Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
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you took home a little creature. It's not furry cute toy, but a live cat baby, need to pay very much attention, care and love, however, like all kids. He may be sad, lonely, scared the first few days at the new place, he would cry, did not immediately understand where his toilet, will look for his mother and brothers, sisters. Try to give him more attention in those first difficult days, do not scold, often talk to him, pat.
The name of my cat usually remembers almost immediately, most importantly, to call him all the time and a nickname at first associate it with feeding, caressing and other pleasant moments. Try not to let a kitten younger children, which may cause unintentional harm to him, we can not give too much to carry it on their hands, squeeze - a cat with a birthday love freedom and independence, and never put up with living situation and toys can become dangerous, like any predator , even a little. Relationship with the cat from the early days to build primarily on mutual respect, remember that these animals very much value their independence and dignity, proud, noble and just, do not tolerate violence, orders and roughness, fine and appreciate a good respect for yourself and give your love for itself.
ÂEven if the kitten does not go into the street, he can pick up fleas and ear mites, which "come" in our apartment on the shoe, dog paws, etc. After treatment with appropriate means, the kitten just in case need to get rid of worms. In general, to prevent the animal must be given anthelmintic twice a year, spring and fall. If the cat is walking freely, then it is better to make the necessary vaccinations in veterinary clinic and put on antibloshiny collar. Collar at the same time would indicate that the cat home, but not homeless, and will keep her out of trouble, not only related with fleas. Â
Recommended kopma: Hills, yam, Royal Canin Â
Think before you take a house cat: Do you have the financial means to provide her with good nutrition, care and concern. Cats can not explain nor about the economic crisis, nor about the urgency to get a new coat mistress - if the cat to save, it will inevitably get sick and give you much more of a hassle and waste on trips to the vet and medicine. The cat does not understand that her songs are masters of the spring on the nerves, she lives by its own animal laws that people, once took the animal in the house should at least understand. Â
Y Marina Smelyanskaya from FIDO7.PVT.CAT.CLUB
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