Breeds of domestic cats, and especially care for them
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Interesting facts about cats and signs: interesting, poznavate
Scientia est potentia! Knowledge - force!  Interesting information about cats - cat learn language - interesting facts about cats - what to dream cat - the signs of the Cat - Historical fpkty about cats - it is useful to know all the cat lovers - that says science and statistics about the cats - what we know about cats - about neizvesnoe known - cats in our lives - learning caudate tribe - learn all about your cat - a very interesting information - pseudo-scientific facts.  Nose cat. In contrast, people in cats, of course, more developed perception of smell. The cat part of the brain, which provides a sense of smell, in relation to the total of her brain so much more. This gives her the ability to easily identify the individual or set up by the smell of markers, in this place it had once been. Just the smell of this is the one feature that allows you to distinguish between male cat that has the most palpable desire to mate at the moment. The presence of the odor in the air going through the allocation of specific substances in the urine of females.  Cat's eyes. In bright light cat eyes may be dilated. The only explanation for this - the cat is set up to play, or it is something interesting. Previously, it was widely believed that the cat is not color vision: the world around them they see in black and white picture, which is similar to what we see on the TV screen. Now it is proved that the cat exists the ability to perceive the objects around in a few colors, but they do so much worse. However, their main advantage over the man - the best ability to recognize the gray tones, which range up to 25 colors.  Ears cats. Cats stand an excellent sense of hearing. Nature endowed them with such hearing organs, the possibilities are truly staggering: with their cat can screen out the most necessary and important for her sound from a variety of everyday noises (for example, when approaching the owner). Even his eyes have the ability to "hear" - there are nerve cells that transmit sounds to the brain that a person can not hear. If our "silence of nature" - is the complete absence of sounds, for cats - it's noise, talking about the rapidly boiling life. Any noise drives the ears are "tuned" by 27 muscles. In this case ears may be directed in different directions from each other.  Whiskers the cat. In complete darkness and silence, when the cat is not possible to navigate in space, using eyes and ears, does not mean that she has completely lost this ability - because it contains tactile hairs whiskers. The cat uses whiskers like antennae - they are indispensable to her as she guided located near objects. Whiskers are several areas of the body - the upper lip, cheeks, chin, on the underside of the front paws. Whiskers are very tough and thick base, as compared to other hair roots whiskers are much deeper, so the hair root is permeated with a significant number of nerve endings.  Language cat's teeth. The top side of tongue cat has a tiny horn hooks size, when you touch the person who can compare them with sandpaper, which has a high roughness. If the cat begins to lick her tongue, the structure like a rasp, a person's skin, it is sufficient to only a couple of touches, like a human skin turns red. With horn hooks cat cleans and smarm wool, as well as she could "beat" the big portions of meat, scraping the meat from the fibers of the fiber. When the water lap cat tongue is nonplanar, and takes the form of a small groove. In this language, it captures the rapid movements of the liquid from the bowl and puts it in his mouth.  Squinting eyes - cat is calm, she wants to sleep.  Rubs his head on your knees - an expression of love, dedication, desire affection.  The ears are upright - a sure sign of extreme curiosity.  Ears pressed to the head - a willingness to attack.  Dilated pupils - the cat is experiencing great fear.  A thorough licking fur cat wags his head from side to side - feigned calm, something on her mind.  Purr - peacefulness and carefree.  Uterine rumbling - discontent warning.  Howl - anger, shame that can not achieve its goals.  Short meow sometimes povizgivane - "talk" with other animals.  Sizzle - a final warning, a threat.  Nervous twitching tail - anger.  Loud scratching claws - the desire to attract attention.  Curved arc of the spin - a frightening position for the opponent.  A trailing tail - usually means tired.  Frozen in the down position and wound up under the belly slightly tail - disappointment, disgust.  Easy stir tail - the interest.  Sharp bend of the tail - distrust of the man.  Elongated tail back - ready to attack.  Lifted up the tail - complete satisfaction.  Lifted up the tail with stirring gently with the tip - you are welcome.  The cat that wants to get a night on the bed next to you - show love and boundless confidence.  The animal is going to nestle on your breast - shows how bored waiting for your arrival.  The cat is particularly interested in your things, where you usually go, trying to hide the shoes, carry a glove - is trying to leave your home, or at least delay. The same problem faces the cat, if she hangs on foot, prevents put on shoes, begins to climb up the clothes.  In a world of more than 500 million domestic cats, which are divided into 33 main species.  The cat's heart to twice the speed of a human (from 110 to 140 beats per minute).  The smallest cat breed - Singapore. Males weigh about three and cats weigh about two pounds. Of all the cats, the smallest is the Rusty-spotted (Red spotted cat - Prionailurus rubiginosus). This species lives in India and Sri Lanka. Its dimensions are about half that of a normal house cat - about six inches in length, weighing less than 1.4 kg.  The largest cat, not a lion, and tiger (Panthera tigris). Males weighing over 300 pounds and grow to three feet, not counting the almost meter tail. Tiger is able to eat 40 kg of meat in one sitting.  Cat hunting for mice, rescues a year to 10 tons of grain. In England, cats are used to protect grain stores and other food stores, they were formally put on rations. Cats also protect mice from books and other relics of the British Museum. A cat in Austria, who had served on the protection of warehouses a few years, laid a life pension, which is issued with milk, meat and broth.  Calico and tortoiseshell colors found only in cats.  If the cat is near you, and shakes its tail - it's the greatest feeling of love, which she can express. When the tail starts to fall, so the mood has changed - you can walk away, she will not mind.  Cat flap their tails, when facing a choice, with a desire to block others. For example, if a cat stands in the doorway, and he wants to leave, and on the street the rain, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go, but do not want to get wet. As soon as she decides (to stay at home or out in the rain), the tail will immediately stop rocking.  From fun and let the cat claws draw, rastopyrivaya fingers.  House cats - this is the only species of cat, able to hold its tail vertically while walking. All wild cats hold their tails when walking or horizontally between the legs.  Cats have never meow to each other. This is the sound - especially for men.  The cat loves the owner and can "read" his mood. If you are sad or stressed, you may notice a change in the behavior of your cat.  Do not pick a kitten or cat by the scruff of the neck. Only cats can do this without harm, and only with their kittens.  Cats in a litter, usually, 1-8 kittens. The average cat can produce 3.2 litters per year.  Cat for his life may have more than 100 kittens.  In 1952, the striped cat from Texas named Dusty set the record - he had more than 420 kittens, and the last litter was born, when he was 18 years old.  Biggest litter (with all surviving kittens) registered with the Persian cat in South Africa. A cat named Bluebell (Campanula). She gave birth to 14 kittens. The maximum number of kittens in the litter - 19.  One pair of cats and their offspring in 7 years can produce 420,000 kittens.  Only in the U.S. each year are born more than 35 000 kittens. Be sure to castrate or neuter your pet if you do not plan to use it as a producer.  Drawing the nose cat is unique as a fingerprint in man.  The body of the cat consists of 517 muscles.  Cats have 244 bones (about 40 more than humans).  The cat's ear is rotated 180 degrees. In each ear muscle in the cat 32 to operate the ear they use twelve or more muscles.  Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity, also invented the cat door.  How many years of your cat in human terms? If your cat - 3 years, this corresponds to a human in '21. When 8 years old, on a human being - 40. If 14, then 70 human years.  The average lifespan of a domestic cat - 15 years, while for the wild - from 3 to 5 years.  The oldest cat in the world was Puss from England, who died in 1939, a day after his 36th birthday.  The most fantastic record was set in Argentina, a cat named Mincho, which has climbed up the tree and not come down until he died six years later. During this time, she managed to bring three litters with the same cats-climbers.  Normal body temperature for cats is about 38 degrees. It is slightly larger than in humans.  People who have pets live longer and are less prone to stress and heart attacks.  The behavior of the majority of cats at home, similar to the behavior of nature.  Cat kills prey moving, but not necessarily for food. Understanding that the hunt - it's production of food is an acquired skill.  How many mice can catch a cat? 28 899. Scottish tortoiseshell cat Towser (1 966 - in 1987), in 21 years has killed 28,899 mice. It is - about four mice per day, for 21 years.  The first cat show was held in 1895 at Madison Square Garden in New York.  The falling cat always acts the same way. First, align the head, then back, then legs, and finally bends back to soften the landing.  "Sociable" cats will follow you from room to room to control your actions.  What is the "mood" - a kitten? You can find it in his eyes and ears. Learn to read, feline behavior.  If the cat pulls furniture, try to give this place a lemon or orange flavor. Cats hate these smells.  Drizzle with orange or lemon air freshener Christmas tree, if your cat is fond of "mountaineering".  Cats understand tone of voice. When talking with the cats, remember the tone of voice. Cats know when you are angry at them (although they may not show the form).  The more you talk with the cats, the more they talk to you.  Guinness World Records richest cat - a pair of inherited $ 415 000 in the early '60s. And the richest single cat has inherited $ 250,000.  Giraffe, Camel and Cat - are the only animals pacers, while walking they go first left foot, then right. This guarantees a walking speed, agility and silence.  Cats can distinguish colors. Experiments have shown that cats can distinguish between red and green, red and blue, red and gray, green and blue, green and gray, blue and gray, yellow and blue, and yellow to gray.  Cats found colorblindness. Their blindness is similar to a human - it seems red to green and green - red.  Cats are not very well distinguish fine details.  Cats to see enough 1/6-oy light required to man. Their night vision is amazing. In the dark eyes of a cat uses the even light reflected from the retina.  Cats can see at a distance of 60 meters. Their peripheral vision - about 285 degrees.  Eye color can change a kitten with age.  At birth, kittens can not see or hear. They open their eyes at 7-10 days, and hearing and vision are developed in 2 weeks.  Cats rub against the person to "kill" other people's smells. The smell comes from glands that are located between the eye and ear and at the base of the tail.  Many experts believe that cats purr experiencing intense emotion.  Let the cat water, at least once a day. If she refuses water, it is possible because the smells of chlorine or other impurities in the water. Many cats are finicky and can pour water out of a bad bottle, just like people.  Do not put a cat on a vegetarian diet. Cats need protein to live a normal life.  Never feed your cat dog food. The need for cats to five times more proteins than in dogs.  Cats - the laziest mammals. They sleep 16 hours a day. Seven-year cat was awake for only two years of life.  Cats are more active at night.  Cats, when not sleeping, caring for a 30% of the time.  95% of cat owners admit that the talk with the cats.  The Cat in the average weight of 3.5 kilograms.  If the edges of the cat is not detectable, it is too thick.  Whiskers help the cat to determine whether it will climb through the hole.  If the cat's hips stick out more than cheek, then it loses the correct perception. Do not be surprised if the cat get into the hole in which one part is not prolazit.  The number of cats in America has reached almost 68 million in 1996. According to the magazine "American Demographics" they make 200 million yawns per hour and sleep 425 million times a day.  According to the University of Lyon (France), the world's 400 million domestic cats. Give the palm to Australia, where 10 residents have nine cats. On the Asian continent first place for Indonesia, there are more than 30 million furry animals, and in Europe - for France, whose people have in their custody eight million cats. However, there are countries such as Peru, Gabon, where the domestic cat is almost never.  Each year Americans spend four billion dollars on food for cats. It - one billion dollars more than they spend on food for infants.  According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest cat in the world was the Australian cat Himmy, who weighed 21 kg. Record was set in 1986. His waist was 84 centimeters. Previous record holder - Spice, orange and white cat from Connecticut, weighed 20 kilograms when he died in 1977.  The most a tiny cat in the world was a Himalayan cat Tinker Toy from Illinois. He weighed 680 grams and was 18 inches long and its height was 7 cm  Your cat - not necessarily "right handed" or "lefty." 40% of cats are the two legs, while the other 60% prefer the right or left paw.  The cat just sweat pads. You may have noticed wet footprints on the table after a veterinary examination or examination when picked up cat?  Cats can publish about 100 different sounds. For comparison - only about 10 dogs.  Cats, unlike dogs, can not focus the mind on close objects, that is far-sighted cats and dogs - short-sighted. In fact, it is best to see the cat at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters.  Sensitivity to cat volume is 3 times higher than in humans. If we listen to loud music or in the room rattles telivizor, you should give your cat an opportunity to go to another room.  Cats perceive sound frequencies in the range of 50 to 60 kHz. The dog responds to sound with a frequency around 40 kHz. Man is able to capture the sounds of 20 kHz.  Cats smell is 14 times stronger than humans.  The cat shakes the lower jaw and teeth chattering, only if the output is unattainable.  In addition to the nose, cats can pick up odors with a so-called "tube Jacobson", located on the upper sky behind the front incisors. The cat uses it, when fully focus on some particularly interesting scent, drawing in his breath, slightly raising his upper lip and nose.  Grooming calming, neutralizes zarazhdayuschuyusya aggressiveness. If the cat can not decide which way to go, she should think about their behavior. In a state of uncertainty is the universal prescription: when in doubt lick.  Toilet should be in a secluded spot, the cat is not shy, and away from the bowl with food, because cats do not like to soil near the place where they eat.  The cat in the moving average of 12 whiskers on each side of the muzzle. At the base of whiskers has a large number of nerve endings, so the cat gets them with information about everything that surrounds it - on the subjects of the wind, the temperature, etc. If you remove the cat whiskers, it may be hard to navigate in space, such as hunting and general bad feeling insecure.  The scientific name of a mustache - vibrissae - so they are often in the literature as simply ruskoyazychnoy whiskers. Whiskers really vibrate.  If the cat's whiskers are looking forward - it seems very interested. Or in clashes wants to scare the opponent. If the whiskers look back - cat scared, she avoids touching.  Nerves in the cat's ears give out - they have it finely twitch, but the cat can sit and watch. It is even possible, touching the cat in this state, getting her hiss and strike with his paw.  If attacking someone cat ears tightly to the head. This is to protect from teeth and claws of the enemy. If the cat is attacking itself, the ears, she lowers horizontally and laterally, forming a triangle.  Cat-fights are short, but very fierce. Their main weapon in the fight - his teeth.  When we pat the cat, we have reduced heart rate and blood pressure. And people with cardiovascular disease have a chance to live longer if they have a cat, as opposed to those who do not have any cats or dogs.  Murchanie cat treat people the same acoustic oscillations, and may help slow osteoporosis and even bone regrowth in the elderly.  According to scientific research, biological cat has a positive effect on the human nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, stabilize heart function, relieves joint pain, headache stimulates rapid healing of injuries, cures internal inflammatory diseases. Usually, healing effect on a person by the cat when he, stroking, caressing and talking to his pet with him. The hands of man is the projection points of all the vital organs, and stroke - a kind of gentle massage. Through the palm cat power leads man's organs working in the right rhythm.  Cats live with people for more than ten thousand years. In the ancient world worshiped them, considering sacred animals, messengers of the gods.  Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning, when losing a favorite cat.  In ancient Egypt during the time of the pharaohs daughter of the god Ra - Bast, depicted as a cat.  In Egypt, the cat is not only appreciated for its divine essence, besides the fact that cats kill mice and snakes, they also were trained to collect dead birds for hunting.  In ancient Rome, a face cat repeatedly depicted next to the goddess of freedom and independence of Libertas.  In the XVIII century in some clinics for the mentally ill there staff "treatment of cats" for its petting pacifying raging patients.  Smokey the cat was in England, "Blue Cross" for the salvation of the hosts during the fire. She woke up when they stormed an apartment fire.  In Japan, at the gates of houses are figurines of a cat - a symbol of home and comfort.  Cardinal Richelieu, who had 12 cats in the palace, who lived in his room, he showed them a lot more good feelings than to the people around him.   It is believed that a white cat on the threshold before the wedding - a sign of good luck. In America, white cats - a symbol of good luck, bad luck black. We have a sign that black cats protect the house from thieves.             Â
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