to adult cats, kittens should not be limited in the diet without the strict advice of a doctor. Kittens need for normal development of all the food they can eat, including fat.
ÂThe table below shows the approximate average weight of adult cats of various breeds, depending on size. Please note that normal weight cats in each case may vary depending not only on size but also on age, health status and characteristics of the animal. Table should not be used as a guide to activities, it is purely informational. Always consult with your veterinarian when choosing a diet for your cat.
ÂSet Weight in kilograms.
ÂThere are scales that are specifically designed for weighing cats.
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