Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
about cats and cats)))) - Bo
Most cat owners do not know what a sick cat. And this can only be welcomed. Nine lives cat, of course, relate to the world of fairy tales. However, it is undeniable that the cat is extremely tenacious and able to go unscathed from the many alterations. Acquire, however, the following principle: sick cat needs a veterinarian. Do not try to put your own amateur diagnosis. Do cats vaccinated. Try to prevent accidents.
Âis well groomed. Thoroughly licks himself. Eating normally. Drink as usual. Meows as usual. Uses the toilet box as usual with normal results.
From time to time, vomiting, then looks fine. Maintains a constant weight. Âsloppy. Dirty. Untidy rear. Becomes greedy or do not eat. He drinks too much or not drinking. Meows too much, or is behaving unusually quiet. Uses the toilet box too often with little or no results inconclusive. Tense, sitting in a drawer. She has diarrhea. Do not use the toilet. Frequent repeated vomiting. In the present vomit blood. Looks weak. For one month or less adds or loses more than 10% of its normal weight.
Âcareful to look closely to the usual manifestations of life of your cat. If the inner voice tells you that something is wrong, trust him! Call your vet and discuss it with changes effected. A veterinarian can determine whether there is need to bring him a cat for a checkup. There are several diseases that often occur in the feline population, and you as the owner of the cat's good to know the symptoms.
ÂSome cats end their lives due to the fact that licking themselves, swallow a lot of hair. These hair entangled in a cat and form a large ball of wool. This clot partially or completely block the intestines and causes a cat in her fullness. Symptoms of this disease include: lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite. Vomit it is usually brown in color, they can examine lumps of fur, as it were rolled into tubes. Consideration should be given the vomit in order to make sure that it lumps of fur swallowed by a cat, caused vomiting. Deal with this problem will help the daily thorough brushing, especially during the molting season, and for long-haired cat - a permanent one. If you suspect that your cat is something wrong, go to the vet. He will be able to confirm the illness and recommend appropriate treatment. For home remedies that help cleanse the intestines and stomach from hairballs, include paraffin and mineral oil. I would still recommend every day to give longhair cat grass (for example, leeks), and germinated in winter wheat.
ÂThese nasty critters live in the ears of a cat. They bite through the ear canal skin, which leads to inflammation and soreness throughout the surrounding area. Cats as follows respond to this discomfort: they shake their heads vigorously rub the ears with paws, rubbing his head on the floor and furniture. Infection of ear mites is accompanied by dark waxy discharge from the ears. To cope with this disease, you need medication, which will appoint a veterinarian. Let him show you how to dig into your ears drops or ointment to enter, as well as how to safely clean the ears.
ÂThe causes of diarrhea are different, they can be very, very often it is due to errors in diet. The food, consisting only of meat or milk, heavy to digest, filled with spices or spoiled food - is also the most common cause of diarrhea. However, foods that cause diarrhea in cats, are unique to each animal. Lead to them, and intestinal parasites (worms), although it occurs much less frequently. Diarrhea can be caused by motion sickness (when riding in a car, train), excitement or fear (during a visit to the doctor), the emergence of new animal home.
ÂDiarrhea kind usually pass quickly and do not need any special treatment. You should not scold the cat at this time because she has no time to use the toilet.
ÂThe basic condition for the treatment of diarrhea - a refusal to feed for 12-24 hours. Cat tolerates it well, if not long before she was pokormlena diarrhea. Then, within 3-5 days the cat must be on diet, consisting of a light, well-digested foods such as baby food, boiled chicken, boiled egg, etc. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe a diet for your cat individually. As a remedy to protect the intestinal mucosa may offer kaopektat (2 teaspoons per 400 grams body weight) every 6 hours. But before you start treatment, find out the cause of the diarrhea.
ÂIn that case, if the diarrhea lasts more than 24-36 hours without any visible signs of improvement, if it is diarrhea mixed with blood, accompanied by vomiting, high fever, weakness, loss of appetite or dehydration, without the help of a physician is necessary. Pay attention to color, composition and consistency of stool, so it's very important for diagnosis. Be sure to annoy stool samples for analysis in order to then pinpoint the cause of the disease, including a sample for the presence of worms.
ÂA healthy cat constipation are very rare. The reasons for this may be simple, such as errors in the diet or too much ingested by licking the coat. Still, frequent constipation can have serious consequences and require specialized veterinary care. Considered normal if the stool of an adult cat is one or two times a day. If the cat is only one day, there was a chair that is not cause for concern. In mild cases, animals can be helped by using a special diet. A good effect is the presence in the diet of cat so-called dietary fibers (cellulose). It is also recommended to give food with high water content. Can help and serve with fresh beef liver. As for special preparations, they should give only talking to your doctor.
ÂFor home treatment can be recommended to the paraffin oil (a teaspoon to four kilograms of live weight) or mineral oil (one teaspoon). These oils are administered orally. With strong locks use glycerin candle (child), which is introduced into the anus. The action of the candle is based on the fact that it softens the stool and thereby facilitates their removal from the intestines.
Âis usually enough to use these funds for two days (1-2 times a day) to eliminate constipation. But there is and negative sides. Paraffin oil prevents absorption of oil-free vitamin in the intestine, and therefore its long-term approach can lead to beriberi. The oil should be given to the animal simultaneously with the food. Do not try to force the medicine cat because it hit the airways can lead to pneumonia.
ÂIn that case, if your cat has a blockage colon solid stool, a doctor is a must. If you can not use the services of a doctor, try to act independently. You must have a rubber bulb for an enema. With this pear is introduced into the rectum slightly warm boiled water.
ÂIt should be noted that in some cats constipation may alternate with diarrhea.
ÂVomiting may mean that you have a serious problem, and can only mean that your cat eats too much and too fast. Cat occasionally overeat, and then changes his mind. Cats can vomit as soon as they want, so for them it is not the same difficult thing for both of us. If a healthy cat from time to time vomiting - this is normal, and there is nothing to worry about. That's a good general rule: If your cat vomits from time to time, but in all other respects, it looks healthy, not particularly worry because of this. If vomiting is frequent, occurs repeatedly over several hours, if present in vomit blood or if your cat is in any other way of showing discomfort and looks sick - call the vet. If something bothers you - call the vet! But if your cat occasionally throw up on your computer screen, it is usually quite normal.
ÂIf your cat is straining during urination, meows more than usual, urinating in inappropriate places, there is blood in the urine or cat urine generally unable to perform - be sent straight to the vet. These are all symptoms of a serious, possibly life-threatening disease. Do not hesitate!
ÂIf you've ever seen it, you'll know what I mean. The cat sits up, pulls back on the floor and begins to "ride" in this situation. It's pretty unpleasant behavior, which inevitably shows a cat in your most expensive carpet, may be a sign that your cat anal glands are irritated. Each cat in the anal gland is. These glands are used to mark territory of smell, as well as something like "buttons of fear." When the cat is scared, she can squeeze out the contents of the anal glands. These glands are highly compressed, and this leads to swelling and pain. Then the cat starts to "ride" on the floor and licks itself. Take the unfortunate creation of a vet. You do not want in your house has got the contents of compressed infected anal glands and cats. If the cat is fidgeting on the floor and licks itself, it can also be a sign of worms. And in either case, go to the vet, so he looked at the cat.
ÂEpilepsy - is a functional brain disorder characterized by convulsions, usually of short duration. Seizures can be caused by any cause, disrupt normal brain function. Epilepsy is a fairly common disease in small animals. Seizures in cats are divided into two broad categories: real epilepsy (idiopathic) epilepsy and false (symptomatic). At present the cause of epilepsy seizures is difficult to establish, it often remains unknown. False epilepsy - an acquired syndrome, seizures can be a symptom of another illness. If this disease is identified and treated, seizures must be stopped. Seizure preceded by a period of unusual behavior: a fixed gaze, looking into space, disorientation and other symptoms. Sometimes the cat owners do not even notice them, in other cases, this phase of illness lasts from five to ten minutes. This aura phase allows the owner of a cat ready to seizure: make sure that the cat is in a safe place, for example, on the floor. At the time of the attack, the animals fall and lose consciousness, their legs stretched out and woody, breathing stops. This phase is very short, 10 - 30 seconds, followed by convulsive movements and paws, like running or swimming. After the attack the animal can return to normal after a few seconds or minutes, and can sometimes remain motionless in a lethargic stupor, confused, disoriented or blinded from several minutes to several hours. Recent experience suggests that all animals are potential epileptics. If a young cat attacks do not happen more than once a year, there is no need to pursue treatment, the disease is not life threatening, should be limited to observation for such animals. If seizures occur more frequently than once a month, you need to therapeutic treatment. Anticonvulsants should be used with caution if the patient does not receive the usual remedy for a day or two, seizures and sales resume can be e heavier. Successful treatment depends heavily on proper home care of patients. Good care can reduce the frequency of seizures, reduce their duration, to facilitate their flow with minimal side effects.
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