Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
Testing descriptions
. That cat
Who issues the pedigree?  On this issue in more detail. Why is that bad, when each club gives its pedigree? The answer is simple. In our country, yet there are still a large number of clubs that violate the civil rights of owners of cats, for example, crucial for them to participate in exhibitions or not and what kind of up to categorical prohibitions or as categorical violence prompts ("and then mating did not get "). Club functionary takes the responsibility to recommend to the (almost always by accident and was not disinterested), with some cat breed cat, how much to sell the kittens, and even interest on this charge.  The situation in the breeding of cats in this country was initially characterized, and still more different from other countries. Many of our cat owners bred them, mainly because of commercial reasons rather than for the ideal type of animal. Business breeding of cats (for profit and not for a hobby) has established business clubs, whose activities also aim to make profits, and the business of judges, who earn their living by judging shows clubs around the country, guided by no means the standards and political considerations. All this is very far from the principles-won major cat organizations around the world, where the breeding of cats, club work and judging at cat shows the vast majority of people are engaged only as a hobby. However, we have business clubs harm pure breeding. Especially frustrating when Leaders such clubs are often ignorant and do not know any foreign language, give the cats "Filkin letters" rather than bloodlines, not knowing and not observing any rules, even the most elementary rules of interbreeding, which further makes it impossible to sell cat abroad with its subsequent registration in another international system, such as  , And generally restricts the breeding and showing career animal. So, practically only pure-bred British ASSOLYUKSE saved the cat, as many independent clubs and the majority of Russian clubs  (In violation of guidelines of its own management) register pryamouhih Scottish (straights) as the British, polluting rock and fooling uninformed buyers.  There are so many cats are not only wrong, but with obviously fake, fake pedigrees. Lacking the ability to detect fraud, the clubs take the field on account of these cats and kittens pedigrees issued by them. The number of counterfeit pedigrees began to grow exponentially until the pedigree does not fall into the hands of an experienced person. Deception is revealed sooner or later, but the forgery is detected too late, when substituted in jeopardy are not dozens of innocent owners. Thus applied tremendous harm to pure breeding of cats. That is why the central register ASSOLYUKSA - the only organization that pedigree you can rely on always. It does not matter what city it was issued - all cats are registered in a central computer, and foreign pedigrees are carefully scrutinized.  That is why today, many cat owners, genealogies are given a wide variety of clubs in a hurry to register their cats in a normal ASSOLYUKSE and pedigrees, corresponding to the international registration requirements. At the same time it is useful to verify their authenticity and - an extensive database ASSOLYUKSA well lets do it. Despite the fact that the form of documents ASSOLYUKSA simply copied by many clubs, fake genealogies ASSOLYUKSA not easy - they are made with a high degree of protection. In addition, any owner is always in doubt may request the central office.  Only registered cat, the owner has the right to display them or use in breeding. However, only the owner determines whether he go to the show. Mandatory, so-called "movable" estimates ASSOLYUKSE not. As there are no directions on the stud, and aktirovki kittens. The principled position ASSOLYUKSA next - for the quality of offspring is only responsible breeder and it was he. Why not club? Because in our club does not interfere in the process of breeding cats, and bears no relation to the results. A cat owner, and registers the name of his kennel in ASSOLYUKSE will receive a special certificate, giving a sort of oath that his main goal is "getting type as close to the ideal described in the standard" rather than profit. If he happens to get any income from farming - Breeder promises to use it to improve the quality of life of cats and the development of the nursery. If the breeder would be unfair and would be found to have violated our policies - he will be punished accordingly, until the total elimination of the publication of the incident. Beginners also need to realize that the breeding of cats - it is a hobby, not business, it requires the physical and material costs, and if you do not like cats - you should not do it.  Thus, people who register their kittens with us, be assured - they  get their documents and are not at risk to find a club collapse or simply vanished from the face of the earth - in our country clubs cease to exist on a daily basis. For nearly two decades, there ASSOLYUKS, and yet not so easy to survive in our time, bringing people together just for interest. Let's do it together - together easier! Â
G. Boehm, president ASSOLYUKSA
 P.S.  More recently, when you make a litter of kittens, I had to face the fact that false information in the pedigree. For ethical reasons (the owners of the animals live in Togliatti), I have to retouch the data about the owners and the breed of cat.  In the pedigree kitten present data on the cat, and the data on the mother look so ...  Draw your own conclusions. . .
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