Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Teeth cat
There are a cat to the dentist? Once, thirty years ago, it seemed that the animals spared from this, and wonderful white teeth, flawlessly serve them until old age. Of course, we knew we had bad teeth _ one of the reasons why the tiger becomes a man-eater. But to our home to tigers is, fortunately, did not apply, so they did not look mouth. And for good reason. Let's still see what your teeth are in healthy cats and what are they to her.
ÂWith the help of cutters - small front teeth - cat scrapes with small particles of bone meat, pluck the birds, looks after his hair for the incisors are the most visible and the "famous" teeth - canines.
ÂStrong, long, slightly curved "saber" suitable for hunting and war, but not for chewing food. The role of a "cutlery" perform molars - premolars and molars: is their cat "cuts" the meat into manageable pieces and grind fine stone. The most powerful of the workers and those teeth - the last upper premolar and lower molar. To our eyes, they, unlike the canine and incisor teeth are visible.
Âcomplex is closely related tissues surrounding the root of the tooth, dentists called periodontitis. It consists of the gums, bone and periosteum dental alveoli, as well as connective tissue ligament - periodontal, and he holds the tooth in a crescent of teeth - jaw alveoli.
ÂWhat diseases can "visit" your mouth? Well-known caries - the destruction of dental hard tissues. Stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, but without compromising the integrity dentogingival connection. Keep in mind that may be accompanied by stomatitis terrible diseases such as leukemia, immune deficiency, which in cats are infectious in nature. Periodontitis - inflammation and progressive destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth (including the periodontium, the doctor may use a narrower term - "periodontitis"). There is periodontal disease - a dystrophic lesion of all components of periodontitis. Occur in the oral cavity of cats and tumors (most commonly in the elderly). And, of course, the starting point of disease - plaque deposition.
ÂThe idea that we need to show your pet dentist visits us, only when there were obvious signs of disease, such as bad breath, excessive salivation, difficulty eating (cat "chews like something is wrong" can avoid load teeth on one side), swelling of the face (for example, under the eyes) and under the lower jaw.
ÂBrushing your teeth and, if necessary, removal of tartar in a veterinary clinic is very important for the cat's health, If tartar "expanded", then remove it only under general anesthesia. Now, except for mechanical cleaning is used with ultrasonic apparatus, to protect the enamel of the teeth are polished using a dental paste (just like in humans).
ÂOf course, you should not even try to scrape tartar yourself something metal - only to damage the enamel. And here regularly to clean off plaque before it turns into a stone, it is necessary. Since the nature of the cat is very independent, to brush your teeth need to teach them from childhood.
Âfirst kitty to get used to the fact that the owner can push the lips and stroke to examine the canines and incisors, and then the molars and gradually accustomed to the soft touch to the gum. Do not regret it at the time and patience, because then the kitten will take the examination without fear, and the worst of what awaits your fingers in this case - a light biting, as in the game. Before we proceed to brush your teeth with a brush and special toothpaste, follow her finger.
ÂThere are toothpastes for cats, pleasant to the taste and safe for the organism (an animal can not rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and swallow the remains of paste). However, the teeth can be cleaned with a brush, not only, but also a more pleasant way - while eating.
ÂAccording to the veterinary dentist, a special dry food box monthly applications reduce plaque and tartar by 42-47%, How is this effect? In the food included a specially processed fiber, which slowly swell and disintegrate in the mouth. Granules themselves are larger, do not break up immediately after raskusyvaniya and its structure reminiscent of a dense grid. Teeth tightly included in this fibrous mesh, and it gently and effectively removes them from the plaque. In fact, this food is working as a toothbrush. In others, the emphasis is not fodder for the mechanical and chemical effect: the feed pellets are plotted polyphosphates, which form a film on the teeth, preventing plaque formation. This approach seems less natural, but may in some cases it is preferable. Consult your veterinarian.
ÂIncidentally, the special foods do not release your pet from a periodic visit to a specialist for routine inspection, and in the presence of tartar their application is most effective after its removal professional.
ÂLet's not forget about caring for your teeth - or they remind us of ourselves is not the most pleasant way.
ÂIn adult cats 30 permanent teeth (16 maxillary, 14 - at the bottom): 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars and molars 4.
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