Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
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All About Cats - Behavior of
Posted: 19 October 2011 at 11:07
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Onomatopoeia most frequently published cats sound in Russian: "meow" in English: «meow» or «miaow», in French: «miaou» or «miaw»; in German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Polish: «miau»; in Japanese: "NJ:" or "name:", in Ukrainian, "nyav"; in Belarus' on me? ", in Malay:« meong »or« ngegong »; in Korean:« yaong »or« nyaong ».  Depending on the value of intonation changes meow. Cats usually meow to attract people's attention (for example, to its fed or her to play). Also, cats meow can mean salutation or pain. Some cats are very talkative, while others are rarely raised his voice. Cats are able to give his voice about a hundred different intonations (dogs, for example, only about ten). Some of them are very harsh and unpleasant to the human ear: notably during the battle between cats, or for the female during mating.  Kittens at birth emit a thin squeak, and it is known that cats are usually called the mother of the ultrasonic signals. Some adult cats, especially those who are rarely trained my voice, can also publish a squeak instead of meow. Especially good is obtained in castrated animals.  Like other small cats, pets, cats can purr (in other words, hum or murchat), it usually means that the animal is enough. Cats often purr among relatives: for example, when the cat meets her kittens. Until recently put forward various theories about how cats purr: the beating of the blood of the aorta, the vibration bands for inspiration and expiration, or fluctuations in the lungs themselves. Today it is believed that purring - the result of rhythmic oscillations in the cat's larynx. Cats can meow and purr at the same time, however, it is typical for talkative individuals. In addition to the purrs contentedly half cat can cover his eyes. It is known that cats can purr for complacency. Sometimes purring may be a sign of illness in cats, such as heart disease, when the cat "tells" the master of his illness.  In the case of extreme malice cats may hiss or even howl. In this animal usually arches her back and tail, wool and presses vzdyblivaet ears to the head. Some cats are able to publish a threatening growl, reminiscent of a dog, which is a sign of extreme anger and annoyance. When playing with a man well-mannered cats usually involve only the claws and kicking legs, but sometimes when you play a cat can inadvertently cause damage to human skin. Scratches from claws are easily infected and in extreme cases can lead to so-called cat-scratch disease (benign limforetikulez). For this reason, only that inflicted on the body of cat scratch immediately in need of disinfection.  Cats may also issue jerky "chirping" sound when observing prey, or for expressions of interest for something when dealing with people. Sometimes this sound is converted to an unattainable production, and it is unknown whether it is a sound threat and an expression of frustration or attempts to imitate bird song. But such sounds are typical rather for a second feral cats that live in colonies. These sounds are emitted, for example, Kuril Bobtail and Anatolian cats for what they called "tweeting."  The tail is also an important means of expression in the cat: calm wrapped around the body or tail held high means peaceful mood. A cat may twitch the tip of the tail in case of excitement or interest. In a state of anger, the cat's tail begins to beat.  When caress a cat happy, she could make alternate translational motion of the front paws, claws intake and exhaust. This movement is called "dairy step" - a movement kittens stimulate the milk of mothers nipple for feeding. Thus, adult female, "recalls his childhood," when she, as a kitten, sucking breast milk. Sometimes the "dairy step" is accompanied by a distinct smacking the cat. Some cats make "milk step" when they are petted, others can do it themselves, burying her face into some kind of furry thing, but in any case, it means that the cat is very happy. Some cats can cause "milk step" with its own imitation of the fingers - if the cat is in a positive frame of mind, she can answer the mutual movement. Milk step is usually accompanied by purring. In addition, if the cat is asleep, stretched and stretched legs, then stroking the many cats tend to stretch even further, releasing at the same claws and occasionally uttering sounds like purring. Although in itself purring does not always mean that the cat is happy.    Even while playing with a cat person usually tries to bite his wrist, imagining that it is the neck of the victim.      Unlike canids - dogs, wolves, jackals, foxes, coyotes, who are often food plant diversity of animals and can easily become vegetarians, cats usually eat only meat food, which is adapted to their digestive tract. First of all, the developed teeth can chew food, long and agile feline tongue is equipped with special knobs on the sides that allow you to separate the meat from the skeleton of the victim. Also, these bumps produce keratin and help when washing a cat. By the way, the lower jaw cat can move only up and down and can not make lateral movements. Therefore, in cats and no chewing teeth. Cat stomach acts as a digestive, and cat must be regularly cleaned of its indigestible food particles: bones, tendons, and his own hair that has fallen into the stomach. Complete evacuation is provided by vomiting, which is a normal protective reflex, but sometimes manifests itself during the illness. Intestine in the cat, like many carnivores, rather short and not longer than 1.8 m. Â
To improve the digestive system and to induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach from the wool, the cat often snack on grass, leaves and young shoots of plants. In the absence of a suitable grass cats can eat off, for example, rose petals. Sometimes, in the case of lack of micronutrients, cats can have the land. Micronutrient deficiencies can compensate ash - it is a source of magnesium and related minerals. Â Â Â
Domestic cats, like any introduced predators, can cause serious harm to endemic ecosystems, especially when the cat brought in recently, and the other has not yet adapted to their presence. Documented cases of cats brought to the entire species extinct. For example, in 1894, cat lighthouse on the island off the coast of Stevens in New Zealand alone has destroyed the entire population of New Zealand wren Islands Stevens. Â Â Â
Cats always care for their nails. Under normal circumstances too long claws worn down when climbing trees and running from, and then the upper, old horny layer of dead skin is removed from the claw as an empty shell. In captivity, cat sharpening his claws on the materials at hand. In some cases, the claws of cats should be cut, but it is important not to touch the pulp - the blood vessel, reaching almost to the tip of the claw. Â It is believed that the original habitat of the wild cat was a desert. This conclusion is based on the behavior of both wild and domesticated forms of the animal: for example, cats bury their feces usually in the sand and well-maintained heat. Â P P P P Taken from Â
To improve the digestive system and to induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach from the wool, the cat often snack on grass, leaves and young shoots of plants. In the absence of a suitable grass cats can eat off, for example, rose petals. Sometimes, in the case of lack of micronutrients, cats can have the land. Micronutrient deficiencies can compensate ash - it is a source of magnesium and related minerals. Â Â Â
Domestic cats, like any introduced predators, can cause serious harm to endemic ecosystems, especially when the cat brought in recently, and the other has not yet adapted to their presence. Documented cases of cats brought to the entire species extinct. For example, in 1894, cat lighthouse on the island off the coast of Stevens in New Zealand alone has destroyed the entire population of New Zealand wren Islands Stevens. Â Â Â
Cats always care for their nails. Under normal circumstances too long claws worn down when climbing trees and running from, and then the upper, old horny layer of dead skin is removed from the claw as an empty shell. In captivity, cat sharpening his claws on the materials at hand. In some cases, the claws of cats should be cut, but it is important not to touch the pulp - the blood vessel, reaching almost to the tip of the claw. Â It is believed that the original habitat of the wild cat was a desert. This conclusion is based on the behavior of both wild and domesticated forms of the animal: for example, cats bury their feces usually in the sand and well-maintained heat. Â P P P P Taken from Â
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