birth in cats! help a cat at home births  

Some cats childbirth occur in 63-th day after mating, Siamese breeds on the 65th, and the Egyptian Mau period is extended to 73 days. Thus, 61-70 days can be considered a normal term pregnancy. Usually in a litter of 3 - 6 kittens, although the case and multiple pregnancy to 12 kittens in the litter.


Most cats, especially primiparous, love to the owners were there when they give birth. In the normal course of childbirth, you can help the cat and its moral support.  

Items needed for the cat's birth


all necessary and ancillary items for delivery must be prepared in advance and put in one place. You may need:


for 1-2 days before delivery cat becomes restless and starts to look for a den. When the first bouts cat starts to get nervous and make a fuss: to equip slot (to touch newspapers and undermine the pad), then get up, then lie down, go in and out of the nest, or walk in circles, recruiting myaukaya. Since the contractions are increasing, she lies on her side and pulls the rear legs. The cat is breathing heavily, body temperature drops to 37 `C mirror the nose and ears are cold. Between the first appearance of the first battle and a kitten is an average of 20-40 minutes.

amniotic bubble that surrounds the fetus appears between the labia, broken, and it implies a straw-colored liquid. The fluid lubricates the birth canal, facilitating the promotion of fruit, and within minutes the kitten is born. If the bubble bursts still birth during any attempts in the birth canal, the kitten should be born no later than 30 minutes later. If after the birth of the third or fourth kitten fights waning, it should be a hand stroking a cat on her stomach, gently pushing it down. About 70% of kittens born in the position of "diver" - front legs and a nose ahead. When you see the heads quickly slips the rest of the body of a kitten.


Do not lose your composure if you want help to be born kitten that was stuck in the birth canal. Reassure the cat, and try to enter the pipette, a little oil (body temperature) into the vagina.


Most cats childbirth last from 3 to 6 hours, interval between the appearance of the kittens is usually between 15-30 minutes.


If the amniotic membrane did not reveal a cat with its head nadkusyvaet baby and shoots her, after the umbilical cord gnaws and eats the placenta (the last) that stimulates milk production. But it should be noted that the placenta has a purgative effect, and there is no need to allow your cat to eat all the placenta, thus you will save her from the appearance of diarrhea. Then the cat cleans the mouth and nostrils of mucus kitten. After completing the main event for the first breath a baby, the cat thoroughly and fairly rough licks him as his rough tongue, especially the stomach and genitals. Then she pushes the baby's nose to the mirror in her nipples, so he warmed up. In the intervals between the birth mother of the kittens lick themselves thoroughly and often hums throughout the delivery.


Situations requiring intervention veterinarian.


During the first weeks a control body temperature cats.


Temperature 39.4 'C and above speaks of complications (retained placenta, metritis acute, mastitis). Normally, the first 7-10 days of the cat observed reddish or dark-green discharge. Green, brown discharge, lasting more than 21 days, they talk about infection of the uterus. A cat with marked depression, fever, anemic (pale mouth and eyelids). When cats become purulent discharge or lasts more than a week, immediately contact your veterinarian.